Michael: Oh, that doesn't work for you?
Aaaah! Lawyer. Used Car Saleswoman. Potato. Tomato.
Hmm... this would be #5, right? Or is it #4?
Answered on the Dark Side. Or you can recount by taking a glance at the
NH TOC Nope. It's "Blank Boy!"
Oh, look. He's not streaking this time.
It's almost October. I didn't want him to catch a chill.
Yes. The Incredible Flying Man.
Yeah, him too.
Hey, it's not his fault. He's detoxing from Lois. That's one hell of a hangover...
Blackout sex. Not good, Clark... Good thing this isn't Clark.
And it would only have taken him a couple of extra seconds, so, it's not really an issue...
With the exception that he doesn't know how to do anything.
So long as he doesn't go around asking if they know who his secret identity is.
Me thinking even with amnesia, he understands the definition of "secret".
He really should move to L.A.?
What? There aren't any people walking around NYC or Gotham or Metropolis wearing tights? Me thinks so, unless it has changed a lot since I was last there.
Yeah, well, he was just fired from his last job for shoddy work-ethics and embezzlement.
Yes, poor Clark.
So, he's not seen a picture of them shaking-up before his mission and is going to look her up, assuming she's his girlfriend? Because that would be *loooot's* of fun!
That was the photo of him FLYING LK into the Met Star offices. He hasn't seen a photo of LK and him kissing pre-Nightfall mission #1.
Did he use Charlie to Lois's knowledge in GEM?
Nope. He's all new.
*sigh* And that closes the Linda's-boyfriend angle for good.
Or does it?