Michael: All caught up and ready for the next letter dropping part posting tonight, I see.
Hmm... one question. How does Henderson know of "Lola Dane"?
Henderson worked Luthor's death. Two mornings after Lex's party. You don't think he'd have heard about Lois's show stopping performance as "Lola Dane"?
Yes. But it was more of an emergency wedding than an escape from the tabloids.
Emergency wedding? To stop the...
never mind.
That's what secret identities are for. Can you imagine: Superman goes into hiding as Charlie King, only shows up for rescues and avoids Lois Lane whenever he sees her
I wish I had thought of that detour!
Ahh, no. Not 'lost puppy'. Lost bull, perhaps.
But does one really bring a lost bull home with them? Me thinks not. Me thinks they leave them alone... and keeps their distince.
Huh. Didn't see that one coming.
Henderson know. Plus he's been to MJ's Cafe before, when he went to retrieve the bugs from Clark.
Well, now she has a lot more in her arsenal to make him forgive her for just about anything.
That rapier wit?
So, he's coming over on his own?
She's not telling some random policeman that her husband has amnesia and thinks he's Superman.
And they can't even throw him down the roof now.
They could, but what would be the point?
Amnesia only has one channel.
Is Jonathan suggesting she might be agreeable to wait?
Jonathan doesn't know better.
Aaah, but there's that metabolism...
What does he remember about that? Nada.
Ah, I doubt his Dad would be able to help if it isn't working and Lois isn't able to make it work on her own.
THAT's not what he meant!
Am I the only one who didn't think of Mayson here?
Maybe Superman isn't the only one with a one-track mind.
Logic dictates that he already knows how Lois looks like. But, he isn't referring to her like that. OTOH, he wouldn't go with Mayson, would he?
Nope, he doesn't remember Mayson either. And one usually doesn't confuse a blonde for a brunette.