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Oh, look see! There’s already a bunch of FDK in here. Should I even try to leave something… "I thought I was there so you could gloat." Your point being? "You can't multi-task?" Her smile returned and she gave his shoulder a playful punch.  /hopes Clark does not repeat jokes he heard while at the Metropolis Men's Club. "Just a second," Lois shouted from inside, her words punctuated by short little clip-clops as she ran closer to the door in high heels. So, just like Lucky Leon? In an instant, all the air seemed to leave his lungs. And she just made her hair. The iridescent beading across the bodice seemed a valid excuse for his attention to linger a little longer there. Down Clark! This is evening wear! Tonight her hair was styled as a riot of curls that perfectly illustrated the sexy, uncontrolled vibe that Lois projected. "It won't matter," Clark assured her. "Every man there is going to be looking at you." […] As it turned out, Linda was wearing a bright red dress with a neckline that plunged so deeply as to almost reveal her bellybutton. "Would you look at that?" Lois muttered. "She never disappoints." What? She still needs somebody to pick up her hotel bill later that night. "Linda!" Lois chirped brightly. "That dress suits you. I haven't seen anything like it since I did that story on drag queens." And here I expected her mention the date-experience callgirl ring. Linda's answering smile was just as fake. "Oh hello, Lois. I didn't see you at first. That color always washes you out, don't you think?" “Maybe. But Clark doesn’t” "It's your night to shine -- or whatever ‘flash’? Lois glared at him as Linda walked away. "You should wipe that lipstick off your face before it leaves a scorch mark." Huh. Kryptonite? "It's not like I asked her to kiss me," he said defensively. His point being? "That is never coming off, Clark. I hope you're happy." Oh boy. Hope he remembers when he has to fly off as Superman. There’ve been too many embarrassing incidents of late. OOooh! So, you skipped the movie. Good. That means I still have time? If I can track down Muse and explain to her that gallivanting around with all things binary is not the proper form… Lois was out of her seat and headed for the exit before the lights came up. She moved past Linda, who was sitting with a frozen smile on her face, without saying a word. Huh. Clark was utterly baffled by Lois' behavior. /raises hand, too/ . Her moment of triumph had arrived and she seemed determined to miss it. Instead of gloating at the after-party, she was headed for home. Did Lois actually turn up in the movie? He brought up the fact that they had only been mentioned in passing. Is she angry she *didn’t* turn up?
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Their roles in uncovering Carpenter's machinations had been left out of the movie entirely. Lois only shrugged. That was pure fiction, just like the kiss between the painfully wooden actors playing Linda and Superman. Uh-oh. He was almost insulted, but the situation was so far from any kind of reality that he very much doubted anyone could believe it had actually happened. Superman would never kiss a reporter in front of the assembled press. Or a megalomaniac billionaire. Clark was about to ask if that scene was what was bothering her but something in her posture made him hesitate. ‘Mad Lois with a piece of Kryptonite’? "Not really. I have a massive headache all of a sudden. Good night, Clark." Huh. There was the faint sound of her refrigerator door opening. "Don't do this to yourself," Lois whispered. She let out a sigh. "She made it up. She's the biggest, fattest, trashiest liar in the world." The refrigerator door slammed closed. "And he kissed her."  Michael PS: Sorry, if that's too long an FDK  /marvels at birth of latest oximoron/
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Always happy to see something from you. Loved it as usual. Great job and wonderful ending.
Superman: I hear you've been looking for me. Lois: All my life.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Ok I am going to admit that I am an idiot. I read this story late last night (obviously i should have been sleeping). When it got to the last line, I thought, I don't get it, what am I missing ?. It was a good story, don't get me wrong, I was just missing the punch line. Today I read the fdk and realize, I had totally forgotten about the lipstick. Shows you what lack of sleep does. So I have gone back and re read the story. It makes so much more sense now.
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to the sequel.
Superman is what I can do, Clark is who I am.
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I won't answer your question, though, because there is a companion story to this one from Lois' POV in the very near future. A companion story, ooh I'm liking this more and more! Can't wait for the companion piece to be posted! Cheers Elizabeth
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Freelance Reporter
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I loved this story! And I have admit that I forgot about the lipstick as well. :-) I can't wait for the companion piece!
I heart Clark Kent.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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 I do LOVE Sue S. stories! I really liked this story. I had forgotten all about the lipstick. It was fun to go back and re-read. It's a different story altogether the second time around. Her eyes narrowed and he wondered if he was being indicted for a crime he hadn't committed. The first time around, I took this at face value. I thought the crime was kissing Linda, and Superman had been unjustly accused. The second time around, I read it differently. Clark is guilty as charged. I wasn't quite sure when she figured it out, though. Part of me even suspected that she knew all along, because she seemed almost curt with Clark on the way back from the theater. But I suppose it's more probable that she realized when she scrutinized him upon his arrival and saw the lipstick. As I read it the second time around, I was thinking to myself that I'd give anything to be able to get inside Lois's head. I am SO happy to see you will be letting us do just that. I've very much looking forward to seeing the story from Lois's POV. Please don't keep me waiting TOO long!
"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster
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Oh my goodness! I was tied up all day yesterday in meetings and it was killing me that I couldn't come check the site compulsively. And now look! New FDK! Yet again I have been spared the lesson about not getting my hopes up. :p Virginia - Deadline - I like it! I'll credit you appropriately - thanks! Ken - No worries! I don't trust my smart phone to do lots of things. I've tried pulling up the site on it, but once I expand it enough to be able to read it's a huge pain to try and navigate around. I'm not sure I'd dare trying to create a post.  I'm glad you liked the story and delighted to hear that you'd forgotten about the lipstick. I think stories are a lot more fun when they surprise you. Michael - Holy hell!!! Jackie - Hopefully you know by now that I'm always happy to see something from you, too! Joy - Thank you! Caincrazy -  I've done that before myself - read a story and gone 'huh?' at the end because I was on auto-pilot. I'm glad you gave it a second read. Elizabeth - I'm still polishing the other story. I wasn't able to do much Monday night or yesterday, but this afternoon is looking good for me. Jen - Thanks! I'm glad you forgot about the lipstick and that you liked the story. Vicki - There you are! Don't think your absence went unnoticed. I figured you were caught up in RL stuff and I never know whether to shoot off an email or not. quote: ________________________________________ Her eyes narrowed and he wondered if he was being indicted for a crime he hadn't committed. ________________________________________ The first time around, I took this at face value. I thought the crime was kissing Linda, and Superman had been unjustly accused. The second time around, I read it differently. Clark is guilty as charged. That is exactly what I was going for! I wasn't quite sure when she figured it out, though. Part of me even suspected that she knew all along, because she seemed almost curt with Clark on the way back from the theater. <snip> As I read it the second time around, I was thinking to myself that I'd give anything to be able to get inside Lois's head. Her curtness will be explained. And you'll get to see the movie, the ride home and then the aftermath from Lois' perspective. Thanks to everyone whose posted comments. If you knew just how much that meant to me, you might think I was pathetic. I'm kidding. You'd definitely think I was pathetic. 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I don't even know where to start in answering your FDK! (That is most definitely NOT a complaint.) /wipes brow in relief/ I think it's almost as long as the story itself. Oopsie. It *was* five pages in Word... It's worth all the time invested in writing a story to be able to virtually watch over your shoulder as you read it. I don't remember who it was, but I do recall seeing someone on this site complain that Lois was wildly out of character in 'The Rival'. Yeah. I do like the more rough-around-the-corners Lois, too. She gives Clark so much more grief  Michael
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Sue! What a treat to click in here tonight and see this posted. A new Sue!fic. I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if a poking email would be well received, and you anticipated me with a new story! Yay! "I was almost suffocated in a freezer! Is it asking so much for my best friend to gloat with me when my frenemy's vanity project blows up in her face?" I love the set-up of this date. Nothing like watching Superman on the big screen unknowingly sitting beside the read deal. And I love that you used the term "frenemy" Tonight her hair was styled as a riot of curls that perfectly illustrated the sexy, uncontrolled vibe that Lois projected. What a great description. "It won't matter," Clark assured her. "Every man there is going to be looking at you."
For a fleeting moment her cheeks flushed. Then Lois rolled her eyes at him. "Nice try, Kent. Let's go." Awh, shucks. Maybe it had the same effect on her because she blinked and her mouth went slack. Her hand rose to touch his face, her eyes leaving his to track the movement of her fingers across his cheek. Maybe, or perhaps she just discovered your deepest, darkest secret. Hee! Busted, Superman. She gave him a smile that was dazzling in its sincerity. "I'm not asking you to tell me the whole truth." I love that she gets him to confess his love. Lois shivered, her body brushing lightly against his. "Thank you," she whispered and went on tiptoe to leave a light kiss on his jaw. Clark closed his eyes to memorize the sensation. "You know, if this were a movie, we'd make love tonight. One perfect, never-to-be-repeated night." But since it's not a movie, you can make love tonight and have it be oft-repeated! "Lois, I--" he murmured but got no further when her finger touched his lips to silence him.
"Shh." Her fingers moved, caressing softly over his cheek. "I told you that lipstick was never going to come off." Great last line; love the ending! So nice to see something new from you, Sue.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Originally posted by Sue S.: Her curtness will be explained. And you'll get to see the movie, the ride home and then the aftermath from Lois' perspective.
I just saw this and I can't tell you how excited it makes me to hear that there is more. I so love getting both perspectives in a revelation. Woohoo!
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Bwaaaahhhhhaaaa. That was great!!!!!!! Yes, indeed. The lipstick never comes off. Artemis
History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
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Oooh! Look! More! Michael - I shall endeavor to give you something worthy of commenting. <g> You're very welcome to include it in the archived version if you feel like it. I just might, at that. Emily - Awww! A poking email from you is always well received. (Speaking of which - check your email.) I'm glad you liked the story so much! Especially since you picked out most of my favorite details to highlight. Artemis - Yay! I'm glad I could entertain you! In this instance, it's a darn good thing the lipstick never came off. Lois might actually end up owing Linda a favor. Thanks to everyone for recharging my batteries (as it were). You guys are the best! 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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OK. /cracks whip/ Start posting on that Lois POV story, will you? /cracks whip again/ What, you don't work well with whips? How about some frenzied pleading, followed by abject begging? 
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Joined: Apr 2010
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Absolutely! I'm with IolantheAlias! You have got to post Lois side of the story!
A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Nice! Whip cracking and pleading! This week ended up being a lot more frantic at work than I had expected and I wasn't able to do much in the evenings either. But it's done now and I've just sent it off to the betas. 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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Count me among the surprised. What fun!
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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I just can never pass up a Sue story -- and this one did not disappoint! I LOVED it! Had me laughing in some parts and enjoying the Waffs in others. But the kicker, oh my -- was the last line! Perfection!!
Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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But the kicker, oh my -- was the last line! Perfection!! I agree and, please, post Lois POV story. Great story. Il loved it. 
Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile ! (Edmond Rostand)