Just stumbled on this! Have NO idea how you will get Clark out of it, short of a confession from Lana. I kinda love that you made her an obsessive crazy person. It works for her, lol, in a hideously deranged kind of way...

My questions up to this point -- Not that I expect you to answer them, but just so you know what I'm thinking:

Didn't Clark touch the gun? His fingerprints will be found.

Didn't Lana touch all the things in Clark's bathroom, so there should be evidence that someone was there, and they can get her prints?

I thought Clark might try to use Lois as an alibi, but that got ruled out in this part, since she said she hadn't seen nor heard from him...

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink