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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereStill behind on my parts cushion, I'll be posting the next part late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Hopefully these next few parts will write themselves (as I've written them already in my mind) and we can get back to every other day postings again soon. I just know if I let my cushion lapse, it will disappear completely and then you'll be REALLY waiting days between postings. Thank you for continued patience and for reading my convoluted story. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think of Ms. Wishy-Washy and Mr. Stubborn.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/27/14 12:53 PM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Wow that was a close call with Superman, I can't believe he didn't cave! And Clark and the sweets! Makes sense, very creative! And poor Lois is still trying to remember her real Clark, why isn't this one exactly right. Sheesh! You are driving us crazy! LOL. More soon!
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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“Are you all right?” he asked at the same time she yelled, “What do you think you’re doing?” Is a bit confused about what’s going on. But that’s okay. Lois put her hands on her hips. “Well, who asked you to?” Oh? Trouble in paradise? “I was on the trellis, because I got interrupted while searching the plant manager’s office. I wasn’t in any danger,” She only had the door open a crack when she heard Lucy’s laughter. Oh, God, no. Not tonight, she groaned. Ooooh! Thin bedroom walls? They better not have polished off the last of her chocolate ice cream.  That’s what the angry-Lois sticker is for, with the word ‘Mine!’ written below. She came home one night gushing about how happy she was. She even called him ‘the one’.”
Lois winced, tears dampening her eyes as she leaned her head against the wall. She hadn’t been talking about Clark. that Lois dumped him, publicly, on the newsroom floor, but then took the coffee he had brought her.” 
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What? Lois shrugged. Should she have dumped it out or let it go to waste? Please!  No manners. She at least could have given him break-up sex. There’s the group that thinks CK was withholding information from her on a story. Capital offense. Another group believes that he didn’t tell her something about himself that came to blow up in his face. Umm… I don’t know if he knows the truth or not, but he and CK have become the best of buds. I can’t tell you how many ball games, car shows, movies, and just hanging out they’ve done together this summer. They might be right about the sexual orientation thing? Not that she would succeed of course, because Superman would surely swoop in from the ether and take the knife away from her. She should do that in the bathroom? So, Lois went in to her corner mom and pop grocery and bought herself a quart of chocolate chocolate chunk ice cream to eat on the cab ride over to the office. Clark stared at Lois with a haunted expression. “I just can’t, Lois, and if you care even a little bit for me, you won’t bring it up again.” Did he eat so much sweets as a kid that he wasn’t fast enough to rescue his parents? Deal breaker? What was he talking about? /points at/ “I love chocolate. Love it! I can’t picture myself being with a man who won’t eat it. I’d feel like a pig being the only one eating sweets all the time,” “Goodbye, Lois,” he whispered, letting go of her and heading for the stairwell. That can’t be good. If he didn’t come back to the newsroom that evening, she would go to his apartment and beg him to tell her the truth. Uuuuummm… And was it been three months already? You jumped ahead 6 weeks. He got there a week early.  Michael
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I like how you've explained Clark's aversion to sweets. Very nice. Lois seems a bit wackier than usual - considering dating Lex to make Superman jealous or cutting Clark completely out of her life. And poor Alt-Clark is so keenly aware that he isn't the real Clark.
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Thanks to all my readers who are sticking with me through the dark patches (and extra Jimmys). Laura: Clark/Superman has one rule regarding Lois, which he's clinging to (since he's broken all the others): Only Clark is allowed to kiss Lois. And, yes, Lois is making it difficult, VERY difficult, for him to hold onto that one. And Clark and the sweets! Makes sense, very creative! Thanks.  This was a bonus reveal that Clark gave me for letting him kiss Lois. (If you give your character what they want every once in a while, they'll give you something in return.  ) Of course, he was kissing her goodbye because he thinks they'll never be able to have a relationship due to her sweets ultimatum. We shall have to see how that works out. And poor Lois is still trying to remember her real Clark, why isn't this one exactly right. It's those little nagging doubts that are driving her crazy. Sheesh! You are driving us crazy! LOL. More soon! You want me to drive you crazy more and soon? Okay. Joan: More from Clark's POV on his sweets aversion soon. Lois seems a bit wackier than usual - considering dating Lex to make Superman jealous or cutting Clark completely out of her life. Yes, poor Lois is being thrown through a loop, being attracted to both sides of the same man and not knowing it's the same man, all the while knowing that something's off, is sending her through an emotional roller coaster. I did mention that I'd be torturing my characters in this story, didn't I?  Dating Lex was the only way she knew to get an obvious reaction out of Superman. Probably bad to use a megalomaniac that way, but well, technically Lex's using her to torture Superman as well. And poor Alt-Clark is so keenly aware that he isn't the real Clark. He knows he's no canon Clark, but as far as he knows the Kal-El from this dimension died upon his spaceship's impact with Earth. He doesn't know he's in competition with the ghost of an alt-canon-Clark.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael: A note about this entire part. It was originally a flashback to Lois' Octopus bargain, which I fleshed out a bit and went a little overboard. The scene it was originally tucked into comes up in Part 26, which will clarify some of the references that were never explained in this part. Well, Superman isn't giving Lois what she wants, so... yes. That’s what flying and super-fast reflexes are for.  stickers always seem to fall off the frozen stuff. No manners. She at least could have given him break-up sex. Well, since it was a fake relationship, she tried to give him fake loving, but he rejected her, wanting only the real thing. Yep. They might be right about the sexual orientation thing? Just two guys pining over women they've been denied. They've got to do something with their spare time. She should do that in the bathroom? I'm guessing that Clark would break his no-peeking in the bathroom rule if he saw her carrying a knife in there. Oopps. Out of Smilies.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael - FDK response - Part 2 She’s still headed for ending up like Chaabrah’s Lois in The Girl's Not Attractive. Still waiting on the next installment of that one. And I'm putting her on work-out program soon. And did he fol-erm stalk her and then wait for her up in the newsroom? No, he went to the DP to work on his story. He didn't know she'd show up. And she doesn’t even realize just how wrong this all is, does she? Nah, she knows Lex really isn't interested. At least she isn't issuing a challenge to Lex by not being interested in him. He is bad for her, too. Separating her from her baby. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hi Virginia,
I finished reading this this morning.
Disappointing if she decided to completely ace Clark out.
Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks" My stories can be found herekj
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Originally posted by KenJ: Disappointing if she decided to completely ace Clark out. A temporary blip, I reassure you.  That's the great thing about us women: the perogative to change our minds. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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It was originally a flashback to Lois' Octopus bargain, which I fleshed out a bit and went a little overboard. Let's hope she's not with Clark at the time. /imagines Clark performing the Heimlich maneuver. You mean "Clark" saves her from those things, instead of "Superman". Yep. Those [Grumble] stickers always seem to fall off the frozen stuff. Superman asked her to be more careful (i.e. change), not Clark. Somehow, I can’t imagine Lois accepting this distinction once she knows the truth. Then again, she might be too busy orking after she knows the truth to care much about past transgressions. Superman gave Clark a brain? Well, *his* brain. Same brain. Whatever. You'll have to get that brace.  Michael
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Yes, well, my characters sometimes like to repay me for letting them kiss. But if I let have too much rein they tend to choke me with it and the story gets lost. Then I have to draw it back in, whip them soundly (usually just Clark, but it's a regular whip so it doesn't hurt him much), and point them in the correct direction. (At one point I sent Clark to stand in Sue's closet so I could move the story on... maybe THAT's why we haven't heard from Sue lately.) They still tug me back to letting them canoodle, but I steer them back until I can finally write something with some substance... otherwise my readers would be  and asking me which Jimmy is which again, and if it really matters. Lois would be much more grateful and Superman more shocked and thus vulnerable. There have been Superman/Lois stories that started that way and ended with a baby. I've already tortured Tank enough with the two Jimmys. Do you really think he could handle a baby too? It has an all-you-can-snoop buffet. Or, it is a black gloves affair. reaction to the concept of this part having come to an end. Oh, dear, I Bill the Cat'd you? 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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So sorry for the late review! I've been busy the last few days driving to Southfield and Kalamazoo and everywhere in between! But now I'm home and ready to review. “I was on the trellis, because I got interrupted while searching the plant manager’s office. I wasn’t in any danger,” she said, pushing on his chest. “As soon as he left I was planning on going back inside. Instead, Superman ‘rescued me’, alerting security to my location. Anything else I would’ve found in the office will be long gone... if I would be able to get back into the office now. Let’s just hope I have something in the documents I had time to scan so that I’ll still be able to salvage an article out of all my work.” Sorry if my superhero-ing is interfering with your breaking and entering, but I'm trying to keep you alive xD “I don’t need to be saved at every moment of every day,” Survey says....yes you do. “And you have to understand that sometimes your actions send me into a blind panic over your safety. If anything were to happen to you…”
“Kiss me,” she demanded. I feel kind of guilty, moving in with the dude for the summer and then…” Jimmy coughed.
Stealing the woman James was crushing on out from under him, Lois finished his thought. Not cool Lois stuck out her tongue in disgust. She couldn’t continue to hear any more of this tripe or she would slit her throat before the hour was up just to get away from it. Not that she would succeed of course, because Superman would surely swoop in from the ether and take the knife away from her. He would “You could dump him and date me instead.” He said the words playfully, but she knew he meant them. Great idea! “Oh, like he would want to save me after I dumped him for the likes of you, a mild mannered reporter,” she scoffed, actually allowing a bubble of laughter to escape at that thought.
“Of course he would, Lois; he loves you. Anyway, if he let anything happen to my girlfriend, I’d punch him in the nose.”
The laughter came out in full force then. Damn him! Clark always made her feel better. “That would do more damage to your fist than his nose,” she replied.
“Fine. A stern talking to or scolding then,” Clark said, tightening his embrace around her. “Nobody hurts my Lois and gets away with it.” Clark cupped her jaw with the palm of his hand and set his lips upon hers in a kiss that she felt down to her toes. It wasn’t like the passionate kiss they had shared on Trask’s plane. This one was unassuming, loving, perfect.
Oh, God! Why did he do that? Didn’t he know he was melting her resolve with that tender, non-demanding kiss? Now, all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and to beg him never to let her go.
“Goodbye, Lois,” he whispered, letting go of her and heading for the stairwell. Huh? They had known that he liked those things and had gone into town to buy them for him. He knew it was a crazy theory, but maybe if he hadn’t liked to eat such sweets, his folks would still be alive today. Either way, he hadn’t been able to touch sweets from that day onwards. Ahh, that explains the aversion to sweets. He's coming back though, right? He can't just leave...
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X Phile:  I hope you had a great vacation! Sorry if my superhero-ing is interfering with your breaking and entering, but I'm trying to keep you alive xD  It's only mid-July. The next time-machine won't arrive for a month, by then... 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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In fact, if Lois were to take Superman out of the equation, she would be very tempted by Clark’s offer, more so than if he had been Lex. This was a running point in the Silver (and early Bronze) ages of the Superman comics. In one of them, I distinctly remember one where (depending on the outfit he was wearing at the time) Clark became "normal" (meaning he had no powers) and decided to test a hypothesis that he might be able to leave well enough alone in the world for a week and nothing major happen. It was during this time that Lois and Clark's relationship took a major step forward and (it was implied but the authors of the story have since said it was true) began a more serious relationship (complete with the implication that Lois stayed over for the night. This point was also carried out with the Earth-2 story where Clark (no longer knowing he is "super") gets married to Lois. If Superman wasn't there he wouldn't hold back. Of course this is slightly different for the two Clarks of the series as they always attempted to live the life of "Clark" through and through and not as a "cover" (although I have to say your Earth-2 one is living it as more of a cover than the original one did but that has more to do with the fact that there is no evidence of a Clark Kent other than a burial plot on private land.) Lois’ eye followed the path of her ice cream to her desk. She could hear the chocolaty goodness call to her. She picked up the carton again and took another bite, letting the flavors dance on her tongue as she moaned, almost with desire. There was something about eating chocolate ice cream that echoed the feeling of being with Clark, without all the unpleasant guilt that being in another man’s arms gave her. “Would you like a bite, Clark?” Lois asked, holding out her spoon. Oh the call of rich, dark, creamy chocolate. Suddenly, over the lure of Clark’s relationship offer, washed the wrongness of it. Clark was supposed to love sweets. He was supposed to have a bigger sweet tooth than even her. She knew this to be true. Why was he turning it down?
“Come on, Clark, just one bite,” she coaxed playfully, waving the spoonful of chocolaty goodness. Tease. Just not the sort of tease he needs right now. I just wish he didn't have this phobia over junk food. Clark blanched as he took a step away from her, his face a picture of disgust. “Lois, I told you that I don’t eat sweets. Respect that, please. I wouldn’t ask you to change for me, please don’t ask this of me.” It almost sounds like it's almost a turn- off for this Clark. Clark stared at Lois with a haunted expression. “I just can’t, Lois, and if you care even a little bit for me, you won’t bring it up again.”
What? What was he talking about? What had she said? She couldn’t remember. All she could think about was this man in front of her, and how good it felt to be near him. Lois set down her ice cream and stepped closer to him. She didn’t like this expression on Clark’s face. It was as if she could feel the pain he was feeling, and it made her chest ache. She caressed his cheek, turning it towards her. “Tell me, Clark,” she requested softly. “Sure you can, Clark. Just tell me,” she said, moving closer to him, her chest leaning against his. “I’ve told you all my secrets. You can trust me with yours.”
Clark cupped her jaw with the palm of his hand and set his lips upon hers in a kiss that she felt down to her toes. It wasn’t like the passionate kiss they had shared on Trask’s plane. This one was unassuming, loving, perfect.
Oh, God! Why did he do that? Didn’t he know he was melting her resolve with that tender, non-demanding kiss? Now, all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and to beg him never to let her go.
“Goodbye, Lois,” he whispered, letting go of her and heading for the stairwell. You know Clark, you don't have to hold this one back at least. It's not like she's ever going to meet the Kents. There was more to his aversion to sweets that he wasn’t telling her, that was for sure. If he didn’t come back to the newsroom that evening, she would go to his apartment and beg him to tell her the truth. Well, beg was the wrong word. Demand, yes, demand to have him tell her the truth. I hope she does do this. Although something tells me this may be one of those thoughts that slips her mind. Had Superman implanted some Kryptonian device into Clark? Something that would allow him to access Clark’s mind? Read his thoughts? Communicate with him? Was that why he kept pushing Lois towards Clark? Because having a relationship with Clark would be tantamount to having a relationship with him… at least from his point of view? Well the reading thoughts thing is fairly accurate but not for the reason she thinks. As for the "Communicate with him" thing... if he happened to be two different men, Superman could still do that considering his ability to be telepathic. Is she seeing Superman as some sort of super-voyeur??
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Christina: Thank you for the lengthy FDK. This was a running point in the Silver (and early Bronze) ages of the Superman comics. In one of them, I distinctly remember one where (depending on the outfit he was wearing at the time) Clark became "normal" (meaning he had no powers) and decided to test a hypothesis that he might be able to leave well enough alone in the world for a week and nothing major happen. It was during this time that Lois and Clark's relationship took a major step forward and (it was implied but the authors of the story have since said it was true) began a more serious relationship (complete with the implication that Lois stayed over for the night. Those sound like an interesting plot. Too bad this was probably in the 80s when Superman looked Tease. Just not the sort of tease he needs right now. I just wish he didn't have this phobia over junk food. Don't worry she'll soon discover that there are other and better ways to tease this man. It almost sounds like it's almost a turn-off for this Clark. Actually, it is. You know Clark, you don't have to hold this one back at least. It's not like she's ever going to meet the Kents. He'll start opening up more, very soon. I hope she does do this. Although something tells me this may be one of those thoughts that slips her mind. It's not that it slips her mind, she decides that Clark is too much of a temptation with Superman holding her off. She's got all this pent up, let's call it energy, and Superman won't let her use it with him. Lois' thoughts on Clark will be clarified in the next part. (As I said before, the scenes in this part were originally a flashback to the first part of Part 26... but then got expanded until they became large enough to be their own part.) Well the reading thoughts thing is fairly accurate but not for the reason she thinks. As for the "Communicate with him" thing... if he happened to be two different men, Superman could still do that considering his ability to be telepathic. Ah, but neither of them know he has telepathic tendencies. Is she seeing Superman as some sort of super-voyeur?? She hopes not, because that sounds super creepy, but the thought did cross her mind.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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"If anything were to happen to you, I wouldn't know how to survive..." blah, blah, blah... without any follow up. If she was so important to him, that he wouldn't be able to stand it if anything should happen to her, why doesn't he kiss her? Therefore, Lois' demand. Am I right, or am I right? Right? Yeah. That’s what I thought. The  Michael
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Michael: You must have been really tired when responding to that FDK, because you commented on my responses to other people and not to you.  Always happy to keep you on your toes. Actually, Tank wrote a vignette on that possibility. But I won't supply the title, since I just gave away the twist ending.
Oooooh. I think I remember something about that. Or I might remember hearing about it But I *have* at one time read all the Tank stories on the archive, I think, so… I always worry about choosing a Tank story at random as I've heard such horror stories about the "Tank Endings". I've been lucky never to come across one yet (that I know of), so I'm not quite sure what they entail besides someone dying (other than Lois' hair or Jimmy). That’s what happens when you don’t get to FDK right away. Is this the line you were looking for? From my FDK from Part 24: Well, let’s see. Part 25 is kind of a bonus part in that it started out as a flashback during the first scene of Part 26, but then my characters insisted I draw it out and, well, it turned into an entire part. Oh! This is where Clark reveals a part of himself that I referred to earlier in FDK. How are them vague spoilers? I like your flasher! I saw a Halloween costume once where a man dressed like that and when he opened his raincoat a bright flashbulb went off blinding the viewer (I don't know if it was attached to a camera, but if it was -- that would be a funny set of photos  ).
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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You must have been really tired when responding to that FDK, because you commented on my responses to other people and not to you. [Clap] (Always accepted by this writer btw).  Michael
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quote:This was a running point in the Silver (and early Bronze) ages of the Superman comics. In one of them, I distinctly remember one where (depending on the outfit he was wearing at the time) Clark became "normal" (meaning he had no powers) and decided to test a hypothesis that he might be able to leave well enough alone in the world for a week and nothing major happen. It was during this time that Lois and Clark's relationship took a major step forward and (it was implied but the authors of the story have since said it was true) began a more serious relationship (complete with the implication that Lois stayed over for the night.
Those sound like an interesting plot. Too bad this was probably in the 80s when Superman looked [Dizzy] in the comics and Lois had big hair.
quote: This point was also carried out with the Earth-2 story where Clark (no longer knowing he is "super") gets married to Lois. If Superman wasn't there he wouldn't hold back.
Sound a bit like Nightfall. Was that during his super mullet days? Let's see... "Who took the Super out of Superman?" (The first story I mentioned here) was Superman #s 296 to 299 and were first published in 1976. I don't think her hair looked that bad personally. The original Earth-2 story takes place in 1950 (they were known as the "Mr. and Mrs. Superman" of the Superman Family books of the time.) The comic that this marriage takes place in was printed in 1978 (Action Comics #484.) The story is called "Superman takes a wife," (please remember that the silver/Bronze age titles are often misleading but he does marry her twice over-once when he didn't remember he was Superman and once during a Kryptonian marriage ceremony once he remembered who he was.)
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)