Strange. I thought you weren't reading Wrong Clark.
Not yet. Because I spent so much time on the ficathons and Specimen S, hopefully to hit the boards in September.
CLARK: Hee-hee, Lois. Jokes on you. Now, don't tell anyone else and see if they figure out I'm Superman too.
Bed without sleep = good time by all = we can get bad guys after sun comes up and Clark gets recharged = dating? Which is overrated? Why not just skip to the good stuff? Gfic, right.
<whistles innocently>
Actually, like Lois, I can.
Um... that line was from Clark's POV, not Lois's.
Whoops! Weird thing is, my brain is *still* reading that as Lois' POV for some odd reason.
LOIS: Oh, looky there, I forgot to reset my clock for the timechange. I guess it's only 8am. Are you still in your PJs?
Really? I remember Perry's ties being awful, but not Clark's. Artistic, yes. Awful, no. But, then again, my husband doesn't like the ties I like either.
Hmmm...Perry had a couple of not nice ones, but plently of solid ones. Clark had a few nice ones, most looked like pre-school fingerpaintings.
Here's a
guide to most of Clark's ties.
I don't remember her joking about her marriage with Clark. The closest thing would be the hypothetically future Mrs. Kent with the awful red hair dye job.
True, but this version of Lois is far less uptight.
I love that joke. That Clark can't lie is way out of a closet, but nobody knows he's actually Superman.
Gotta love it!
Oooooh. Catching Lex today?
Erm,'ll see.
You'd think that Perry would notice this flaw in his reporter.
He probably does, but has thought better of saying anything.
We're all trying our best to distract you with overly silly FDK. Does that help?
Yes, very much so!!!!