Originally posted by John Lambert:
In the second sentence, since it is what Lois "just knew", I think it should be "thankful to, she would break down", no need for a modifier.
Okay, thanks. Fixed (well, in the Archive version).
On another note, even without cutting the parts in half this story is looking to be well on the way to getting to 200 parts.
The parts haven't been "cut in half". I've steadied them out at roughly 18 double spaced pages. About that ballpark number...

I never meant for it to be that long. I never wanted it to be longer than Missing Lois (109 Parts). /Sigh/ Never say 'never', huh? It's the tucking in all those other ideas I probably would have put into other stories which made it so long. As you may have noticed, being 'concise' has never been my strong suit. It's a trait I envy in others. Back to writing Part 153...