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Cat set her hand on his arm, pushing it down. “Just proves she’s human after all.”

Clark gave her a sour look. “Of course she’s human.”

Where do you think Lois will spend the night?
Metropolis landfill… Hmm… No. Metropolis harbor. Hobbs Bay? The alley behind the Daily Planet? No, we’ve already done that location.

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Michael: Only 20 more parts to do by Tuesday to catch up! laugh Just joking, please don't pass out. Michael? Michael! Darn it.

<shocked Reader looking like Bill The Cat, hitting a wall and being chased by wildguys> Nah, Just kiddin’. Sort of. Kinda. And since I’m so behind that PML is likely posted by now, too, it’s not *that* bad a situation.

Right. He’s blameless. Just like it’s not his fault that there is no real Santa at the North Pole. /points at North Pole digging operation from Lex Mining that forcibly relocated an entire village of elves to the South Pole/
LEX: It's not like they were indiguous. They had transplanted themselves there and Santa was using them as slave labor. I rescued them.

Somehow I’m thinking they could probably blame Superman for that one, too.
CLARK: grumble Damned if I do. Damned if I don't.

Yep, Lois is already getting all gooey eyed over Lex.
Uh... no?

How about he drops Lex from 30,000 feet?
Nah, for that, I think they'd find SM guilty.

So, she’s just arguing for argument’s sake? Hoping for a little bit of make-up sex?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Oh, look. Is that Mayson Drake showing up early?

So, a Clark who keeps his mouth shut and his pants off?
LOIS: Funny that you should mention that...

His abs? His pecs? His bottom? His biceps?
LOIS: [Linked Image]

Not ‘love’ loved, just really, really liked it.

ER: So, liked it really hard, huh?
LOIS: YES! YES! YES! I mean, no. Not at all. That sounded like a double entendre, and I didn't mean that at all. Not in the slightest. No, sirree. We're just friends. Do you have any chocolate?

He really should have mentioned that Superman had been doing the transportation.
[Linked Image]

She had to ‘work’ with Lex Luthor that night?
Doubt Clark would have gone to Smallville in that case.

Hey, maybe Martha used Stevia?
Maybe. But it's 1993. More likely honey. wink

/goes back and forth on whether the right thing is meant to be Clark staying the night and keeping Lois in her apartment the next two weeks, or leaving/
LOIS: YES! That's exactly what I meant. I mean, I want the former, but he lied to me so it really should be the latter, but HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? I definitely want the former, you know?

It’s called ‘getting shot’.
LOIS: Phishaw! Got to cross that off my to-do list.

Ah, she’s going out as Superman-bait?
[Linked Image]

I’m sure Lex could change that.
LOIS: Bet he could try. Bet he fails.

LEX: Challenge Accepted!

The last thing she needed was him to hang out on her roof like some eagle hunting prey.

The terms are ‘gargoyle’ or ‘Batman’.
rotflol Yes, those are time-honored classics, but I was trying something new.

So, she’s telling Boyfriend A that he may please tell Boyfriend B that she will now entertain his company.
LOIS: Well, Boyfriend A did *dump* me.

/crosses fingers that Lois will interpret this as ‘wife’/
[Linked Image]

LOIS: He’ll have me now! He’ll have me now! ...

LOIS: Oh, shucks…

He said ‘with’, Lois. ‘with Clark’. Although, yes, she would belong ‘to’ Lex. Or ‘to’ Kal-El.
So, you don't think it's in Lois's character to hear something that wasn't said and beat someone over the head with the error?

Indeed. Lois alone for several minutes can invite all sorts of death and mayhem.
CLARK: Exactly!

Depends on whether the door is studded with Kryptonite shards. Actually, what if someone sent a bomb to Lois that contains Kryptonite shards in its outer layer. Depending on when Clark will get there, he’ll either fly away with the exploding package and get torn up or find Lois peppered with Kryptonite shards and faint on top of her before he realizes what’s going on.
<<clears throat>> She's assuming that Clark's human and the door is wood.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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- Response to Michael’s FDK – Cont.

Yes, I can imagine that he wouldn’t get much peace of mind if he slept with Lois in the same bed.
Well, maybe peace of "mind" but the rest of him...

CLARK: Superman, please, she’s my *soulmate*! You can have just about any girl you want. Can’t I at least have this one?
clap Just for the D.E. crowd.

He’s the guest. They could share.
LOIS: He's my self-appointed body guard. I couldn't have Superman pretending he was Batman on my roof again. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't start talking after the last time... Did you say share? Hmmmmm.

Let me guess. It’s the smallest one she had? Also <evil>
Why thank you. And no, it was normal sized... for a hand towel.

So, how can he know if there’s something wrong with it if he hasn’t seen any of it?

Co-worker 1: Looks like Kent bagged Lane again.
CW2: Ya think? No, I’ll go with she bagged him.
CW3: Who cares? This fifty says they’ll be splitsville again by noon.
RALPH: I call dibs on Lane.

Mr. T: How am I going to tell her that this isn’t a by-the-hour hotel without her ripping my head off? Maybe if I just asked her to see their marriage license…?
Mrs. T: I recommend doing it by letter. Then you don't have to face her directly.

Translation: She got frisky and had a ONS?
Yes, that's what she was afraid it was translated as.

/puts 50 cents down on ‘insane’/
LEX: <<matches bet>>

<<super excited Reader>> That was fast. PML might only be one part delayed! <<Super excited>> Huh. Wait. This is a Virginia Epic. And she’s eeeeeeeeeeVil.
[Linked Image] Doesn't mean I didn't pop you some corn to see you through, though.

I knew it. Being dressed in Secret Service clothes does not help. He should have gone with the blue muscle shirt and the red speedos.
Well, Lois does admit liking a man in uniform.

He could tell her that he’d leave in two month so she should kiss him now if she wants him.
CLARK: Nah. It just might make her mad.

It’s the very short-term implication of ‘several’ that’s worrisome.
It is possible that Clark eventually discovers this about Herb's math skills.

Well, hookers can’t. Okay, sometimes they can. It always depends on what exactly the client asks for.
CAT: I can type naked, actually I prefer to do so, but Perry asked me to stop because mine was the only article being turned in.

Of course, it was a big story if Lois was working on it.

Police academy graduation?
Technically, Clark did that assignment for her. AND if she'd done it the headline would have read: "Mayor's son arrested while trying to sell drugs at the Police Academy Graduation".

See? No chance that he’s now here, dressed up as Cat.
LOIS: Like anyone could hide in Cat's lack of clothing.

But she’s a frog!
Nope. Not yet. She's just an alt-canon-dimensional copy.

So, Cat wants her to admit to PMS?
CAT: Possibly.

LOIS: Not happening. I'm like this 24/7 - 52 weeks a year.

PERRY: I'll buy that one.

<<shocked Reader>> Clark thinks Lois is human!
What did you think he thought she was?

Clark’s from a different planet. They have different standards for romance there. It’s like today, nobody would think ‘romantic’ to a cave filled with dry rushes and a lit fire. And yet, 50,000 years ago, a man could score a dozen females with that trick.
Well, controlling fire was new back then.

Is this Cat’s version of the key-pot from the 70s swingers parties?

Virigns. Unfortunately for Clark, Lois isn’t one.
So, I guess he can't eat... never mind. I can't say that.

They celebrate an old dude dressed in a coat that’s deep red from the blood and carries a bag where he puts his victims. Hmm… No, that’s from Futurama or some show like that…

She’s spreading holiday cheer in the hotel lobbies around Metropolis?
CAT: Lobbies? Please! Suites. Thank you very much.

Poor working girl. Can’t go home until she’s scored at least one mark.
Luckily it's cold and men like to sleep someplace warm.

<<Reader goes into shock>> /minds goes to dark place/

You mean, like wearing a trenchcoat and a harem’s costume and jumping the gun?
Hmmmm. [Linked Image]

Yes, she would go to Clark’s apartment. He would let her stay the night, right? Of course, he would.

<<Evil Reader gets his party hat on>>
See, pre-PML fun.

Yes, good reason to move in with him.
LOIS: Yes, that's what I thought. What?

Metropolis landfill… Hmm… No. Metropolis harbor. Hobbs Bay? The alley behind the Daily Planet? No, we’ve already done that location.
You forgot Lex's penthouse.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Only 20 more parts to do by Tuesday to catch up!
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
EW: Only 20 more parts to do by Tuesday to catch up!

ER <<shocked that EW's poor math skills match Herb's>>
[Linked Image] 10 parts. For some reason my mind was thinking 80s, not 70s. Can we blame "late night sleepies"? laugh

Problem is, I already knew you’re only up to pt 74. But I did worry it’s just 20 parts total.
Oh, no, this one is definitely going to leave ML in the wind. evil Or is it dust? One of those two.

It’s not called a ‘rescue’ if the slave labor force is only transplanted into one’s own toy factory in Jin Szu province in central China.
LOIS: But, Mr. Luthor, you said you were taking them to the South Pole?

LEX: Er... um... Nigel, my right hand man, will take this question. I have a flight to a non-extridition country to catch!

Just like with Lois during PML.
CLARK: Should I take offense? Or is he referring to the curse?

Accident? He’s got insurance for that? Lex was just too darn slippery?
SUPERMAN: Do I have a superhero policy?

EW: Doubt Clark would have gone to Smallville in that case.

ER: South Pole?

LOIS: Yes, that's what I thought. What?

ER: Gotcha! /checks off box on how to use jump-without-checking-water-level-first impulses/
CLARK: Thank you, Dr. Michael, I was worried that she'd start eating frogs any day now.

ER: Metropolis landfill… Hmm… No. Metropolis harbor. Hobbs Bay? The alley behind the Daily Planet? No, we’ve already done that location.

EW: You forgot Lex's penthouse.

ER: [Linked Image]
So, it's better that danger find her, instead of her finding danger? Gotcha. <<Note to self, scrap next 15 chapters about Lois going ga-ga for Lex during PML.>> [Linked Image] Just joking.

And, yes, I do still find those jokes funny.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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10 parts. For some reason my mind was thinking 80s, not 70s. Can we blame "late night sleepies"?
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Ooooh! The curse. /wonders on how it’s been worded/ “Consummation of marriage”? “Consummation of their love”? “Going at it like bunnies”?

Hmm… since the next chapters all have tons of FDK, they’re either not that bad or the FDK is all filled with those <<wildguy>>
Um... Let's just say I have some enthusiastic and thoughtful Readers. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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CLARK: Lois, I love you and we can go at it like bunnies, but we can never get married or you'll die. Or if we do get married, we can never have sex again.

LOIS: [Mad] Oh, I see how it is.

CAT: And how is that different from any other marriage?
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
LOIS: Come on, Clark. We'll go home and play Kryptonian lord and virginal concubine again.

CLARK: <realizes the benefits of friends with benefits>

<<Reader likes this idea>> Although she didn’t look very virginal to me…
LOIS: Well, um, born-again virginal?

CLARK: Sure. Works for me. Let's go!

Those are the best kind, aren’t they? You know, readers?
I like them. smile1

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: Well, um, born-again virginal?

CLARK: Sure. Works for me. Let's go!
wave Michael

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