Lois knows how her husband died? I wonder if she also knows who and why? Because I sure don't!
Her reaction at the snow crater was as close to real life as I ever want to get. I've been in the room with a few people who have received notice of the sudden death of a loved one, and it's hard to take no matter how the aggrieved person reacts. Lois's reaction was heart-rending, and seeing her force herself out of grief mode and into real-world mode was both difficult and touching.
Who's going to tell the kids? How will they take the news? Did one of them (shudder) have anything to do with their father's death? Or has either Nor (or his avenger) or Zod finally arrived?
When this is done, I want to compare it to Catharine Bruce's
"Gone the Rainbow" and see which one hurts more. I suspect that either one would bring tears to the eyes of any L&C shipper.
I want to read the last part. I just hope I'm ready for it.