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quote: Maybe if she tied him down with a tie of his?

Actually, there's a new fic about that...
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Kinda sorta. Just opened the happy page and tried for some variety.
Variety is the spice of life. laugh

Sounds like the wife’s awfully mercurial.
FREDERICKS: Maybe Mr. Kent likes that in a woman?

Did she find the pictures of her fiancée at the bachelor party? The one where her sister (and maid of honor) was the cake-surprise? And then decided to forgive him because he *does* have a smokin’ hot bod? Or because there was a second blue line on the stick the morning before the wedding?
LOIS: No Comment.

It’s not my fault. /blames Game of Thrones and especially waiting for next book/start of new season in 56 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, and 50 seconds. 49 seconds. 48 seconds.
Is this just a warning that you're going to disappear again in the beginning of... April?

ER: Alt Lois?

EW: Alt-Lois wasn't married at the time of her death.

ER: Who’s to know? She might have gotten married after she went undercover and nobody ever checked the wedding register for a Mr. Alexander Luthor and a Mrs Lois Luthor, ne Lane. Also, actually… now that I think about it… <<ER realizes that he's going off-topic to EW's other extremely long epic>>
Um... I know. It's one of the perks of "Evil Writerhood". Alt-Lois wasn't married to Lex or any other man at the time of her death in the Congo.

But she’s not checking in as the wife, doesn’t write her companion’s last name after her own. So, everyone reading the check-in list can see that a gentleman and a woman of loose morals are occupying the suite, not a husband and wife.
When do hotel registers require a signature from all guests in the room? I often register for a room for the whole family while my hubby unpacks the car and kids.

Also, I just realized, he never mentioned the night chocolates in the even sharing. Probably didn’t want to have the bride call off the ceremony in the middle of the vows. Like some *other* bride was known to do. Well, this bride, actually… <<loses his marbles>>
Which bride called off the wedding in the middle? There was that bride who found sleep more enjoyable than a honeymoon, but she was part frog, so she was already kind-of weird. Perhaps Perry has never stayed at the Lexor and didn't know about the chocolates, or being that he knows that Clark doesn't like sweets, that it would be more of a headache to include them in the vows?

Yes, but after the gorilla I realized why should I even try. It’s like selling 5th-hand stuff in front of uuuu Macy’s? /mutters about needing to try and finish valentines vignette sitting on harddrive for 3-4 years…/
hyper please do! The gorilla was inspired by those 800lbs Gorilla commercials from a few years ago (this one was the only one I could find on youtube).

Hey! That was just a joke… <<has an idea>>
On my romantic comedy plot list, I have a couple, who HATE each other, go to Vegas to be Best Man and Maid of Honor at their best friends' wedding and accidentally wake up the next morning to find themselves married... They decide to stay married, because he's Canadian and needs a greencard, and she wants to shut up her nagging mother, who never expects her to get married. Hijinks and true love ensue. I never wrote it up... maybe someday. Perhaps that's what I was thinking of when you mentioned that plot. blush

Yeah. Well, not the ceilings, unless he wants to tell her a secret.
CLARK: Oooops.

ER: Of Clark?

EW: Lois denies emphatically resembling that remark about spying on Clark.

ER: Rrrrrrright.
[Linked Image] She was protesting too much.

Of course. He wasn't wearing his glasses. <EW tries desperately for a gfic answer>
But... but... but... that WAS the reason. Do you think that there was another reason he needed a moment of Lois not looking at his face?

EW thinking she might need extra sleep due to being extra slow today. [Linked Image]

Hey! Actually…/imagines Lois pulling a community card “you’ve spent all your rent money on shoes/computer stuff. To ensure you can pay your rent, you have to sell your body to another player for 500 monopoly dollars”/
/EW goes searching on dark side for sequel to Michael's HiM story/ <<Hey, I can always dream, right?>>

I know. I was going for subtle recognition of joke to match subtly of joke-presentation.
Hmmmm. Didn't I mention I was half-asleep while answering this FDK?

She’s a naughty girl!
LOIS: What? I just kissed him!... maybe there was a bit of propositioning involved, but nothing happened. Nothing happened! mecry Nothing happened.

/goes and waits over yonder for scene to appear/ <<and waits, and waits, and waits, in vain>>
Um... Busy writing story from HiM... so Lois hasn't yet had time to stretch those muscles. You'll just have to read on.

<<Michael shocked and dismayed at spoilers on the FDK thread>>
My bad! I thought you'd read that one already. blush Sorry.

It was b) Did I already mention I loved that gorilla? I do hope he makes a re-appearance. Hey, he could even be sitting there when Lois finally wears Clark down and do a running commentary of what’s going on while eating his bananas. /does not realize when joke has run it’s course/
He might make a reappearance later in the future when nobody is expecting him. wink

No wonder he wasn’t turned off by feisty Lois. And likes to see her on a leash, too, eventually.
He's been reading too much Twilight FanFiction?

LOIS: Whew. And here I thought he was thinking of stepping out on me with every blonde hussy that crosses his path.
ER: Of course, it could also be a Freudian mother issue…
MARTHA: shock

CLARK: I knew I shouldn't have hooked up with Rachel again, after she returned from her stint in the military... while I was still engaged to Lana.

LOIS: <<mad>>
CLARK: Why are you mad? It was before I met you and it fell into the bounds of the "relationship closure loophole", right?

LOIS: Because if you cheat on one girlfriend, you might on another!

CLARK: Sooooo, that whole 'relationship closure loophole' doesn't exist in this dimension. Good to know. Good to know.

Kinda sorta. From Lois’s POV. And maybe Lex could ‘find’ corroborating evidence. Actually, did Clark scan the suite for hidden cameras?
That kind of evilness shouldn't be applicable to a good Clark/Lois fanfic.

No, not wanted him. Just more of a hiccup in their relationship due to those circumstances.
Oh, just awkwardness. Gotcha.

Umm… But soundwaves aren’t radio waves. So, which radio signal was blocked by the lead?
<<EW points to her college degree in Classics and to Lois's degree in non-scientific journalism and wonders why ER would think we would know better?>>

LOIS: [Linked Image]

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Variety is the spice of life.
So, Clark should vary with Mayson and Cat and Linda? That would make his life with Lois more spicy?

Is this just a warning that you're going to disappear again in the beginning of... April?
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
So, Clark should vary with Mayson and Cat and Linda? That would make his life with Lois more spicy?
Funny thing about that word "spicy", in my son's preschool it's a euphanism for "conflict" or "difficult negotions".

LOIS: So, in other words, YES!

EW: Is this just a warning that you're going to disappear again in the beginning of... April?

ER: <<finds it funny that EW is so out of touch with RL>> Sadly, no. There’s just one episode every Sunday night. Which I get to see on Monday night. And if they would make the whole shebang available at once, it would only take one weekend to watch Season 3. It’s just 10 hours. <<cries at the length British TV thinks long enough to constitute a "season">>
Sorry, thought you were referring to the next book in the series.

EW: Alt-Lois wasn't married to Lex or any other man at the time of her death in the Congo.

ER: Interesting. So, she got married to Arianna, then?
I'm not sure where (or if) Arianna would fit into Alt-World, but from what I know about alt-Lois's character I'm going to say "no comment".

EW: Which bride called off the wedding in the middle?

ER: Canon Lois? At the end of S1? And then again in S4, when she faked her own electrocution to get away from her fiancé.
Can one sheepishly clap

/needs to work on putting in a wakeup call at beginning of FDK/
Thanks, I'm currently working on my second (since starting this FDK responsing) cup of coffee. So, all wide awake.

Poor little nymph. Didn’t get her sugar.
That's one of the problems with liking a guy with a sugar phobia.

Don’t worry. No idea which story, so…
I didn't mention the title on purpose.

He going to slap Lex off his balcony?
That would be quite a feat for an imaginary 700lbs gorilla, (I was thinking he might sit on Lois later on, causing her to suddenly become breathless?) so "no comment."

ALT-LANA: <<face-slap>> I never knew just *how* lucky I was to dump his sorry behind.
Really? And here I thought it was Lana would told Clark about said "loophole". Silly me.

Why? The more evil, the bigger the EW’s maniacal laughter?
But WE don't want CLARK to be evil! <<Hmmm. I wonder if there's a fic out there where Lois and Clark are evil, and Luthor is the good guy whom they kill off?>>

EW points to her college degree in Classics and to Lois's degree in non-scientific journalism and wonders why ER would think we would know better?

ER: /recommends archival editing since it was Clark’s line of dialogue/ Wait, what if Lois tells Jimmy bout what Clark’s said and Jimmy tells her just how bogus that is. Clark wouldn’t get out of the doghouse if it got repossessed.
So, Clark can't plead equally as clueless and say "Hey, that's not why?" I guess I can add an "I bet those shutters are lead lined" to make it more denialable.

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"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Funny thing about that word "spicy", in my son's preschool it's a euphanism for "conflict" or "difficult negotions".

LOIS: So, in other words, YES!
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Sadly, that’s also HBO’s thought of a season. To be fair though, they don’t stuff their seasons with needless filler episodes. Then again, B5 had 22-ep seasons and JMS once wrote about 18 episodes of a season. None of them fillers. Now, *that’s* entertainment (Voice from the Dancing Demon in the Buffy musical episode)
That's one of my favorite Buffy episodes! clap I'm blanking on JMS though. Yes, I forgot that cable TV also thinks in the same manner as the Brits. Thankfully LnC did not.

ER: <<emotionally upset by EW mentioning the book series>> It took him since 2005 to write it. It’s very likely that I’ll be able to finish all my WIPs before The Winds of Winter will blow.
Well, better that he takes his time than rush through it, right?

<<ER notices that slight kick in the butt from one EW to another.>>
[Linked Image]

Oh my. Did you have an accident with that first cup?
I didn't meant this particular FDK thread, I meant in general. Speaking of which. Time to refill my cup.

There’s at least been talk about that. Also, evil Clark’s fun. Evil Clark can be naughty with Lois!
Yes, but that only works if Lois is evil right back at him.

He keeps correcting Lois too much for that
CLARK: So, I can't plead "lunkhead"?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I'm blanking on JMS though.
J Michael Strazinsky (spl), main writer of Babylon 5.

Thankfully LnC did not.
Yes, PML and HiM could have been less family friendly that way.

Well, better that he takes his time than rush through it, right?
Yes. Plus, it’s great he finds the time to consult on the TV series and write an episode a season. Do tons of conventions. Develop additional productions for HBO. And do a lot of other stuff unrelated to writing. He’s actually sometimes thought of the zen master of procrastination. wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
J Michael Strazinsky (spl), main writer of Babylon 5.
Okay. Not on my watch list.

Yes, PML and HiM could have been less family friendly that way.
I meant season length wise. Hmmmm. I wonder if they had made TV-M PML... <<Thoughts wander to the dark side...>> So, you ever going to finish that fic? [Linked Image]

Yes. Plus, it’s great he finds the time to consult on the TV series and write an episode a season. Do tons of conventions. Develop additional productions for HBO. And do a lot of other stuff unrelated to writing. He’s actually sometimes thought of the zen master of procrastination. And if time taken to write equals quality then Winter is going to be the most awesome book ever written. On the plus side, the Season 3 trailer got released a couple of hours ago and there’s dracaris
So, is this just fanboy rambling, or a big hint I should let my parts age longer, and I shouldn't crank them out like a Harlequin Romance, and reduce my posting schedule to once a month?

Michael? Oh, my, he's passed out.

shock Oh, dear, is that John sicing wildguy on me?

Guys! Please, I was just joking.


True. Wouldn’t want any icky-ness.
[Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
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I have to say I am very glad this story posts multi-weekly. I like "Once Bitten" but waiting a whole week between installments is tough.

I just have to say again that the flow between parts is a lot better here in Wrong Clark than it was between episodes in canon.

While there might have been a thematic connection between PML and HiM, you could watch them in reverse order and very little if anything would change. I like how you have Lois actually bring up the previous events to justify her present actions.

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So, you ever going to finish that fic? <EW suggests shifting the fic into the more…unconventional area of bedroom adventures>
Eventually? Meaning, I haven’t given up on the idea but the mind is currently not willing to do it.

So, is this just fanboy rambling,
Fanboy bitching.

and reduce my posting schedule to once a month?
cool Writing time for ER. And reading time for other fics! wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
EW: So, you ever going to finish that fic? <EW suggests shifting the fic into the more…unconventional area of bedroom adventures>

ER: Eventually? Meaning, I haven’t given up on the idea but the mind is currently not willing to do it.
Actually, that was me whipping you to get back to work... so, in other words, shut up? laugh Gotcha

Writing time for ER. And reading time for other fics! <<party>>
Me and my big mouth.

EW: Michael? Oh, my, he's passed out.

ER: …from exhaustion after partying too hard
Hey, nobody said you *had* to read my little epic that will never end. <<sniff>> If you have other, more important things to do <<sniff>> I completely understand. I mean, I do have other readers and my betas, who like my vignettes. whinging
[Linked Image] You do know I'd miss you, right?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I have to say I am very glad this story posts multi-weekly. I like "Once Bitten" but waiting a whole week between installments is tough.
Okay, I'll keep posting for you. smile1

I just have to say again that the flow between parts is a lot better here in Wrong Clark than it was between episodes in canon.

While there might have been a thematic connection between PML and HiM, you could watch them in reverse order and very little if anything would change. I like how you have Lois actually bring up the previous events to justify her present actions.
Thanks. That's part of the fun. Trying to make things that felt stilted or rough in canon make sense and be smooth (in the illustrious words of S1 Jimmy). It's kind of why I re-wrote all of S4 in "Missing Lois". wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hey, nobody said you *had* to read my little epic that will never end. […]You do know I'd miss you, right?
Says the drug peddler while dangling fresh stuff in front of ER. You do realize that should I ever manage to catch up with reading *and* FDK, things will get wave Michael

will never end.
[Linked Image]

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Says the drug peddler while dangling fresh stuff in front of ER. You do realize that should I ever manage to catch up with reading *and* FDK, things will get <<bloody>> very quickly, right?
Let's see, you just posted FDK for 84, and I just posted #91, so you're only 7 (or 8 counting this Friday's posting) behind so.... eek

will never end.
[Linked Image]
Did I write that?... Um... er... I did mention this epic was nicknamed "The Soap Opera" right? wink My goal is to submit this story to the Archives in 2013. But there's always Book 3 to look forward to.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Let's see, you just posted FDK for 84, and I just posted #91, so you're only 7 (or 8 counting this Friday's posting) behind so.... <feels a bit anxious>
85 FDK had also been posted by that time. Hmm…Now I need to catch up on my reading. Didn’t finish a part today. Am still in the don’t-get-too-far-ahead mode. In theory, I could catch up with reading within a week and FDK within two weeks.

I did mention this epic was nicknamed "The Soap Opera" right?
[Linked Image] /waits for Lois to have a torrid affair with Cat only to find out that she’s her slightly older half-sister/

My goal is to submit this story to the Archives in 2013.
Huh, is that Labby generating a huge dust cloud over there…

But there's always Book 3 to look forward to.
[Linked Image]

wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
85 FDK had also been posted by that time. Hmm…Now I need to catch up on my reading. Didn’t finish a part today. Am still in the don’t-get-too-far-ahead mode. In theory, I could catch up with reading within a week and FDK within two weeks.
So, you're saying we're living in reality not in theory? Where's the fun in that?

/waits for Lois to have a torrid affair with Cat only to find out that she’s her slightly older half-sister/
Hey, look, 92 is all ready to post. [Linked Image]

Huh, is that Labby generating a huge dust cloud over there…
Is that in running away or cleaning up space?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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So, you're saying we're living in reality not in theory? Where's the fun in that?
So, this means I actually do have to catch up before there’s a new pope?

quote: /waits for Lois to have a torrid affair with Cat only to find out that she’s her slightly older half-sister/

Hey, look, 92 is all ready to post. <EW is very uncomfortable with the subject matter and subtly changes the topic>
You do realize I still need to finish 86-91 first, right?

quote: Huh, is that Labby generating a huge dust cloud over there…

Is that in running away or cleaning up space?
Huh. Right. Cleaning. [Linked Image] Should have thought of that. Why would Labby be scared of fitting another monster into her closet.

wave Michael

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Hey! I just emptied that inbox. smile1 Thanks for refilling it for me. laugh

Originally posted by Darth Michael:
So, this means I actually do have to catch up before there’s a new pope?
Well, if you happen to have some free time between now and then, I wouldn't complain.

ER: /waits for Lois to have a torrid affair with Cat only to find out that she’s her slightly older half-sister/

EW: Hey, look, 92 is all ready to post. <EW is very uncomfortable with the subject matter and subtly changes the topic>

ER: You do realize I still need to finish 86-91 first, right?
Yes. Also, I meant that your suggestion might have reminded me of the content for 92...

MRS GRANT: No, I didn't have relations with that handsome doctor in the coat closet, when I worked as a cocktail waitress all those years ago. I have no idea to what you're referring. That wasn't me. That was my twin sister.

Huh. Right. Cleaning. [Linked Image] Should have thought of that. Why would Labby be scared of fitting another monster into her closet.
Phew. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
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Hey! I just emptied that inbox. [Smiley] Thanks for refilling it for me. [Big Grin]
wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
So, you’re over the whole ‘he might catch up and I don’t have a really big buffer left’ scare?
[Linked Image] Feeling better now. laugh

I wasn’t going to say that!
No, but I did. evil

Cat and Arianna in the Metro Club?
laugh I meant Cat's mother and Sam, but yours is funnier.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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