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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereTwo points each for John and Malu for their correct guesses! Comments always appreciated. EDIT: My apologies about the wrong (duplicate #84) FDK name. All fixed now. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c050.gif) I've been suffering wid a code ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/muede/s010.gif) this week, so my brain misfired. 2 extra points for John for finding it, nonetheless. Thanks, John.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 11:27 AM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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“Hi, Lois,” Clark’s voice said over Lois’s answering machine. At first I was all  "Clark escaped" but then I realized what I most feared happened, you cut away from the scene of drowning Clark. He was one rung down from Ralph on the journalistic ladder and barely tipped the scale in his direction, humanity wise. Wait, there are worse jouranlists than Ralph? “What? No, that’s not why I’m here, Wally,” she said, The funny thing is that Wally is right, and Superman did contact here directly, she just does not realize that yet. Was that why they were whispering? Because of her relationship with Superman?  it is all the more fun because either way it is technically the same. Clark:They don't know that. Readeer:You can't talk, you are drowning while being exposed to Kryptonite. Crap! Clark was going to kill her for disclosing his scoop. Not in his current condition. Wally raised a disbelieving eyebrow. “You could have been wrong?” he scoffed. “You don’t ever admit to being wrong, Lane, even when you are.” Wally is not big on tact. “Is he now? Why exactly are you here looking for him, Lane?” Wally grinned, a naughty glint to his expression, and pointed at her. “Is there something more going on between you and Kent, something sexual, which the rest of us haven’t been apprised of? Don’t look so surprised; we knew there was something happening between you two all along. Nobody would deal with what Kent has without getting something in return.” Which just goes to show Wally has no clue. Lois blanched. “No!” she insisted, shoving him in the shoulder. “We’re just partners!” Wally:Methinks she doth protest too much.
John Pack Lambert
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Lois stormed up the stairs to Clark’s apartment. He really should have told Lois that CK=SM. Then she would be over being mad at him by now, instead of just building up to the creast of anger. The man had some explaining to do. Disappearing on her all day. Only leaving the one message. Clark:It is not my fault I was kidnapped. Reader:Actually, you could have prevented it. Clark:OK, it is my fault I was kidnapped. Hiowever I hope Lois will agree with that decision when she knows all the facts. she noticed the addition of two new photos from the Kerth Awards banquet, one of the four of them, Lucy included, and the other, sitting on his bedside table, of just her and him.  He has up pictures of her. Whu didn't he put them up earlier though? Actually, it was more of her, than them. She was holding her third Kerth award, and Clark was beaming at her with pride… and love. At least some things always comes through. Her chest ached. Where was he? Clark:At least she is not mad at me now. The break-in, his coat and scarf abandoned by the front door, which had been left ajar, and that car that Joe had sworn had been aiming at Clark, indicated that someone wasn’t using fair play. Now the big question is, will she ifugre out who it is. Someone was after Clark. Could it be that a person, or persons, from his past, whom Clark was afraid might use her against him? Had they captured him? No and no. It is someone from there present. However Jonthan has managed to focus her so far off track she is unlikely to figure that out. Yes Possibly, but the way things are going, it looks like he might be dead by now. Would she ever see him again? Also debatable. Lois raised a hand to her mouth. She picked up his telephone and dialed 9-1-1. Well, this will hopefully help at some point.
John Pack Lambert
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He had gone to home for a few hours of shut-eye after putting the paper to bed the night before, I think it should just be "gone home", you do not need the "to". You could say "Gone to his home", but that would probably be needlessly wordy and irregular construction. but here it was, hardly six a.m., and he was back where he belonged. This might not make things good for his relationship with Alice if he thinks he belongs in the newsroom. It helped ease his guilt that Alice and Keith had gone to Des Moines to visit Jerry at Iowa State. But Iowa State is in Ames. I just have to point this out since my grandfather got his Ph.D. there and my father was born there. He raised an eyebrow. So, Lois was keeping tabs on Kent’s location now, was she? Wait, this is his first notice of this. Perry had guessed something had happened during their stay at the Lexor Hotel, but he was waiting for official confirmation before saying anything. He should have expected something from that setup. Although maybe he had not realized how hard Lois was pursuing Clark the week before. No wonder Kent had been half in love with Lane since that first day. Of course that is largely a result of things Perry knows nothing about. If a beautiful, intelligent woman had looked at young Perry like that… Well, actually, she had, and Perry had married her. Altough, Perry is probably mostly right. Kent was trying to not transpose what he had seen of the other Lois too much. “Kent can take care of himself. He wouldn’t want you worrying yourself to the bone just because he forgot to call in when he got a hot tip,” But he did call her, which is why she is so worried. “No, Perry. He’s been abducted,” she replied.  I like it when people cut to the chase. Perry paused his step and returned his focus to her. “Come again?” Well, it is not the first time Clark has been kidnapped. Also, what with two break-ins of his apartement, this should not be too surprising. despite the coincidence that his safety deposit box at the National Bank of New Troy had been robbed the other day, This third detail should establish a pattern. and even though Clark said he was coming to see me with a huge story before vanishing, Clark won’t officially be considered a ‘missing person’ until tomorrow night, forty-eight hours after his message on my machine.” That seems a bit excessive. I called all the hospitals, and even the morgue, but no Clark. Well, at least that probably means he is not dead. Unless his body is in the river. Hmm. I don’t know what his big story was, Clark:Well, it was something I am certain that Lois will decide not to print. True, finding Kent’s front door wide open was suspicious, but it was possible he left in such a rush that he hadn’t latched it properly. Very doubtful though. “You know, Lois,” Perry said slowly. “Wouldn’t you be perturbed if Kent had wasted a night looking for you, if you went off on a story without informing him first? Don’t you think you should give him the benefit of the doubt, and concentrate some of that power of deduction to figuring out what happened to Superman?” Actually, she is focusing on the more pressing issue. Lois sent him a glower that made Perry glad that Superman didn’t share his abilities with his friends. This seems to be a fairly common description of Lois' stares in facfics. “EPRAD Control hasn’t issued any statement yet. Nobody has seen or heard from Superman since his transmission went out yesterday afternoon,” she informed him. Well, actually she has, just she does not know it yet. If Cat was here she might start laughing right now. “And if someone had made off with me, I’d want my partner to leave no stone unturned, looking for me.” I am sure he would too. even though he had asked for the position because Alice had said that Jerome needed a father who was there for him. This might get confusing with multiple Jeromes. was this beautiful child of seventeen, looking at him as if he were Elvis himself.
“Oh. Oh! Oh! You’re the great Perry White!” Lois had gushed.  I love this interchange. He had leaned back in his chair and scrutinized her. He wondered if one of his co-workers had sent her to him as a joke.  I guess this is a possible reaction. Perry’s brow had furrowed in thought. Lane. Doctor. Was this girl Dr. Sam Lane’s daughter? Perry had covered a fight or ten when he was first starting out in Metropolis, before he had found his niche in investigative reporting. Finally an explanation for Perry knowing Allie. He had thought she had let that angle blow over, especially with her burgeoning relationship with Kent. Apparently not. Of course this is because he has no clue what the angle actually is. Perhaps telling her to search for every person’s hidden secret hadn’t been the best advice. He might have a point there. “I’ve been looking into Clark’s past. From what I overheard of their conversation, I thought he was born in Italy, where he witnessed his parents’ death by the hands of the mob over there. He escaped, somehow, to the States as a teenager, seeking out his relatives here,” she said. “So, I’ve been searching the archives of the Daily Planet’s European edition to see if I could find any record of a couple dying in a mob hit, leaving a son behind.” It might have been kept so secret it never made the papers. Perry leaned back, steepling his fingers. This obsession of Lois’s was getting bigger and more uncontrolled. He began to suspect he needed to have a word with Kent about telling Lois the truth, whatever it might be. Clark:I have been planning to tell her the truth for about a week. THinks keep getting in the way. “Anyway, what if my digging around into his past, clued in these mobsters to Clark’s present location? Fortunantly this is not the case. Although she is right to think that Clark being missing relates to her. What if it was because of me that he was abducted? This is essentally true, although not for the reasons she suspects. “Because I found your brother’s murderer,” Perry retorted. “Freeing you from that bum rap. Now that is a story that I would love to hear. Bill chuckled. “Yeah, that was a good one. I’ve heard about corporate strong-arming, but that’s a bit extreme. Anyway, it only really works if Cost Mart is corrupt too.” That is to say Clark is 100% correct. “I never said that, White! Don’t you sic your Mad Dog on me,” Bill said with a chuckle.
“Why not? You’re the one who gave her that moniker. Oh he is, is he. Interesting. He could hear voices nearby, muffled by the chill of the cold water. A bright light flashed in his eyes and he moved to cover them with his arm. It felt heavy and awkward. All he wanted to do was sleep.  Clark is alive. “Here!” said the man from the land, sliding some hard plastic sunglasses over his eyes. “That should help with the light.” Giving him glasses in this situation really does make sense. “See this. Handcuffs with the chain broken. I bet he’s some kind of escaped felon,” the policeman said, dropping his wrist. I just hope this dismissive attidue towards their find does not keep them from doing anything about it. The firemen grabbed him before he could fall. “That’s okay, we’ve got you. How about you sit down on the stretcher and we’ll take you to Metropolis County Hospital?” Oh no, that does not sound like a good plan. Although I guess since they don't know he is Clark, finding out he is Superman won't be too horrible. “We need to call it in. He’ll need a police guard too,” said that rude policeman. “He’s an escaped criminal.” Rubbish, they have no identity on him. I just hope Lois gets word of this soon and realizes it is either Clark or Superman. However, it is not too encoraging right now. The assumption that only criminals would be handcuffed is really narrow minded.
John Pack Lambert
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Well, I am glad we learned Clark survived the drowing in this segment. I wish Lois had also found him already, but I hope she will soon.
Hopefully Wolfe or Henderson will at least check on the discovered missing person, or Lois will call the hopital again.
John Pack Lambert
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Hi Virginia,
Well, I was wondering about the Red K. I guess amnesia was the result of this exposure.
Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks" My stories can be found herekj
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Very good chapter! I can't wait to see how Clark reacts to seeing Lois for the "first" time. And will Cat try to get her hooks into him like she did in the show? Or will she try to help him remember what his other job is? Will Lois take him home with her or fight with Cat to be his nurse? And will the Kents come to Metropolis to help? (I'd think not on the latter, given that Jerome isn't their son and Jonathan's in a wheelchair. But like Deborah Allen, I've been wrong before!) KenJ suggested that the red K is the cause of the amnesia. Possible, but I suspect the whack on the head when he porpoised out of the water under the dock didn't help much. He may really have a concussion, and at the very least that's going to confuse him for a while. John wrote: The assumption that only criminals would be handcuffed is really narrow minded. I'm afraid that's not true, John. You pull a man out of the river who won't give you his name but is wearing broken handcuffs and see what conclusions you draw. Who else would he be? Arresting Clark at this point may seem unfair, but until someone identifies him it's the best thing to do, both for the public's safety and for his own well-being. Now if he were wearing fur-covered cuffs, they'd know to call Cat to come and get him. And this  is what they'd assume under those circumstances.
Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.
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I'm wondering where Clark has landed and why these guys don't realize he's Superman.
Hope you're feeling better, Virginia.
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Originally posted by scifiJoan: I'm wondering where Clark has landed and why these guys don't realize he's Superman.
Hope you're feeling better, Virginia.
Joan Well, if you pulled a nearly dead person out of the water would you think they were Superman? Especially if as far as you know absolutely nothing can hurt Superman. On the issue of the police being narrow minded. I still stand by my negative assesment. The police are being bigotted and dismissive towards him. The officer almsot seems to have the attitude that they should throw him back in and let him drown. Also I do not get the impression the officer is making detailed observations about the man they have found. He has not threatened anyone. Considering how active Luthor is in dumping people he does not like, this is probably not the first time they have found a handcuffed person in the river. I never said that the police officers response was surprising. However I stand by the view that in assuming the person they have found is a criminal he is being dismissive and avoiding the proper dilligence and respect that should be given to a person in this situation.
John Pack Lambert
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John: Thanks for the FDK! At first I was all <<and I was all smiles>> "Clark escaped" but then I realized what I most feared happened, you cut away from the scene of drowning Clark. <<grumble>> now we don't even known if he is alive. <<cough>> This isn't a deathfic, per se, like Another Lois was. At least now she knowns who called Joe. Yes, I wanted Lois to know that Clark *tried* to reach her at the office as well. <<got to get Clark some brownie points in>> Clark should know not to lie. CLARK: In my defense, at the point and time I spoke these words, he was. Here, I wish he had been more clear in telling Lois this, with a "I saqw him just now" line. Still, I guess that would make things too easy for Lois. But then when they both disappeared, Lois wouldn't worry thinking they had gone off together. Wait, there are worse jouranlists than Ralph? ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) Well, I have given Perry the benefit of the doubt in hiring Ralph. Clearly, it MUST be for his writing skills since he has no winning personality traits. Wally is a worse journalist (as noted by his canon attempts to believe anything without corroboration). While he's a notch below Ralph writing wise, he's a notch above human wise, so they even out to the same in the end... except Wally has more hair. The funny thing is that Wally is right, and Superman did contact here directly, she just does not realize that yet. WALLY:  I did? I mean, I did! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/n022.gif) I was right!!!!!! it is all the more fun because either way it is technically the same.
Clark:They don't know that.
Readeer:You can't talk, you are drowning while being exposed to Kryptonite. CLARK: Fine! Rub it in. Not in his current condition. CLARK: Not in any condition. Wally is not big on tact. And this is news? Which just goes to show Wally has no clue. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) Bottom rung reporter. Wally:Methinks she doth protest too much. Maybe, possibly, a little too much. He really should have told Lois that CK=SM. Then she would be over being mad at him by now, instead of just building up to the creast of anger. CLARK: Hence why I thought: (from Part 84) Clearly, he should have checked in with EPRAD Control before coming home, and he should have told Lois where he was going today. His hindsight was again better than Superman’s foresight. CLARK: <<shrugs sheepishly>> Live and learn. Clark:It is not my fault I was kidnapped.
Reader:Actually, you could have prevented it.
Clark:OK, it is my fault I was kidnapped. Hiowever I hope Lois will agree with that decision when she knows all the facts. Yes, it was Clark's fault for allowing himself to be kidnapped, but he also did this on the show several times to learn from the source about the people who were taking him, and to not give away his secret. He has up pictures of her. Whu didn't he put them up earlier though? CLARK: When I asked Jimmy for a replacement picture of the two of us at the ball game, he gave me some other photos he had taken as well. Clark:At least she is not mad at me now. LOIS: So, I *should* be mad at you for allowing yourself to be kidnapped. CLARK: <<Grins sheepishly>> No and no. It is someone from there present. However Jonthan has managed to focus her so far off track she is unlikely to figure that out. It all comes back around. Possibly, but the way things are going, it looks like he might be dead by now. That would be quite bad. It would shorten the fic a bit, if she didn't. Well, this will hopefully help at some point. Time will only tell.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK - Continued I think it should just be "gone home", you do not need the "to". You could say "Gone to his home", but that would probably be needlessly wordy and irregular construction. Thanks. Fixed. This might not make things good for his relationship with Alice if he thinks he belongs in the newsroom. Well, we all know what happened with his relationship with Alice. But Iowa State is in Ames. I just have to point this out since my grandfather got his Ph.D. there and my father was born there. My guess Perry's thinking Des Moines because that's where they flew into, before driving to Ames. Wait, this is his first notice of this. No, no. The first time she's making it obvious that she's doing so. He should have expected something from that setup. Although maybe he had not realized how hard Lois was pursuing Clark the week before. Perry's the one who set it up. I'm sure he figured it out with that ring ceremony and all. Of course that is largely a result of things Perry knows nothing about. Actually, that was the first day that Clark had met THIS Lois, so technically he's correct. It was always possible (yeah, right) that Clark would have felt nothing for this Lois. Altough, Perry is probably mostly right. Kent was trying to not transpose what he had seen of the other Lois too much. PERRY: Of course, I'm right. Who do you think taught Lois that? But he did call her, which is why she is so worried. Perry doesn't know this. I like it when people cut to the chase. Lois isn't a beat about the bush sort of person. Well, it is not the first time Clark has been kidnapped. Also, what with two break-ins of his apartement, this should not be too surprising. PERRY: It's still a damn annoyance. This third detail should establish a pattern. And Perry picks up on it. That seems a bit excessive. There's no proof that he was kidnapped, just speculation at this point. Well, at least that probably means he is not dead. Unless his body is in the river. Hmm. Or washed out to sea, or into Gotham Harbor where he was picked up by the Joker and given a new smile? No? Nah, I'm not going to bring Bruce into this story... well, not directly. Clark:Well, it was something I am certain that Lois will decide not to print. "Superman Saves Earth from Giant Asteroid, Comes Home and Tells me all About It" - Front Page Story. Sidebar Story: Lois and Clark no longer partners. Only because you know better. Actually, she is focusing on the more pressing issue. This seems to be a fairly common description of Lois' stares in facfics. At least in mine. Well, actually she has, just she does not know it yet. If Cat was here she might start laughing right now. Hmmmmm. Cat. CLARK: This might get confusing with multiple Jeromes. I believe that's Jerry's full name, but I only mention it once. Thanks. PERRY: So did I. I guess this is a possible reaction. Nah, Perry isn't skeptical. Finally an explanation for Perry knowing Allie. <<crosses that of my list... only 100+ leftover threads left to tie>> Of course this is because he has no clue what the angle actually is. Just the little bit she hinted at when they returned from Smallville. It might have been kept so secret it never made the papers. Maybe. Or maybe wasn't covered by the big papers like Daily Planet, but more a local story. Fortunantly this is not the case. Although she is right to think that Clark being missing relates to her. That's what is bothering her. This is essentally true, although not for the reasons she suspects. LOIS: You mean it's someone I know? <<gasp>> Daddy! Have you been making Cyborgs again? Now that is a story that I would love to hear. That's sounds like an A-Plot buster, which I'm not so good at. I leave it for anyone to take and write about if they so choose. That is to say Clark is 100% correct. CLARK: Why are you all looking so surprised? Oh he is, is he. Interesting. It would be quite a downer if I had killed him. Giving him glasses in this situation really does make sense. It helps in more ways than one. I just hope this dismissive attidue towards their find does not keep them from doing anything about it. I would say that this is the main reason someone would be handcuffed, but not the only reason. Oh no, that does not sound like a good plan. Although I guess since they don't know he is Clark, finding out he is Superman won't be too horrible. And HOW would they find out he's Superman, being that he's vulnerable at the moment? Rubbish, they have no identity on him. The officer's assuming this until proven otherwise. I just hope Lois gets word of this soon and realizes it is either Clark or Superman. However, it is not too encoraging right now.
The assumption that only criminals would be handcuffed is really narrow minded. But 9/10 times usually correct. Hopefully Wolfe or Henderson will at least check on the discovered missing person, or Lois will call the hopital again. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Ken: Thanks for your comments. Well, I was wondering about the Red K. I guess amnesia was the result of this exposure.
Figures. Clark initially got a burst of super strength which propelled him out of the water and into the dock due to the Red K. The Green K made him vulnerable. Then the combination of the red and green K weakened him enough to have the cold water affect him, yet kept him strong enough to survive longer than a normal human would. Other effects might also show up later. Terry: Thanks for the FDK  and the song recommendation. I hadn't heard that one before. Thanks. I can't wait to see how Clark reacts to seeing Lois for the "first" time. And will Cat try to get her hooks into him like she did in the show? Or will she try to help him remember what his other job is? Will Lois take him home with her or fight with Cat to be his nurse? And will the Kents come to Metropolis to help? (I'd think not on the latter, given that Jerome isn't their son and Jonathan's in a wheelchair. Hmmmmm. No comment. KenJ suggested that the red K is the cause of the amnesia. Possible, but I suspect the whack on the head when he porpoised out of the water under the dock didn't help much. He may really have a concussion, and at the very least that's going to confuse him for a while. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d025.gif) The combo of knock on his head, resulting in concussion, and the hypothermia all lead to memory loss. John wrote: The assumption that only criminals would be handcuffed is really narrow minded. I'm afraid that's not true, John. You pull a man out of the river who won't give you his name but is wearing broken handcuffs and see what conclusions you draw. Who else would he be? Arresting Clark at this point may seem unfair, but until someone identifies him it's the best thing to do, both for the public's safety and for his own well-being. Technically, he hasn't been formally arrested, but taken to the hospital with a police escort / guard until a formal identification can be made. Better safe than sorry. Now if he were wearing fur-covered cuffs, they'd know to call Cat to come and get him. And this <<love games>> is what they'd assume under those circumstances. CAT: Yes, officer that one's mine and should be released into my custody. Joan: I'm sorry I confused you. I'm wondering where Clark has landed and why these guys don't realize he's Superman. Clark "landed" on his back patio. (Did you miss Part 84, where this was explained?) He changed out of his uniform at his apartment, and put back on his Clark suit from that morning, so when they fished him out of the water, he was in a business suit with no Super suit underneath. He had lost his glasses at some point in the struggle, so although his hair is all wet, it's not necessarily slicked back. I also have one of the rescuers give him a pair of glasses to cover his face to keep his identity in check. The people at the dock aren't expecting to see Superman in business suit floating in the water, so their thoughts don't go there. Hope you're feeling better, Virginia Yes, I am. Thank you. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Response to John's FDK - Part 2 (or is it 3?) Well, if you pulled a nearly dead person out of the water would you think they were Superman? Especially if as far as you know absolutely nothing can hurt Superman. That too. Exactly.
On the issue of the police being narrow minded. I still stand by my negative assesment. The police are being bigotted and dismissive towards him. The officer almsot seems to have the attitude that they should throw him back in and let him drown. You both are right. The officer isn't thinking outside the box, but until he's proven wrong this is probably the right call. If for no other reason than to keep Clark safe with a police guard, right?
Also I do not get the impression the officer is making detailed observations about the man they have found. He has not threatened anyone. Considering how active Luthor is in dumping people he does not like, this is probably not the first time they have found a handcuffed person in the river. Jonesy made a mistake. Usually when Luthor's guys dump men into Hob's Bay, they take off the hood and handcuffs, so the other bodies haven't been found handcuffed. The circumstances are suspicious and clearly need further investigation.
I never said that the police officers response was surprising. However I stand by the view that in assuming the person they have found is a criminal he is being dismissive and avoiding the proper dilligence and respect that should be given to a person in this situation. Give him time to do his job. Clark was only found less than 15 minutes before.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: [ Joan: I'm sorry I confused you. I'm wondering where Clark has landed and why these guys don't realize he's Superman. Clark "landed" on his back patio. (Did you miss Part 84, where this was explained?) He changed out of his uniform at his apartment, and put back on his Clark suit from that morning, so when they fished him out of the water, he was in a business suit with no Super suit underneath. He had lost his glasses at some point in the struggle, so although his hair is all wet, it's not necessarily slicked back. I also have one of the rescuers give him a pair of glasses to cover his face to keep his identity in check. The people at the dock aren't expecting to see Superman in business suit floating in the water, so their thoughts don't go there. That's it! I messed up the order of events. I thought he was still in his Superman suit. Silly me. That's what happens when I try to do too many things at once. 
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Originally posted by scifiJoan: That's it! I messed up the order of events. I thought he was still in his Superman suit. Silly me. That's what happens when I try to do too many things at once. I don't think the bad guys would have tried to kidnap Clark if he'd walk out his front door in the Super suit. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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At first I was all <<and I was all smiles>> "Clark escaped" but then I realized what I most feared happened, you cut away from the scene of drowning Clark. <<grumble>> now we don't even known if he is alive. <<cough>> This isn't a deathfic, per se, like Another Lois was. You're not supposed to tell us and ruin the suspense. At least now she knowns who called Joe. Yes, I wanted Lois to know that Clark *tried* to reach her at the office as well. <<got to get Clark some brownie points in>> Clark:For all the good it does me as I am drowning here. Clark should know not to lie. CLARK: In my defense, at the point and time I spoke these words, he was. But he does know about Kryptonite, so he knowns SM is not fully invulnerable. I guess though if we look at it as him saying "SM survived crashing into the astroid" he is telling the turht. At some level I wish he had told Lois that more expicitly, but then things would probably be too simple. But then when they both disappeared, Lois wouldn't worry thinking they had gone off together. You might have a point. so they even out to the same in the end... except Wally has more hair. He also gets mentioned in fanfic less. Ralph seems to be a real favorite to bring up in fanfic, I am not sure why. WALLY:  I did? I mean, I did! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/n022.gif) I was right!!!!!! Lois:A stopped clock is right twice a day. Yes, it was Clark's fault for allowing himself to be kidnapped, but he also did this on the show several times to learn from the source about the people who were taking him, and to not give away his secret. Thus the argument that Lois will probably be understanding of it. I just could not let past the fact that unlike most people, Clark really could have prevented what happened. At least in theory. In practice though I have to agree, going along seemed the best choice at the time. CLARK: When I asked Jimmy for a replacement picture of the two of us at the ball game, he gave me some other photos he had taken as well. Hmm, I guess this makes sense. Also, I guess before they went to the Honeymoon Suite, putting up a picture of Lois might have seen too presumtuous. Well, except while she was under the influence of Revenge, but that was not very long. Clark:It seemed plenty long to me. Reader:Well, the point is that really, this makes sense as a recent development.
John Pack Lambert
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And HOW would they find out he's Superman, being that he's vulnerable at the moment? Well, I was thinking he might recover to quicly to explain in any other way. The other thing that might happen is they might take blood tests and notice things that would not happen with a human.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: You're not supposed to tell us and ruin the suspense. Actually, people like to know in advance if there's a big ol' WHAM in a story. Since the WHAMs in this story are nothing compared to the ones in "Another Lois", I figured I was safe with that statement. But if you want me to revise it, I could say instead: At the end of this story there will be one Lois and one Clark alive, in this dimension.  I don't know, that seems a bit like a spoiler though. I mean, I didn't tell you WHICH Lois or WHICH Clark, but still... But since this story starts out with One dead Lois and One dead Clark, does it really *need* a WHAM warning? Hmmmm. Clark:For all the good it does me as I am drowning here. LEX: He with the most points at the end wins! But he does know about Kryptonite, so he knowns SM is not fully invulnerable. I guess though if we look at it as him saying "SM survived crashing into the astroid" he is telling the turht. At some level I wish he had told Lois that more expicitly, but then things would probably be too simple. So, is this like someone saying they're fine, even if they are allergic to bees and could at sometime in the future (no matter how improbably) get stung by a bee? He also gets mentioned in fanfic less. Ralph seems to be a real favorite to bring up in fanfic, I am not sure why. Ralph is scuzzier and in more episodes as a character? Lois:A stopped clock is right twice a day. Thus the argument that Lois will probably be understanding of it. I just could not let past the fact that unlike most people, Clark really could have prevented what happened. At least in theory. In practice though I have to agree, going along seemed the best choice at the time. And with her brown-belt in Tae Kwon Do canon Lois could have gotten easily away from Meneken (Requeim), just for some unfathomable reason allowed herself to be abducted? Hmm, I guess this makes sense. Also, I guess before they went to the Honeymoon Suite, putting up a picture of Lois might have seen too presumtuous. Well, except while she was under the influence of Revenge, but that was not very long.
Clark:It seemed plenty long to me.
Reader:Well, the point is that really, this makes sense as a recent development. It could also be that he had one of the pictures before, but Lois never noticed it until Clark moved it to this current location? Well, I was thinking he might recover to quicly to explain in any other way. The other thing that might happen is they might take blood tests and notice things that would not happen with a human. I thought when he was vulnerable he was "human". If they aren't looking for alien DNA would they notice his blood wasn't human?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I thought when he was vulnerable he was "human". If they aren't looking for alien DNA would they notice his blood wasn't human? Beats me. I am not sure how different his blood is from human blood. He was definately normal enough to not be detected by that police in ASU, but they seem to have only had a psychiatriast look at him and not do any blood tests. I think how human-like his blood is is a question you can answer in any way you chose. And I don;t think we will be able to cite anything from the show to the contrary.
John Pack Lambert
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Lois noticed on the way to EPRAD that the panic in the city hadn’t abated since Superman’s trip into space. People were acting as if they didn’t know if Superman would save them. So, Duskfall is actually headed for Earth now despite what the flying clown thought? She wished she could say it was because they knew they were in the presence of greatness, but it was more likely that they were all talking about her and Clark. Well, people are talking about Clark. So, it’s not the presence of greatness, but about the proof of how greatness got established, namely by cracking the Mad Dog. He was one rung down from Ralph on the journalistic ladder and barely tipped the scale in his direction, humanity wise. So ![[Linked Image]](http://www.monkeyland.co.za/userfiles/article/news/news12/monkeys_fling_poo.jpg) vs ![[Linked Image]](http://www.whatpond.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/string-algae.jpg) ? Crap! Clark was going to kill her for disclosing his scoop.  Michael