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#93931 03/19/13 08:19 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

My apologies that this part is a bit on the longish side. I wanted to get that last scene in. evil


Friday.... Lois's POV.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/14/14 11:00 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I really am questioning whether Lois REALLY knows or just suspects. We'll find out at the end of this week, I'm sure.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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hyper for long parts.

[WQuote]“This is a bad idea,” Clark said for what felt like the four-thousandth time as he followed Cat out onto the patio.[/Quote]

Why'd he even let her in? I guess she is not really trying anything bad, but Lois might not be understnading of that.

“You probably don’t forget how to fly once you do it, Clark. Why don’t you just give it a try?” Cat suggested again.
Hopefully he is more recovered now. We wouldn't want him to get injured trying to fly.

She had been suggesting nothing else but that since she arrived at his apartment at just past sunup this morning with some fresh fruit and two hot coffees.
Clark: frown she didn't bring donuts. I like donuts.

Well, he had them, but he wasn’t wearing them.
Won't it cause suspicions if he flied not in the suit?

Now, he needed to go buy a new knife.
He should make Cat do that.

He also knew that the Nightfall fragment would kill many people when it made it to Earth in less than ten hours.
I am starting to get scared.

He was everyone’s last hope.
Except Luthor, who is planning a way forward with impac.

“Maybe you just need motivation,” Cat said, walking over to the ledge. She stepped up onto it. “Now, imagine I’m Lois. If I fall, you will save me. That’s what you do. You save her all the time.”
This sounds dangerous. He will be really self-incriminating if he does not remember in time.

“Let go, Clark. I’m going to die anyway, if you don’t learn this,” she insisted.
She has 10 hours. I think it is a bit soon for last ditch attempts.

He reached out his hand and caught her by the wrist just as her head passed below the edge of his patio. He pulled her back over the ledge. From there he lifted her into his arms and carried her back inside his apartment, shutting the door behind him.
I was so hoping she would push him off.

A broad smile filled her face. “I know what’s missing!” she said, pointing at him. “You need your Suit.”
I don't think it will help.

“It isn’t happening! I love Lois! I’m only making love with her,” Clark said.
dance now we know where he puts his clothes. I guess if you have super strength you can compress things very tight. Of course, this leads to another question. Why not compress the super-suit in a like matter, so it is not under his clothes where Lois might accidentally discover it?

“Oh,” Clark said, searching his cape. He found a pocket with a tube of hair gel in it and another one, on the other side, with a hard plastic glasses case. “I didn’t notice those before.” He put his glasses in his case and put it back into that pocket.
I guess Clark does have all sorts of pockets on his suit.

What kind of freak was he? He shrugged and replaced the comb.
Wait, only freaks use combs?

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It would be bad enough trying to fly, but to do so in this getup… How would he be inspired to soar into the sky, if he didn’t want anyone to see him?
Good question.

“If Cat Grant is over at Clark’s apartment, I swear I’m going to tear her limb from limb,” he heard a very familiar voice grumbling outside.
dance she cares about Clark. Wait, we had not doubt. Oh well, we will be glad anyway.

Without thinking, he leapt over the ledge and landed with a thud in the alley.
Superman falling will cause confusion for Lois.

He needed to keep Lois from entering his apartment.
I guess that might be a good idea, although she will still want to see Clark, even with Superman there.

If she saw Cat up there, she would leap to wrong conclusions, and…
Good point.

Oh! He gasped. He was still in this getup.
I guess he forgot that detail.

He couldn’t let Lois see him like this, not if he couldn’t fly.
Well, he could try to distract Lois from his inability to fly.

He wasn’t even quite sure how he acted when he was Superman, especially with Lois. Anyway, he didn’t want to act when he was around her. He wanted to be himself.
He could just tell her the truth.

Clark put his hands into fists and with a determined nod, spun quickly.
Oh, this is a better plan than I expected. I was thinking he would just try to avoid Lois seeing him. Changing is a much better plan.

He pulled out his jeans, slipping them over his blue suit. There was no way he would hide his cape under his t-shirt, so he unhooked it and was about to press it into a square, when he remembered his glasses. He pulled those out and plunked them on his nose, and then stuck the folded cape into his back pocket.
I really love this explanation of how he changes.

He didn’t have any shoes, next time he’d have to think about that aspect.
Being shoeless near his apartment won't bring up too many concerns.

The red boots were certainly not Clark Kent’s style. For the time being, though he would put on his white socks over his red socks and hoped that Lois didn’t notice that he was ‘shoeless’.
I always wonder how much people notice when someone is shoeless.

When he stopped spinning, his hand hit the lid of a trashcan, knocking it into the other trash, causing a loud bang as all the cans fell over. “Good job there, Clark,” he grumbled to himself.
At least this way Lois is much more likely to notice him and not continue on to his apartment.

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“Clark?” Lois called to him.
hyper she notice him.

“What are you doing here?”
Well it is where he lives.

A good question to which he didn’t have an answer. “Uh…” he stalled, not exactly sure what do to with his Super boots,
I think it should be "what to do to".

which he still held in one hand. He tossed them up to his patio.
This can't be what he normally does with them, otherwise he wouldn't have them around when he needed them.

His aim was off, though, and they landed on his roof.
Hopefully noone does a search of his roof anytime soon.

Walking out from behind the big pile of knocked over trash, he said, “I live here.”
Well I guess "here" is indefinite enough, that that is the truth.

“No, you don’t,” she chuckled, approaching him. “Not in the alley.”
Clark:Well, sometimes I do.

“Did you hear something?” she asked, turning to look around the pile of trash. “Did someone come after you?”
Oh, she would be worried about that.

Clark grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest.
hyper a kiss.

“I can’t imagine you ever being wrong,” he murmured. He felt her smile against his lips, and it was a feeling he liked.
Just keep telling her that Clark.

“See, you’re getting your memories back already,” she whispered, deepening the kiss.
dance They are still kissing.

I am? he thought before, losing himself in the kiss. The warmth and moisture of her mouth against his, her tongue gliding into his mouth, her chest pressing against his, and her arms entwining around his neck... If anything could make him fly, Lois’s kisses surely could.
Clark, better make sure you don't start floating with her in your arms.

“Oh, Clark,” Lois murmured, pausing their kiss a few minutes later and resting her head against his. “I’m concerned.”
Maybe he should have let her see Superman.

“Why? Has someone close to Superman been hurt?” he asked, taking hold of her hand.
Lois:Yes, you Clark.

“I’m fine, Clark, but you…”
Oddly enough Lois is right that Superman is mssing because Clark was hurt. She just does not understand why that is.

“Oh, right,” Clark said, feeling the heat of embarrassment flush his cheeks. Right, you’re two people. “Me.”
He really needs to tell Lois the truth.

“Well, maybe if he used his heat vision… Anyway, the bad guys know he could grind them into powder if he chose to, and a lesser man might be tempted to, but not Superman. He values life above everything else, whether human or non-human. He’s especially partial to kittens stuck in trees, but don’t tell him that I know that.”
Clark:I will do my best not to.

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This way she couldn’t see his face turn the same color as his cape as he stared at her, his mouth hanging open utter humiliation.
I think that should be "open in utter humiliation".

It was clear to Clark that Lois still admired his alter ego. That was a good thing.
It is good he sees it that way and is moving past his self-jealousy.

It would make telling her the truth easier.
smile1 he wants to tell her the truth.

Of course, that really depended on whether or not he could remember how to fly. If he couldn’t save them from Nightfall, he would never tell Lois the truth.

How could he, after having her hero fail her in that way?
He still needs to learn that Lois loves both sides of him without reservation.

Actually, it would be best if he could remember how to fly, and go kick that Nightfall fragment to kingdom come.
Maybe if he thinks lots of thoughts of Lois it will happen.

He didn’t know how he would ever be able to face her or anyone again if, due to his incompetence, he wasn’t able to save millions of people.
He needs to accept the truth of her saying it is not his fault that he lost his memory.

She cleared her throat and set her hand on Clark’s chest. “You remind me a lot of him.”
smile1 she is about to see the truth.

“No matter what you or he does, I tend to forgive you both,” she said with a teasing nudge.
See, she would forgive his not saving the world from Nightfall.

Lois kissed him softly.
smile1 another kiss.

Her chest brushed against his in a way that made him wish he could fly, just so he could get them up to his apartment all that more quickly.
Somehow I think if he does that she will not want to go immediately to bed with him. A-because she will be angry and B-she will insist he go stop Nightfall.

“As Perry just reminded me, it’s not who you used to be and do that’s important, it’s who you are now.
I wonder if it should be more "who you used to be or what you used to do". The current wording is awkward at best.

I forgive you, because there’s just something so pure of heart about both of you.”
Clark:There is only one of me.

OK, I doubt he will say that now, but it would be fun.

She wouldn’t be thinking either of them was ‘pure of heart’ if she could read his mind at the moment.
Well, as long as he only wants her, I think she will be OK.

He used all of his willpower to stop himself from kissing down her neck and concentrate on what she was saying.
I have wonder if it should not be "to concentrate" to match the "to stop" in the first part of the sentance.

Lois chuckled, kissing him. “It’s not true, Chuck.
smile1 she called him Chuck.

Superman has never, to my knowledge, ever wrestled Godzilla, and I know everything there is to know about Superman.”
Clark:Except who he is when he is not in the cape.

Lois:What? He sometimes disguises himself as someone else? Who?

Not everything, he wanted to say. He actually opened his mouth again to say just that,
smile1 He is going to tell her.

when she interrupted him to say that Godzilla didn’t really exist.
I guess sometimes Lois' ranting helps Clark.

“No, I was going to ask how you know so much about him,” he said, stopping by the door leading into his building. He needed to delay, and figure out some way to let Lois know that Cat was up at his apartment, but that nothing had happened. He needed to tell her the truth. It wouldn’t be fair to Cat to sneak her out, and it wouldn’t be fair to Lois to lie.
Good plan in theory. If Lois would give him a chance to say anything.

She shook her head. “I don’t know. When I saw him, and I just knew that he would change my life,” she said, a dreamy smile creeping onto her face.
Clark:Now I am getting confused.

Clark gazed at her and wondered if he had felt the same way.
Yes, although he had more clear memories of interacting with a Lois Lane.

“Here. Let me…” He scooped her up and cradled her in his arms. This position felt so natural, so perfect, it was as if his arms had been made to hold her.
smile1 He is holding her. Hopefully she thinks of the Honeymoon Suite and not Superman at this moment.

As he stared at her, a series of images flashed through his mind.
smile1 hyper dance party His memory is coming back.

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Different images of Lois in his arms, well, Superman’s arms.
Hopefull they are all of this Lois.

Memories of him lifting off into the sky, holding Lois, saving her from a bog,
Would that be the Metropolis Sewage Reclamation facility?

the side of a building,
When did he do this?

a sealed vault,
Ah, when barnes gang got caught.

a crumbling ledge,
Was that when she was investigating the plastics comapny?

and an abandoned warehouse,
Wasn't that from Baines, and so technically not as Superman?

Clark’s eyes widened. He could remember. Not everything,
smile1 he doesn;t remember the curse, there is hope for them to progress.

but at least the knowledge on how to fly,
smile1 he can save the world.

and that Lois was really danger prone.
Lois: grumble now he is going to try keeping me away from danger again.

He pressed his lips to hers with excitement.
hyper more kissing. I think I have to agree we have exceeded seasons 1 and 2 kisses combined since the start of the Nightfall section. In fact we may have exceeded Season 1 and 2 kisses just since Clark left the Hospital.

“Lois, you’re amazing!” he gushed.

“And you say you can’t remember anything,” she said, tossing her head back with laughter.
Clark:Well, your being amazing is what has been shown just these last few minutes.

“No, that’s it! I had a flash of memory, just now,” Clark announced. “Thanks to you.” He kissed her again.
Now he just has to get away long enough to save the world.

“Superman,” he said. “I know how to access him.”
That was a great way to create a need to get away.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” she said,
Hmm, well he could tell her his secret now.

“Clark?” he heard Cat calling to him.
Hopefully Lois did not hear that.

Clark knew he better leave before Lois heard Cat yelling at him and got the wrong idea. “I’ve got to run,” he said, glad he didn’t need to make up any crazy excuses. She knew he had to contact Superman, and understood that was why he needed to run off. He kissed her cheek and turned towards the front door of his building. “I’ll meet up with you at the Planet.”
I am surprised that Lois is not insisting on going with him.

He remembered belatedly that he hadn’t picked up his key from his bureau when he gotten dressed that morning.
I think that should be "when he had gotten" or "when he got".

He heard a shuffle inside and Cat called to him again. “Clark! Help!”
clap It will be awkward if he mentions this to her.

It must have been back before his apartment was robbed because he clearly had more stuff.
His memory really is good where it has come through. Hmm, does anyone else know about Lois making the suit.

They must have known each other for a while because in several of the flashes, her hair was of different lengths, and she lived in different apartments.
This would also be a fun detail to tell Lois.

But that didn’t make sense. If Lois made him the Suit, how come she didn’t know he was Superman?
Maybe she made it for a halloween costume?

Clark gave her a sharp glare, silencing her. From what this guy said, it was possible that the people who kidnapped him didn’t know he was also Superman.
Clark is making all sorts of good observations. This guy clearly has no clue.

He might have been inadvertently exposed to the Kryptonite stuff without them realizing it would affect him.
That makes sense, it happens in some stories. However, it is a bit more tricky here.

Whoever the ‘Boss’ guy was, he was the one with access to the Kryptonite. He was the one they wanted.
Probably true on the kryptonite access. He also was the source for the kryptonite Clark was exposed to. But only in a very roundabout way. No one engineered the exposure, other than the EW.

Clark looked back at Cat again. That had been a major slip.
Cat is too convinced that the guy knows Ck=SM for her own good.

That would have been a good answer, except Cat had already said she had opened the door to the thug, thinking he was Clark.
And people get on Clark's case for being a bad liar. It is harder to maintain to identities than some people think.

which was when he noticed her eyes widening with fear and scream starting in her lungs.
I think it should be "and a scream starting".

“Most people don’t throw knives at my friends,” Clark countered. “That tends to make me upset. Anyway, how have I hurt you?”
Good question.

“We just took him on a ride, gave him a scare, that’s all. The Boss wanted him to back off for some reason. The Boss wanted us to leave him beaten up on the docks, but Kent threw himself into the water. We circled back around to fish him out but he never came back to the surface,” the man said.
Not likely to explain how Clark was found.

Clark rushed to the edge and peered over. Cat was right behind him. The man was definitely dead.
Well, that puts us to 11 deaths over canon.

“Lois? Are you okay?” Superman asked, landing in front of her.
They are connecting.

Lois stumbled into his embrace, tears rushing out, and her voice rough. “Oh, Superman… Clark…”
She figured it out?

Lois glanced at him for a split second, before pressing her lips onto his.
I guess she really did figure out.

“Oh, Clark,” she murmured, reconfirming that she now knew that he, Clark Kent, was also Superman.
party Lois knows.

So what gave him away?

They had kissed before… some kisses at his apartment, which he had thought were pretty darn passionate, but lacked the emotional ferocity which came with this kiss.
Wait, she figured out and she is kissing him. She isn't angry, or mad, or hurt, or ready to tear his head off. What is going on?

and finally wishing the Nightfall asteroid, expected by nightfall, wouldn’t further delay him. Oh, duh! That must be why they named it that.
I always thought it was named Nightfall because it would bring night upon the earth, permanently.

He reached over and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, and we’ll talk.”
party they are going to talk.

“I will come back, Lois. I promise,” Clark said, floating into the air. With a twist of his body, he super sped off to his apartment to call Inspector Henderson and inform him that there had been another attempt on his life.
Interesting development. So did Lois realize before or after he kissed her?

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I can see why Clark thinks that Lois thinks he's Superman, but I got the impression that's not what she's thinking. I figured that Lois saw the guy fall off Clark's balcony and assumed it was Clark. That's why she's crying, not her ankle. She's saying Clark's name repeatedly because she's upset and dazed that he's apparently dead, and she kisses Superman because she's emotionally vulnerable. After all, she didn't come right out and say that she knows CK==SM; that's just what Clark is assuming, and we all know how bad assumptions are.

On second thought, if she really saw someone fall from Clark's balcony, she would have run over to see who it was and what happened and get help. Unless she's just that dazed and in shock. Hmm... I thought I had it figured out. I'm not so sure anymore. But, of course, that just makes me eager for the next installment! smile

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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As much as I would love Lois to realize Clark = Superman, I'm not fully convinced that's what's happening. Especially knowing Virginia

You’re right, Superman, one kiss changes everything
I have a bad feeling about this.


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I just realized the crumbling ledge was Clark remembering his saving Lois the first time, back in his home dimension.

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“You probably don’t forget how to fly once you do it, Clark. Why don’t you just give it a try?” Cat suggested again.
CAT: What’s the worst that could happen? You fall four stories to the ground and crack the asphalt.

and the healing factor, which she had tested with his paring knife that morning, much to his chagrin.
She did threaten about getting the knives out.

Now, he needed to go buy a new knife.
wave Michael

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I apologize for my late responses to comments. I'm trying to catch up with my cushion which has fallen back down to five parts. Plus, I didn't want to inadvertantly give anything away. wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Yes, John, I know you love long parts, but they really do push back my cushion. razz of him.

I really love this explanation of how he changes.
CLARK: Thanks. blush

Being shoeless near his apartment won't bring up too many concerns.
Still being outside without shoes is a bit strange when one lives in the city and alleys are usually full of broken glass.

I always wonder how much people notice when someone is shoeless.
It all depends on whether or not people look at your feet.

At least this way Lois is much more likely to notice him and not continue on to his apartment.
Also, he makes a lot of racket when he lands in canon, and this was my Wrong take on that.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of my Response to John's FDK --
Well it is where he lives.
Canon dialogue.

I think it should be "what to do to".
You're right. Fixed.

This can't be what he normally does with them, otherwise he wouldn't have them around when he needed them.
No, I'm sure not, but he doesn't remember what he usually does with them.

Hopefully noone does a search of his roof anytime soon.
He'd have more troubles if someone else was out on his roof.

Well I guess "here" is indefinite enough, that that is the truth.
More canon dialogue.

Oh, she would be worried about that.
It's good that she's worried about Clark.

Well, maybe the robbers, abductors or others left something behind in the alley.
LOIS: Yeah, right.

Isn't this a set of actions Superman does to Lois more than Clark?
CLARK: Ooops?

She did notice that it was not what Clark normally did.
She noticed it the night before, but now it's the second time and it's starting to bother her.

I was so hoping she would recognize him as Superman.

Just keep telling her that Clark.

LOIS: Me, too. Though I don't know why we need to vote.

He needs to accept the truth of her saying it is not his fault that he lost his memory.
Technically, he did go willingly with the abductors.

she is about to see the truth.
Define "about to".

See, she would forgive his not saving the world from Nightfall.
Not really in the same category as the other stuff.

Somehow I think if he does that she will not want to go immediately to bed with him. A-because she will be angry and B-she will insist he go stop Nightfall.
C- Cat's still up in his apartment.

I wonder if it should be more "who you used to be or what you used to do". The current wording is awkward at best.
Your wording sounds better than mine. Thanks. Fixed.

OK, I doubt he will say that now, but it would be fun.
It could be, but it's not scheduled for a revelation at this point and time.

I have wonder if it should not be "to concentrate" to match the "to stop" in the first part of the sentance.
That makes sense. Fixed.

Clark:Except who he is when he is not in the cape.

Lois:What? He sometimes disguises himself as someone else? Who?
Actually, he almost did say that.

I guess sometimes Lois' ranting helps Clark.
Lois's ranting just stopped him from confessing that he's Superman.

Good plan in theory. If Lois would give him a chance to say anything.
CLARK: I don't know what you mean. Lois never...

LOIS: How about another kiss first?

CLARK: Okay. <<kiss>> As I was saying, Lois doesn't...

LOIS: Do you have anything to eat at your apartment or should we go get something from the store?

CLARK: No, I have food. Lois is really polite and never...

LOIS: I was thinking something in the line of whipped cream?

CLARK: [Linked Image] You're right! We need to go to the grocery store. <<zips off returns with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, a box of cookies, and a thing of chocoalte ice cream>>

LOIS: You're Superman?! mad

CLARK: What? No sundaes now? Yeah, I was about to tell you about...

LOIS: How could you not tell me?

CAT: <<Calling from above>> I like sundaes!

LOIS: No, she doesn't. She's lying.

CLARK: You kept interrupting...

LOIS: I don't interrupt! How dare you suggest such a thing!

CLARK: Should I just forfit now?

LOIS: <<grabs chocolate ice cream, dumps whipping cream over his head and marches off>>

CLARK: What'd I say?

He is holding her. Hopefully she thinks of the Honeymoon Suite and not Superman at this moment.
So, NOW you don't want her to find out?

His memory is coming back.
Some of it.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --

Would that be the Metropolis Sewage Reclamation facility?
Bog = MSRF yes.

the side of a building,
When did he do this?
When she was investigating the plastics company and didn't want to be rescued. This led to the development of "Octopus" as her code-word for "help-me!"

Ah, when barnes gang got caught.

a crumbling ledge,
Was that when she was investigating the plastics comapny?

I just realized the crumbling ledge was Clark remembering his saving Lois the first time, back in his home dimension.
This is correct.

and an abandoned warehouse,
Wasn't that from Baines, and so technically not as Superman?
This happened off-page, when Superman rescued her from the roller-derby gang.

he doesn;t remember the curse, there is hope for them to progress.

more kissing. I think I have to agree we have exceeded seasons 1 and 2 kisses combined since the start of the Nightfall section. In fact we may have exceeded Season 1 and 2 kisses just since Clark left the Hospital.
[Linked Image] Okay, I'll have them stop now.

Clark:Well, your being amazing is what has been shown just these last few minutes.
LOIS: These *last few* minutes? mad

Now he just has to get away long enough to save the world.
Eh, he has 10 hours.

Hmm, well he could tell her his secret now.
CLARK: But... I've got to go save the world?

LOIS: Always with *that* excuse!

I am surprised that Lois is not insisting on going with him.
He really didn't give her a choice.

I think that should be "when he had gotten" or "when he got".
Ooops. Fixed.

someone invaded his aparemtn?

It will be awkward if he mentions this to her.

His memory really is good where it has come through. Hmm, does anyone else know about Lois making the suit.
The Kents might.

Maybe she made it for a halloween costume?

Clark is making all sorts of good observations. This guy clearly has no clue.
LEX: It's so hard to get good help these days.

That makes sense, it happens in some stories. However, it is a bit more tricky here.
Yes, my plot loops are a bit twisty.

Probably true on the kryptonite access. He also was the source for the kryptonite Clark was exposed to. But only in a very roundabout way. No one engineered the exposure, other than the EW.
Me? Why does everything always come back to me?

Cat is too convinced that the guy knows Ck=SM for her own good.
She's not used to thinking on her feet in near-death scenarios as Lois is.

And people get on Clark's case for being a bad liar. It is harder to maintain to identities than some people think.
Only around people who need to keep their mouths shut.

I think it should be "and a scream starting".
Fixed. Thanks.

Well, that puts us to 11 deaths over canon.
Oh, sorry. Should I ressurrect someone?

LEX: I vote me!

EW: You're not dead.

LEX: Oh, right. Well, just keep that in mind.

She figured it out?
I believe that is the question.

I guess she really did figure out.
Since she *never* wanted to kiss Superman before?

So what gave him away?
Good question.

Wait, she figured out and she is kissing him. She isn't angry, or mad, or hurt, or ready to tear his head off. What is going on?

I always thought it was named Nightfall because it would bring night upon the earth, permanently.
Could be. But this Clark doesn't have all his memories, just a few here and there.

they are going to talk.
Right. Because this line has never been used before.

Interesting development. So did Lois realize before or after he kissed her?
If she realized at all. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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smile1 I was Lois who was the key to Clark recovering his memory. Although I guess Cat probably provided some neccesary help, but smile1 Lois was the key.

John Pack Lambert
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Always better to have it on and make a quick rescue than have to take that extra second to change one's clothes. And does Lois undress Clark at any time?
Well, my first thought was "he was lucky he was not wearing it while on the stake-out with her in "The Phoenix"".

My second thought is, she does not have to undress him. His clothes could get really wet, or torn, or damaged in some other way.

He has to stick that engagement ring somewhere in WHaLtTA
Does he pull it out when they are in the clouds?

No. Freaks make sure that when rushing off to a rescue that their hair looks neat and tidy first.
Pre-amnesia alt-Clark:Well, if you lost all your privacy because your disguise was exposed, you would go to extreme lengths to protect it to.

Superman falling will cause confusion for Lois.
Only if she notices this. Plus, he jumped not fell.
True, although it was not a graceful flying down.

Well, he could try to distract Lois from his inability to fly.
Um... wouldn't she want him to fly off and stop Nightfall?
Not if he kisses her. Although would she let him kiss her, being she is in a relationship with Clark. OK, so maybe that would work. Tell her he is trying to find clues on who kidnapped Clark. OK, I guess you have a point.

He could just tell her the truth.
SUPERMAN: Hey, guess what? I'm really Clark. <<spins into CK clothes>>

LOIS: So, you have your memories back.

CLARK: Um... no. Cat told me.

LOIS: *CAT* knows? And you haven't told me? razz of him.
Well, as I said, I thought it was a bad plan.

Still being outside without shoes is a bit strange when one lives in the city and alleys are usually full of broken glass.
Hmm, the last point is a very good one.

I always wonder how much people notice when someone is shoeless.
It all depends on whether or not people look at your feet.
The better question is, are they more likely to notice no shoes or the red boots?

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Michael: Oh, look, a new one! It was hidden in here. wave Sorry, about that. I've got to get more timely.

CAT: What’s the worst that could happen? You fall four stories to the ground and crack the asphalt.
It's what Jonanthan and Martha thought in canon, right?

She did threaten about getting the knives out.
She did.

Doesn’t want to see Cat naked and realize what he’s missing, huh?
Nope, doesn't want to see Cat naked and be blinded for life.

CLARK: How would that make me blind?

LOIS: wave

/flaps arms so much the entire house shakes and trembles and collapses/
No, not that much. clap Good point.

CLARK: Funny story, Lois. Did you know that Cat is gay and has a huge crush on you? Yeah, all those men, they were just an attempt at misdirection.
LOIS: Likely story.

What’s Lois going to think about *that*?
Um.... bad luck?

What do you know? He was stuck in his back pocket the entire time.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Got a bit of a shock, didn’t he? Went straight to…relax some muscles, huh?
Clark or bad guy?

That’s technically true. Clark can’t fault him for that.
The best lie has a bit of truth to it.

Clone? Gotten knocked over the head? Spent some time in an asylum? Doppelgänger?
CLARK: shock No!

“Shouldn’t you be reading me my rights?” the guy asked, pulling himself to his feet.

JACK BAUER: <<laughing about such an antiquatied law>>
BAD DUDE: Umm…Got some spare underwear I could borrow?
CLARK: Ewwww. No.

CAT: <<hands over hers>> I'm not using these.

CLARK (whispering on the phone): Yes, officer? There’s a *baaad* man out there in my apartment. My…friend’s holding him off. Yes, I’m not sure how long she will be able to hold him off. She’s not very strong, you know. Please, hurry.
[Linked Image]

DOC CARLIN: Mad enough to…hurt people? Mad enough to…kill people?
LEX: Yep, we should lock Superman up... for the safety of Metropolis.

Better to increase the body count?
EW: [Linked Image]

Uh-oh. She seen that Humpty Dumpty?

Oh dear. She thinks it’s Clark back in the alley.

She’s going to hate herself for this later.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
<<happy bouncing Reader>> It was Lois who was the key to Clark recovering his memory. Although I guess Cat probably provided some neccesary help, but Lois was the key.
Of course.

EW: Always better to have it on and make a quick rescue than have to take that extra second to change one's clothes. And does Lois undress Clark at any time?

JOHN: Well, my first thought was "he was lucky he was not wearing it while on the stake-out with her in "The Phoenix"".
Why would he wear it on their unofficial date? My second thought is, if he wears the blue suit under his clothes he doesn't have to get fully naked at any time.

My second thought is, she does not have to undress him. His clothes could get really wet, or torn, or damaged in some other way.
Hence the plot to "Another Day" . Well, the subplot.

Does he pull it out when they are in the clouds?
Nope, before that. He pulls it out after the first spin into the suit after the rainstorm and dealing with the mugging (and the Church Group), while Superman and Lois are walking down the street.

Pre-amnesia alt-Clark:Well, if you lost all your privacy because your disguise was exposed, you would go to extreme lengths to protect it to.
CLARK: Yes, but I don't remember that.

True, although it was not a graceful flying down.
She still didn't see him.

Not if he kisses her. Although would she let him kiss her, being she is in a relationship with Clark. OK, so maybe that would work. Tell her he is trying to find clues on who kidnapped Clark. OK, I guess you have a point.
Yeah! hyper I've got a point.

He could claim to have very limited memories. Enough to know he is Superman, but not much more.
[Linked Image]

The better question is, are they more likely to notice no shoes or the red boots?
My guess is that red is a more eye-catching color than white.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Pre-amnesia alt-Clark:Well, if you lost all your privacy because your disguise was exposed, you would go to extreme lengths to protect it to.
CLARK: Yes, but I don't remember that.
Which is why he probably should severly limit his SM appearances until he fully recovers his memory.

True, although it was not a graceful flying down.
She still didn't see him.
I guess you have a point.

Not if he kisses her. Although would she let him kiss her, being she is in a relationship with Clark. OK, so maybe that would work. Tell her he is trying to find clues on who kidnapped Clark. OK, I guess you have a point.
Yeah! hyper I've got a point.
I seem to like saying that.

The better question is, are they more likely to notice no shoes or the red boots?
My guess is that red is a more eye-catching color than white.
But the boots do not shout "just ran out of the house" like the socks do.

John Pack Lambert
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