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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --

I knew really noticing the mole would destroy Superman's secret. I guess making sure people don't look at his face was crucial.
As canon Martha said, nobody would be looking at his face.

Lois knows. Now we just have to hope she does not think he was running off to make love to Cat.
She's already past that point.

she still loves him. ALthough she might still be mad about Cat. Hmm.
Being friends with Cat is the least of his transgressions.

He does need to tell her more. Not that he really knows much more.

Except that there are lots of things she does not know. Also, some things she does know will not really add up.
Which is why she needs time to process it all.

that they did not talk more know. I guess that is why you had the intruder. Otherwise Clark would just need to stop Nightfall, and that would leave him a little more time to talk to her.
He's kind of has a bit on his plate at the moment.

I guess explaning that an intruder had tried to kill Cat and then jumped from the apartment and he needs to report it to Henderson would be a bit much at this point.
Not a good time. Anyway, Lois would probably run back to Clark's, and he doesn't want that.

Why bother asking, the last time he trusted she was alright, he clearly made the wrong decision.
That's why he's asking now. Last time, she wasn't all right, so he's making sure she will be this time.

I guess it makes sense this still hurts her.
She's talking about Superman breaking up with her after Lex shot her.

Well, that is because he sees himself as first and foremost Clark. Hopefully he will be able to convince her that he is Clark first.
LOIS: Clark, who?

Just joking. smile1

Ralph really rubs me the wrong way. Lacking memories and being "brainless" are not the same thing. His willingness to exploit people's weaknesses makes him a really unliable character. I guess though that is the whole point of him, we are not supposed to like him, at all, ever, in any way.
I'm perfectly fine with everyone hating Ralph. His type always rubs me the wrong way, which is why he tends to end up as a very hateable man (if not to the point of villainry due to lack of brain cells) in my fics.

Not at all. She is not responsible for Luthor being so disturbed, in any way.
This is Lois's equivilant to Clark blaming himself if his enemies use Lois to get to him.

That is the truly difficult part.
LOIS: wallbash

At least she does not assume she knows the full truth.
Clearly, she doesn't have all the details.

Of course she is wrong. He may or may not be able to convince her that he is really Clark with his current memories.
Still he has to convince her of the possiblities of another dimension which without proof might be difficult.

A baby from Krypton.
LOIS: Clark had a baby?!

she realizes Superman is not truly who he is.
She's only thinking about the title not the persona.

True, but in some ways that means it has more meaning.
CLARK: I like it.

Clark:Clark Jerome Kent.


Clark:This will take a lot of explaining, and I really don't remember much of it. Some of it makes no sense, like how you made the Superman suit and yet did not know I was Superman.

Lois:I did not make the Superman suit.

Clark:Sure you did, back when you had shorter hair.

Lois: <<dizzy>>

Clark:I don't really understand either. By the way, did I help you move?

Lois: <<still dizzy>> I havn't moved since before we met.

Clark:But I rmeember you living in a different place. Oh, this is so confusing.
I don't think that amnesiac Clark even realizes this truth about himself.

I think she is being way to hard on herself. Clark would never see her actions as cheating, and if he doesn't, then how can they be?
Because *she* sees them as such.

Destroying a man's ability to live a normal life is not a good reporters job.
Not figuring out that CK=SM doesn't necessitate that she would out him once she learned the information.

She has seen through Luthor. Maybe not as quick as some, but sonner than most.
Still doesn't make her feel good that both Clark / Superman and Lex had been able to hoodwink her to some degree.

But she saw the truth about Clark now.
It only took 9 months.

Actually, she is still not one of the people who knows the full truth. Well, she has been told most of it, but has not pieced it together.
LOIS: There's more? How can there be more? CK=SM and he's from Krypton. Pretty cut and dry, I think.

Words sure to cause him to press for more information.
Exactly. But she DID say, I can't tell you. She DID try.

The surest way to destroy a cover is to reveal it exists to begin with.
She's already told Perry that Clark wasn't who he had told them he was.

Clearly Perry does not know if he is worried. Well, unless he knows a lot, hmm.
Right. He could be faking it to learn how much she really knows.

At least she no longer thinks he cheated on her. Still I don't think she is right she cheated on him. I think in her heart she knew the truth.
[Linked Image]

So now Perry knows he has a secret identity.
Perry thinks Lois is distraught about something and is blathering like an idiot, not making any sense.

And Cat uses one for the other. She also sues aggresive hinting to smoke out information.
CAT: We each have our own techniques.

she still gets negative impact from Tempus after he erased himself from time.
Sadly, yes, which is why Herb wanted to erase canon Lois's brain about meeting Tempus in the first place.

So much for her claim she is such a better liar than Clark.
It was a big shock and she's not thinking straight at the moment.

Well, maybe at some level it is why he did not tell her without plenty of time to explain.
CLARK: Yes. [Linked Image]

This is not really a convincing explanation.
PERRY: I agree.

Lois:No. Trask was totally wrong in thinking I had a romantic relationship with Superman.
Perry was basing this assumption on Lois's actions after that time, not before.

Clark:Our kissing has not been sufficient. I think we should do some more before talking.
LOIS: Like *that's* going to happen.

Actually it sounds like a complete lie. However it is probably better than bringing up she thought Clark was cheating with Cat.
LOIS: That part isn't important. This story works better... for my image.

Lois:But I want to know.
Perry means that if Lois isn't sure, then he (Perry) doesn't know for sure.

Oh, he wants to be left in the dark. Makes sense. The fewer people who know, the safer the secret is.

Hmm, and will she be able to keep this secret?
Clark's secret, or the fact that she spilled the beans to Perry?

“No, because we didn’t have that conversation,” she retorted.
JOHN: At first I thought she meant her and Superman. On second reading I say she is denying having talked to Perry.
She's talking about the conversation Perry just told her that they didn't have.

That at least is true.
Much of what Lois says is true (kind of like Clark), from a certain POV.

Well, I am glad Lois knows. I am hoping she gets to talk with Clark about all this soon.
Sure, why not? Right. Because talking things out is what this Lois and Clark are all about, right? wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Michael: Time to catch up. I may have to leave my laptop with my hubby while I'm away on Spring Break next week, so I'll catch up as much as possible before then. frown I'm so sick and tired with dealing with incompetence at the corporate level. They've had my desktop for a week now, and they can't even answer their phones? Please! Don't they know they are losing my business (and everyone else's I tell about this) by the mintue?

And now we’ll see who was right <<hiding from the possible nuclear explosion which ER assumes will happen in this part>>
Me! I'm right! Me! Oh, wait, I wrote this story, so I guess that's cheating. <<shrugs adorably.>> Never mind.

You do know that a reveal so close before reaching part 100 is just wrong, right? Just like ending a story 3 parts short of part 100, or part 150, or part 200 would be wrong. Just sayin’
That I should have waited two more parts? I should have shortened the previous parts to make the reveal land on exactly on Part 100? Or I should have shortened all the previous parts to make it land on 150 or 200? How about 103? That could have been fun too? It would have been too predictable if it had landed on a Part number divisionable by 5 or 10, wouldn't it have? This way, it was more of a suprise. hyper

CLARK: Her name is Zara. I'm a prince!

LOIS: evil

That certainly explains her dazedness and hooking up with Kal-El.
Sorry about the lack of CK dying on Lois. It was a good idea though. I wish I had thought of it.

RALPH: I *knew* she didn’t get there on journalistic merit.
WALLY: You’re just mad that the Chief didn’t go for *your* offer.
PERRY: When either of you bring me three Kerths we'll discuss it. <<knowing this will never happen>>

LOIS: Kill. Clark. Kill. Strumpet. Mad. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Oh, maybe she did.

to move on to a man, who didn’t fly off

ER: /whispers/ extra comma
huh But there's only the one.

Revenge sex can still be fun?
She tried that but they got interrupted by Clark's source.

CAT: What a strumpet! But he does look <<drool-worthy>>
CAT: See! We do have a lot in common.

On the plus side, she can’t really go anywhere. Except down.

Also, he's already set her down on the roof.

Maybe she shouldn’t tell him. He doesn’t take it too well.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Actually, Superman could, too. Provided he can float perfectly in place while holding a high-powered sniper rifle.
CLARK: Actually Superman doesn't kill people, so I'd have to hold someone in my arms who did the shooting for me.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Michael's FDK --

Superman had just pulled her pants down.
Wow! That was some dream, Michael. And nope.

Option for sex on the ceiling.
LOIS: hyper Oh, really? That would be different.

Date call-me-Danielle(sic)?
LOIS: Been there, not done that, not going back.

Oh dear. She’s finally going mad.

See? See? /points to earlier FDK/
Yes, well, I didn't want to mention anything due to spoilage laws.

Yes, but the suite is only for high rollers. The slot-wranglers can just go and use the bathroom stall or the backseat of the hooker’s car.
Or the floor where they print the paper.

He thinking of going all Another Lois on her?
No, just slap her.

/points again at Another Lois/
Another reason she butts in.

Depends on the effectiveness of the protection used? And the amount of cheap booze consumed in the decades after the fact?
ELLEN: Doesn't work. Sorry.

See? Also, now he’s just incriminated himself. He’s so dead.
LOIS: Really, Lex, you thought I liked Clark? laugh

PERRY: Great. She slept with Kent and now he’s going to hand in a major investigative piece the next morning.
PERRY: <<reading article>> "So, Superman's Whipped, huh?"

CLARK: What? <<glances over Perry's shoulder>> No, no. He's just decided to become celibate for life.

PERRY: Uh-huh. You know that's not going to happen, right?

CLARK: What? No! It *has* too. <<hands over copy of Sue's story>> See. Cracked tile.

PERRY: You have serious problems, son.

LEX: She’s a girl reporter and I had nothing to do with the last bit. This time. Not yet. I mean what are we talking about again?
LEX: What do you mean she wasn't talking about me!

She’s really good at investigating when she sets her mind to it?
[Linked Image]

He’s the illegitimate son of Pres. Garner and Mindy Cantoso of the New Troy Cantosos. This makes him second in line to the throne of the American Union and third in line to the entire East Coast Family, ECF for short. All he needs to do is take out five people, six if he wants to get rid of that one multi-billionaire in the Big Apricot, too, and rule unopposed in the post-Nightfall-scare world.

To be fair, she is exceptionally focused on the male anatomy.

CAT: Well, duh!

Not yet.

RALPH: <<eek>> It wasn’t me! Just tell Kent that it wasn’t me. That smell ain’t not me, either. I’m leaving now. I hear they need a new reporter on the Aleutians.
Can she tell Lex? (see above scenario)

She could always try to use a knife on him. Although if she uses the brand new kitchen knife and he tries to convince her to put it down, that might not actually constitute actual proof.
What if she trips him until he falls in a fireplace? And doesn't get burned.

The nice, state-sponsored thug in a major’s uniform thinks differently.
Trask? He was a coronol in my story.

Nooooo. He’s not got the cleavage for it. Although, putting him in a place where he can get ‘close’ to the DP’s leading lady might be a wise move. And if they do it right, he might not just get the scoop but destroy her in the process, too.
CARPENDER: [Linked Image]

MAYSON:<<disagrees with that statement>>
LOIS: Well, the police love him.

/points at Lex/
For one.

Just tell him the truth. He’s the last son of a royal house that has come extinct in some unfortunate events back home and now he’s here incognito.
She doesn't know that about Superman.

/waits for her to get mad all over again over the Met Sew Rec Fac incident/ After all, he did pull her out as Superman after ‘putting her there as Clark’.
Or the time he broke up with her as Superman and then made pasta for her as Clark?

LOIS: <<laugh>> No, he’s not Batman. I mean Bruce. Wayne. What. No. I meant…Oh shoot. Just don’t tell him, okay? I’ll even set him up with Cat.
BRUCE: What makes you think I'd be even slightly interested in...

LOIS: <<shows him picture>>

BRUCE: Okay, I accept, but this doesn't mean that we're even.

/points at Rumple played by Robert Carlyle/
This is 1994, OUaT doesn't air until almost 20 years later.

LOIS: <<eh>> I mean, no. *NO!* <<bangs head>> I’m a really bad girlfriend, ain’t I?
I told you that I couldn't talk about it, Perry. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Why don't you ever listen?

PERRY: [Linked Image]

CLARK: Cat? Caaa—aaat! I’m done with that skank. Let’s shack up together.
CAT: Sorry, I've moved on.

Plus, she had just caught Clark inflagranti with the office trollop.
LOIS: That really didn't need to be mentioned.

CAT: Why not? I liked that part.

That was a *lot* of fun. But it was still two parts early
Glad you enjoyed it. Just trying to stay unpredictable. I'm sure there won't be any more twists or turns on this roller-coooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssstttttttttteeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr. Oh, wait. My bad.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Ralph was inside the room with some mousey researcher, who was about to make the worse mistake of her life. He had pushed her skirt up to her upper thighs and was about to do unspeakable things to that poor woman.
I think you wanted to say "worst mistake of her life".
Thanks, John. Fixed.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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she understands why SM did what he did, even if she does not know everything yet.
She figured this out before his press conference at STAR Labs.
True, but it is good she understands.

she has given up on Clark. I guess if he had slept with Cat I would not blame her, but since his real goal was to go stop Nightfall, and since she was getting abducted, I think he can explain this. I wish he had not left Lois though. He should have realized she was more hurt than she let on.
She was abducted? Amnesiac Clark didn't know. Full Brained Clark would have known better.
I was talking about the home invader attacking Cat. I am not sure my description was accurate. I guess you are right that Clark with his amnesia does not remember Lois always denies hurt.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Clark:If I knew it would be this easy when Lois learned I was SM, I would have told her ages ago.

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I guess it makes sense this still hurts her.
She's talking about Superman breaking up with her after Lex shot her.
That is what I was assuming she meant. Even if some actions by Clark later on, like when he turned her down at the beginning of the month (it is still February for them, right?) really did hurt her, nothing tore her up emotionally like Superman rejecting her.

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
I was talking about the home invader attacking Cat. I am not sure my description was accurate. I guess you are right that Clark with his amnesia does not remember Lois always denies hurt.
Oh, sorry, I thought that "she" was Lois.

Clark:OK, I am smile1
Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

That is what I was assuming she meant. Even if some actions by Clark later on, like when he turned her down at the beginning of the month (it is still February for them, right?) really did hurt her, nothing tore her up emotionally like Superman rejecting her.
Yes, emotionally she's still raw from that. It's one of the reasons we needed lots of time to pass before Lois and Clark got back-together in HiM. Emotional wounds sometimes need more time to heal that physical ones.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I guess it makes sense this still hurts her.
She's talking about Superman breaking up with her after Lex shot her.
That is what I was assuming she meant. Even if some actions by Clark later on, like when he turned her down at the beginning of the month (it is still February for them, right?) really did hurt her, nothing tore her up emotionally like Superman rejecting her.

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They've had my desktop for a week now, and they can't even answer their phones? Please! Don't they know they are losing my business (and everyone else's I tell about this) by the mintue?
Considering how the computer industry keeps nagging about people not buying more computers, they’re maybe wishing they wouldn’t have to make older ones live longer… Hmm…no, still makes them sound uncool.

Me! I'm right! Me! Oh, wait, I wrote this story, so I guess that's cheating. <<shrugs adorably.>> Never mind.
Awwwwww…EW is soooo *cute*!

It would have been too predictable if it had landed on a Part number divisionable by 5 or 10, wouldn't it have?
wave Michael

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
That is what I was assuming she meant. Even if some actions by Clark later on, like when he turned her down at the beginning of the month (it is still February for them, right?) really did hurt her, nothing tore her up emotionally like Superman rejecting her.
Clark turning her down while she was drunk on Revenge was just him being noble and not him rejecting her because of her, or to keep her safe, which in a way is also noble, but still darn irritating.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Considering how the computer industry keeps nagging about people not buying more computers, they’re maybe wishing they wouldn’t have to make older ones live longer… Hmm…no, still makes them sound uncool.
They're kind of like car manufacturers who don't understand people can't spend 20K every few years to buy a new car.

Awwwwww…EW is soooo *cute*!
[Linked Image]Shucks.

This is going to be soooo awkward once the Archive’s best-length list is filled by just one author.
Female Hawk is still holding tightly onto the second place spot at the moment, but I wouldn't mind some competition.

CLARK: And she wonders why I wouldn’t touch her. Now, *or* back when she was poking around in the swers.
LOIS: Oh, come on! If he really loves me that wouldn't matter.

Well, she *did* dispose of the kryptonite, so…
CLARK: <<clears throat>> Lois doesn't need Kryptonite to kill me.

True. Less funny.
/shrugs adorably/ Sometimes the truth isn't as funny as fiction.

Prankster: Hey!
Prof. <put Lois on death row>: Hey!
Lex: I’ve got a science department for that.
Mindy: You’d never guess, honeybuns.
BB Johnson: Mmmm…brains!
<snips looong list>
I thought the Prankster was more engineering than science, same with Professor Coleman(?). Although, he was trying to make Kryptonite rain, but then again, it didn't work. Mindy hires science nerds like Lex does. And BB Johnson used his brother's inventions. But that crazy guy who broke out the prisoners using Resurrection, you could count him.

LOIS: And that’s supposed to make me feel better? That he’s not a perv, just a creep?
CLARK: <<shrugs adorably>> So, I'm not supposed to like pretty women just because they're fertile? Who's the creep now?

He’s not denying it like he did with the little girls.
CLARK: You know it is possible to talk to little children without being creepy, right?

/points at Queenies Halloween vigis/
Really? And I always thought that was Lois.

CLARK: Not. Helping.
CAT: Hey, your idea to not do me, not mine.

I think, if you had used a name, that would work. But ‘a man’, the rest of the sentence is much more closely related to it.
grumble I hate commas. They're like men. They do what they want, when they want to, but just as soon as you think you've got them figured out, they change the rules on you.

What. I was thinking they where still afloat, and given how there was no thunderstorm around them at any time, she could only go down. But on second reading, I *can* see why you would be exasperated. Hmm… can usage of D.E. become subconscious second nature?
/Borrows some of Christina's brain bleach to disinfect dirty mind/ There. All better now. Who are you again? And while we're at it, who am I?

He’s good at finding loopholes, huh? He just needs to remember to be property exasperated at the act afterwards. Maybe even give the shooter a good spanking.
LOIS: Mee! Mee! I want to shoot!
MARTHA: /wipes tear from her eye/ I taught him so well.

That’s dangerous, too. Might land him in the street, and possibly charged and then he gets to spend a night in jail with Bubba, and the rest is Another Lois…
You mean if he survives Lois telling Clark and Lex about the incident?

Maybe if they sent him to one with a surgical option?
RALPH: I'm okay with a lobotomy. What do I use my brain for anyway? It's my body the women love.

PERRY: /whispers the finer details of the procedure/

RALPH: Never! eek Why would they do that? I'm not a dog.

Yes, but what if she’s wrong?
LOIS: First of all, I'm never wrong. Second of all, I'll nurse him back to health.

Right. And then didn’t follow through with nookie.
CLARK: That wouldn't have been right.

LOIS: /adds picture of her sister/

BRUCE: She's a bit young for me, but I have a friend...

/holds on tightly so he doesn’t fall off/
Enjoy the ride! wave

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by John Lambert:
[b] That is what I was assuming she meant. Even if some actions by Clark later on, like when he turned her down at the beginning of the month (it is still February for them, right?) really did hurt her, nothing tore her up emotionally like Superman rejecting her.
Clark turning her down while she was drunk on Revenge was just him being noble and not him rejecting her because of her, or to keep her safe, which in a way is also noble, but still darn irritating. [/b]
But he was only so forceful because he thought if he did anything she would die.

Although she does not realize that, I got the impression she suspected there was more to it than just realizing she was drunk. Doesn't she think the source told Clark something that turned him against her? Or has she now accepted it was all just him not taking advantage of her? Has she decided that thinking there was more going on was an over-reaction?

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
But he was only so forceful because he thought if he did anything she would die.

Although she does not realize that, I got the impression she suspected there was more to it than just realizing she was drunk. Doesn't she think the source told Clark something that turned him against her?
She did originally think that (at first), before she realized the extent of her actions on Revenge and how exactly out of character they were.

Or has she now accepted it was all just him not taking advantage of her? Has she decided that thinking there was more going on was an over-reaction?
Now, she basically accepts this half-truth. Clark went to meet a source, who informed him that Lois and the rest of the Planet had been drugged with a love potion, and after that Clark became all noble and refused to do anything if her decision-making skills could be called into question. Damn gentleman!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Female Hawk is still holding tightly onto the second place spot at the moment, but I wouldn't mind some competition.
/blatantly ignores hint/

LOIS: Oh, come on! If he really loves me that wouldn't matter.
CLAKR: Helloooo? Super-sense of smell here?

CLARK: <<clears throat>> Lois doesn't need Kryptonite to kill me.
LOIS: blush What? It’s not my fault that I can give him an aneurism.

I thought the Prankster was more engineering than science, same with Professor Coleman(?).
Details. And yeah, that’s the dude. Thanks. Plus, engineering is applied science, so…

But that crazy guy who broke out the prisoners using Resurrection, you could count him.
Huh. Right. He’s not very memorable, compared to the little guy with the biiig crush on the Angel-outfit.

CLARK: <<shrugs adorably>> So, I'm not supposed to like pretty women just because they're fertile? Who's the creep now?
wave Michael

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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by John Lambert:
[b]But he was only so forceful because he thought if he did anything she would die.

Although she does not realize that, I got the impression she suspected there was more to it than just realizing she was drunk. Doesn't she think the source told Clark something that turned him against her?
She did originally think that (at first), before she realized the extent of her actions on Revenge and how exactly out of character they were.

Or has she now accepted it was all just him not taking advantage of her? Has she decided that thinking there was more going on was an over-reaction?
Now, she basically accepts this half-truth. Clark went to meet a source, who informed him that Lois and the rest of the Planet had been drugged with a love potion, and after that Clark became all noble and refused to do anything if her decision-making skills could be called into question. Damn gentleman! [/b]
Oh, I am glad of that. ALthough oddly she was closer to the truth earlier.

John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
/blatantly ignores hint/

WOMEN everywhere: Oh yes, he is.
RALPH: But I don't drool, steal food, pee everywhere, and try to hump...

LOIS: <<looks skeptical>>

RALPH: Well, okay. But I don't sniff everyone's butts!

LOIS: :rolleyes:

ER: <<let's Clark in on a little secret about Lois>>
CLARK: <<shock>> I can’t believe I’m that horrible a person!
CAT: Oh, honey, I've been trying to explain for months what you two have been doing wrong.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by John Lambert:
Now, she basically accepts this half-truth. Clark went to meet a source, who informed him that Lois and the rest of the Planet had been drugged with a love potion, and after that Clark became all noble and refused to do anything if her decision-making skills could be called into question. Damn gentleman!
Oh, I am glad of that. ALthough oddly she was closer to the truth earlier.
There's a lot of give and take in this fic.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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LOIS: <<hands him that stuff coroners use under their noses so not to pass out while working on DBs.>>
Eucalyptus-scented Vaseline?
CLARK: razz
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image] (Magnum Infinity with Chocolate)
[Linked Image] @ LOIS

RALPH: But I don't drool, steal food, pee everywhere, and try to hump...

LOIS: <<looks skeptical>>

RALPH: Well, okay. But I don't sniff everyone's butts!

LOIS: /thinks of that one time where she found Ralph’s nose print on her slacks bottoms/
PERRY: Now, Lois, that’s unfair. Ralph’s way too lazy for brownnosing.

CAT: Oh, honey, I've been trying to explain for months what you two have been doing wrong.
He just wouldn’t listen. Maybe if they doused him with some green-K, strapped him down on a bed, and let Lois have her way with him?

CLARK: Hey, why is it considered funny and okay if Lois did that to me but if I did that to Lois, well… people would want to see me Ralphed?

wave Michael

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Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Eucalyptus-scented Vaseline?
CLARK: <<cries>>
LOIS: Fine! I'll take a shower, but you can't watch.

CLARK: drool Pret-ty Lady. Me, Cark. You, Lo-Lo?

(Magnum Infinity with Chocolate)
ER: <ninner-ninner-nineer> @ LOIS
LOIS: hyper Lois? Lois? Are you going to untie me, now? Lois?

CLARK: Hey, why is it considered funny and okay if Lois did that to me but if I did that to Lois, well… people would want to see me Ralphed?
I think it would depend on how he did it and whether he had Lois's consent. With men, consent is always assumed (unless of course, it wasn't Lois doing the abducting and ravishing).

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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