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As I mentioned, I've never written a crossover before and it's been a while since I wrote L&C, so I hope the story's enjoyable nonetheless! I'm having a lot of fun writing it and trying to imagine how my favorite characters would interact. I'd love it if you'd let me know what you think of it! Thanks!

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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Loving it so far. You've captured Rumple and Belle so perfectly. I'm looking forward to more mystery and romance.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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What a fun idea. You're off to a great start.


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Yes! Anti-K is back! dance

Although the backstory between Rumple and Belle are unknown to me this should prove to be very different from the world of Metropolis.

Bring on the next part!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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I haven't seen "Once Upon A Time" but I think I'm going to have to, now that you've started this crossover. Good job in making it clear to the non-watcher.

An excellent start; I love the ominous foreboding that Clark feels. Can't wait to see where you take us!

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I love Once Upon a Time! You may not have written a crossover before, but so far, so good laugh

Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace
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Delightful beginning.
“Thanks for doing this,” Lois said, polite and casual, nothing at all to hide. For the hundredth time, Clark thought that she was the one for whom a secret identity would be almost second-nature.
A wonderful line.

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clap Loved it!! I love Once Upon A Time and think this is a fantastic crossover idea! Though I was briefly confused by who Mr. Gold was talking to, until the ressurected fiancee comment and I remembered you said this was after the episode where Sark (I mean Victor) came on the scene. Speaking of, I didn't think that her fiancee was resurrected? Or perhaps I'm just remembering wrong...

Anyway, great story so far and please update soon! laugh

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
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Well I have read a bunch of stuff on wikipedia about the show "Once Upon a Time", so I know have a vague idea about its plot. Actually, maybe more than that considering there are articles on lots of the characters.

The characters seem to be acting in character from what little I know.

Lois and Clark I can say are doing wonderfully. I can totally imagine Lois spinning out all those lines.

John Pack Lambert
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I finally had a chance to read this part. A fantastic start to a first-ever crossover. You've kept the characters from both universes very true to themselves, and have captured a bit of the flavour of each show.

I'm glad you decided to go ahead with writing this story.

Looking forward to part two.


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Wow, thanks, everyone, for the amazing feedback already for this story! Comments are always welcome and lovely, but even more so when it's for a story I'm nervous about, so it was a joy to read all your thoughts! smile1

Katharine Kent, thanks so much for the encouragement about Rumplestiltskin and Belle -- they're definitely my favorite characters on OUaT (and one of the reasons I've been neglecting L&C) and so fun to play around with.

Glad you're reading, scifiJoan -- every time I read one of your comments, I'm reminded that you're one of the first who ever gave me feedback the first time I posted a story! wave I was delighted to receive a comment from you, Morgana -- despite the fact that this is one of the only stories I've dared to post without your excellent beta-ing services! Thanks for jumping aboard even though you don't watch OUaT!

I would definitely recommend OUaT, Iolanthe -- it certainly sucked me right in! But whether or not you do, I'm so glad you're giving the story a try -- and I'm relieved you could follow along! And ominous feelings are going to be coming left and right, I'm afraid; Storybrooke isn't exactly welcoming to newcomers!

Thanks, Starkat! Always happy to meet another fan who enjoys both L&C and OUaT!

I liked that line, too, Framework4 -- Lois certainly took to the cover story aspect of superhero-ing so much easier than poor Clark did. smile

Yay! Another fan of both my favorite shows! smile Thanks, Mouserocks -- Gold was talking to the current sheriff, Prince Charming, and Dr. Whale (AKA Dr. Frankenstein) brought Daniel back to life but only as a pale, monstrous reflection of himself, which made things much more difficult for poor Regina. Hopefully, all of that will become clearer as the story progresses!

Whew!, Thanks, John -- Lois and Clark are such old friends that writing them feels like coming home, but dialogue is always a tricky thing!

Lynn, so glad to hear from you -- this story is pretty much your fault, you know. You just kept making me think about it until I *had* to write it down. laugh And I'm having fun with it, so I owe you an even bigger thank you. Love what you said about the different 'flavors' coming through because so far, that's been the funnest to try to convey.

Thank you to everyone braving this crossover -- I hope to have the next chapter up very soon!

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So it is David Nolan who will be coming to meet with Lois and Clark as they arrive. I am looking forward to more.

John Pack Lambert
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Yay! Another fan of both my favorite shows! Thanks, Mouserocks -- Gold was talking to the current sheriff, Prince Charming, and Dr. Whale (AKA Dr. Frankenstein) brought Daniel back to life but only as a pale, monstrous reflection of himself, which made things much more difficult for poor Regina. Hopefully, all of that will become clearer as the story progresses!
wallbash Right. blush Figured it all out now. My timeline seems to blur on that show sometimes, but I still love it. laugh I still think of Frankenstein as Sark though :p from Alias.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
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I'd never heard of OUaT - I couldn't even tell you if it has aired in Australia.

However, I've really enjoyed your earlier stories, Anti-K, so I thought I'd give it try.

Nice set-up. Lois and Clark have clearly gotten into something rather strange. If I were familiar with the other show, I might have more idea of what awaits them, but I'm quite enjoying the same sense of complete mystery that Lois and Clark are feeling.

I like your portrayal of Clark. He recognises he made a mistake in sharing his doubts with Lois when he should have continued listening to the conversation. I think sometimes it's easy to show Superman as being always right and Clark as being dimly lunkheaded, particularly when it comes to interacting with Lois. This showed that hundreds of little decisions would come with having super-powers and not ever Superman gets it right all the time.


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No problem, mouserocks! So much has happened this season that it always shocks me to realize that what seems forever ago wasn't that many episodes ago! smile Yes, now that you mention it, Sark left quite an impression, and so did Takezo Kensai from Heroes -- I like him much better as Whale/Frankenstein!

Thanks for giving the story a try, Female Hawk! OUaT is a very good show, but it's very complicated with so many main characters, so I hope the story isn't too confusing! It's always the little decisions that build up that have drawn me to Clark/Superman's story. To be perfect, or 'right,' every minute of every day is pretty daunting and impossible. Thanks again!

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I did a little dance when I read that this is a OUaT crossover! Crossovers are hard, but you're doing a great job with this one.

I can't wait to catch up...ironically this would be the one place where Superman wouldn't be unusual!

Amber smile

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Thanks, amberlea! So glad you're enjoying! Superman would fit in pretty well in Fairytale Land, I think -- it's the fact that he's a reporter that presents the problem, ironically enough! smile Thanks for reading!

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dark curse that has just been broken
Season 2 then. Gotcha.

Mr. Gold knew something was wrong.
Was totally hoping to see him up front and center. laugh

Trouble at the door, indeed--something was trying to get in.
Sorry, Storybrooke, but you are on the map now.

Twenty-eight years of living the same, cursed life day in and day out, time frozen all around them, and he’d never needed a phone.
Huh. Good point.

whole worlds quaked in fear at his reputation of making deals and twisting meanings and fashioning loopholes that ensured his own agenda was always served
Love this whole section.

The man she hadn’t yet given up on.
I do like that Rumple and Clark are foils for each other in this sense. Rumple has Belle, who never gives up on him, even at his worst. And Clark never gave up on Lois, even at her worst moments too.

If he ignored it, who knew what would find its way inside Storybrooke?
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's....a man in blue tights!

But…but she’d already left him once because he wouldn’t tell her the truth, and he didn’t know that he could bear to lose her a fourth time.
I know we've discussed this over email, but I love this comparison to Clark too. Rumple is afraid the truth about him will force Belle to leave. Clark was afraid that Lois would reject him because of his own secret.

It was a terrible idea, he knew.
Which is why he's going to say yes.

He winced as soon as the words left him--because they were still just tentatively trying to rebuild and rediscover their relationship and maybe it was too early for terms of endearment; because Belle hated other people making decisions for her--but she only laughed.
Sounds like another couple I can think of... wink

“It was the wolf that ran across the road that caused the accident.”
Ruby! Bad girl!

Besides, strange smoke--*colored* smoke--being sighted in coastal Maine is pretty unusual.
Ah, I did wonder.

“All right, maybe,” he admitted.
Naughty Clark! I approve! wave Wonderful start! Can't wait to read more. But, seeing how late it is, I'll have to read tomorrow. Sorry it took me so long to get to this one! I'm soooo behind in my reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon

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