Great part.
Rod climbed carefully up the catwalk which hung forty-five feet above the auditorium. He moved quietly toward the three people. “Stop,” he said when he realized he was upon them.
Liz turned and taking a few steps toward him, pushed Rod off the catwalk.
Did Rod try to stop Liz, Dr. Light and Rod's father?
Claire ran on stage and pulled Lois further away from the bedroom door.
From off stage, Jonathan cranked the bedroom door shut, and Wells pushed appropriate buttons. An electrical whirring began as steam funneled out from under the bedroom door.
Superman flew back up to the catwalk and using electrical cable tied up the perpetrators.
Claire ran on stage and pulled Lois further away from the bedroom door.
From off stage, Jonathan cranked the bedroom door shut, and Wells pushed appropriate buttons. An electrical whirring began as steam funneled out from under the bedroom door.
Superman flew back up to the catwalk and using electrical cable tied up the perpetrators.
Did we get rid of Tempus?
Please said Yes.
Are the Perpetrators Liz, Dr. Light and Rod's father?
More ASAP, please.
Happy Holidays!