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Darth Michael: A 4-part FDK! Isn’t that a tad cocky to assume he’ll score on the first date? ASABI: That’s what the date rape drugs in the guest’s food is for. LEX: No, Asabi, not on the first date. On the 3rd date. They get two chances to come willingly first. Huh. How’s he accomplishing *that* feat? LEX: I don't understand. It works topside all the time. Once he gets bored and institutes multiple partner events and jelly wrestling matches? LEX: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d075.gif) Hey, Asabi! Huh, what’s about that? Or is it the first time Lex has heard a door bell? Yes. The Ark is a good place to hide the originals he had acquired. I've always wondered where that vault from Foundling was. ER: [shocked, yet secretly thrilled that I turned that corner] Is she really smart or a sexual deviant? I’m guessing that explains why she’s early and not wearing any underwear. And carrying a whip? Wait, is she taunting him, telling him she knows he wants a private exam of a different nature? Perhaps. It’s fun seeing him interact with a woman he’s too much woman for him. Mindy would have him run screaming. Or gassed. MINDY: Old men are soooo boring and predictable. And who led him to believe that? His previous experience with female members of the medical profession? Ari, Gretchen, Dr. Wilde. She’s taking the piss out of him. This is hilarious. Thank you. I thought you might like it. ER: [wipes off computer monitor again] Although, a tad crass and not entirely feasible. . . . [Thinks about who would be like that] . . . [It's Lex's love child!] She’s literally talking about Lex filling her uterus with his demon spawn in order to help populate what they’re calling the Coming Dawn. [Decides that Dr. M is a naive twit] She’s very practical, that Brandi. LOIS: A bit of a whore, though. I wouldn’t spread my legs for that…that…misogynist scum if the survival of humanity depended on it. Well, it's good then that she didn't accept Lex's invitation, then, isn't it? She’s not talking about sexual pleasures. Well, not Lex's.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to Darth Michael's FDK -- She’s quite the lioness, isn’t she? She’ll take over the pride once they emerge on the other side and have the lion ‘king’ sent to the savannah to return only when she’s in heat once more in the next spring. DR. M: By which time I'll have already replaced him. LOIS: Slut. ARI: [Agrees whole heartedly] CAT: Hey! MRS. COX: /Wields a pair of rusty scissors/ /They all turn and look at Mrs. Cox with fear./ LOIS: I think THAT's our exception to the rule. So, sex *with* protection? Not with her. She's only there to teach him. I don’t think he’s ever had that much woman sine he had that tryst with Big Bertha last weekend behind the dumpster. LEX: In my defense, it was supposed to be Long Legs Sally, but she didn't show. Makes me wonder why Lex doesn't want to go to jail so badly. Is she still talking about sex? Of course. Or just about examining him to make sure he’s healthy for the fathering. Yes. LEX: Yes. Yes. Yes. I mean, Yes. No. No. DR. M: BRANDI: /snaps on rubber glove/ “Men in their fifties need regular prostate exams.” Gfic, but that may have happened behind closed doors. I don’t think Lex saw that coming. LEX: [Help, Superman!] So, Lex didn't realize that this new community of his would soon be filled with screaming babies or that he wouldn't always get to do the fun stuff to create babies? For the continuation and health of our species, it’s a must.” ER: [shows picture of what they'll end up looking like if they don't do it properly] LEX: Okay, where do I sign? In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire for a safe and secure society. Oh, is that what you meant?  My bad. Lucretia Borgia’s first husband said the same thing before proven impotent in front of the entire college of cardinals when he failed to perform. Don't most men prefer not to perform in front of cardinals? And the church really needed to find some hobbies more in keeping with their faith. Sure, sure, the cardinals "said" they hadn't wanted to watch, but I'm not really believing them. And it worked quite well for 2000 years of Egyptian rule. Really? I thought it was only during and after the Ptolemaic period (after Alexander took over). ER: /relieved that Lex isn't going give up his infatuation of Lois for this ark doctor/ He’s sooo going to send down Mini-Lex for the next date. The poor lad is going to run scared from that Mrs. Robinson. Now, I need you to go into your bathroom, take a nice warm… not too hot, not too cold shower, cleanse yourself properly, and then go lie naked on your bed. I’ll take the examination over from there.” ER: [thinks it's so funny that Dr. M would expect Lex to shower BEFORE sex] LEX: Well, if it leads to sex... ER:  So, she *does* intend to boink his brains out. LEX: [Of course!] Perhaps not in the manner Lex expects. LEX: [decides he'd rather go home and watch Gossip Girls] Dr. M: Lex? LEX: T-t-t-thrreeee…? BRANDI: I thought you said you had no erectile dysfunction issues…? ARI: This is too good. Can I watch, please? [ditches Lex-C to pop corn] LEX: But after the first time why would I want to go again two more times? ER: Maybe he shouldn’t have gone with the under-thirty crowd, after all. Perhaps Lex isn't in the physical shape he had always thought he was. ER: She’s talking about the one that requires the rubber glove for hygienic purposes. LEX: Ugh-uh. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/muede/n032.gif) /couldn't find rubber glove snapping doctor smilie/ If you are, then I’ll return to test and grade your performance as a lover, and give you any pointers as needed.” ER: [titters quietly in the background, while begging for more] LEX: I don't need pointers. DR. M: /checks box marked dysfunctional/ JANE from Coupling: …and remember, while they do go in and out a bit, they do not, however, turn around… That was such a funny show... sigh... until the last season. He had to admit, though, he looked forward to not only proving the good doctor wrong, but making her highly satisfied with his ‘performance’. ER: [takes peek at Lex's grade before he does] Ooops. Did she bring the little blue pills? DR. M: This one isn't functional. Bring in our next king! LEX: I can do this. Dr. M: Sure, you can. I believe they need help in the stables. He really hadn’t thought that through, had he? Can you imagine, several hundred women with their cycles lined up and Lex missteps just a little bit? ARI: LOIS: Yeah, about that. I borrowed Mrs. Cox’s rusty pair of scissors. LEX: What do you mean she threw it in a bucket of worms and you couldn't find it? Lois would be joining his harem, by force if necessary. ER: I don’t think that’s legal. LEX: And that's stopped me before... oh, wait, it hasn't. Lex was a *lot* of fun. I didn’t laugh that much in a long time. Thanks. I thought of her being demure, but then I thought this might be more fun and unexpected.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- 2nd Continuation of Response to Darth Michael's FDK -- Yummm. Big chocolate bunny. SUPERMAN: /ticks off boxes in his notebook/ Lois is safe while undressing… Lois is safe in the shower… Lois is safe while dressing in night wear… Lois is safe while alone in bed. How is that quick? SUPERMAN: Oh, I check on her after every rescue. Look! A cat in a tree. Third one tonight. /goes back to check on Lois/ No speedtyping for him, now. Sure, when nobody is looking. But there is also speedy use of Wite-out for when the keys stuck together. ER: [whispering evil thoughts into Clark's head] Women are said to smile that way when they get out of Lex’s bedchamber. Yes, that's only because he uses the Joker's smiling gas to knock them out first.  How come she never asked me for a water heater? So, that’s a lose-lose for Lois, huh? She doesn't want Clark to die, but she doesn't want to be wrong either. Yeah, some days are full of Sofie's choices. “So, why don’t we finish this article so we can save the world, Super Woman?” ER: /corrects/ Ultra Woman. But this Clark doesn't know about UW. So long as he’s not accidentally typing out a romance novel’s more steamier aspects… CLARK:  No, I type those up extremely fast and accurately. Actually, I publish them as romance novels under the pen name of Kendra Clark. Why? So, job for the fastest pony express in the West? LEX: I'm good at sticking things in everywhere. LOIS: *That's* not going to solve our computer problems, Lex. SAM LANE: How Cyborgs are really made. Lois smiled at Clark. “Oh, I don’t know,” she answered casually. Five-to-ten seconds. LANA: About three seconds. RACHEL: I can’t really confirm that. Must have been you. CAT: I heard he can go all night long. Moreover, resurrecting Clark’s past. ER: [worried that Lois might discover that Clark's a spy for the Trade Federation] Isn't that...legal? Illegal, possibly, but certainly not legal. LOIS: Sure it is. It's just another form of B&E. HENDERSON: Uh... Lois, about that... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) LOIS: What do you mean that's illegal too?! Geez! How am I supposed to get my job done without that?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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A 4-part FDK! [Hyper] I was going to say, I don't deserve your kindness, but I want it. /makes like Lois at Fudge Castle/ You're welcome! And you might be correct... in the Archive version.  When this story arrives at the Archives, it will cast a shadow like one of those ID4 disk ships? LEX: Nigel! Nigel, come back with that elevator key. Niiiiigggeeeellll. NIGEL: /has decided to move the headquarters of Luthor Corp to the Swiss Alps. For tax purposes./ LEX: You get bonus points and an extra lesson about lawyers. So, carrot and stick at the same time? LEX: So, what you're saying is that giving my clone a gun was a bad... /Junior is having harmful fun/ It's not their anniversary yet. Duh! ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/frech/e045.gif) Some people forget some things over the course of several years. LEX-C sees Ari as a mother figure, so... that's probably accurate. quote: Because the peasants might be poor and ill-equipped, but if they organize with pitchforks, you still need a machine gun emplacement to keep them at bay.
LEX-C: Okay, but what does that have to do with me learning manners? :rolleyes: LEX: If you show manners while sucking them dry, they are less likely to organize and carry pitchforks. LEX: This is why you tie them down first, son. Maybe Lex needs to restructure the curriculum to cover the important parts first. Nigel is management so he gets tongue lashings more that literal lashings like a true minion. Baron Tempos: No wonder he gets shot by a twerp. You mean when Circe turned all the men who visited her island into pigs? CIRCE: They were already pigs, I just made it more obvious. No, just another game of Thrones reference  I know, I know. But at the time, it’s just been a few months since the season finale. LEX: No, Asabi, not on the first date. On the 3rd date. They get two chances to come willingly first. Oh dear. /refrains from referencing the three-date rule often portrayed in scripted media/ LEX: I don't understand. It works topside all the time. Rumor has it that women talk. quote:Huh, what’s about that? Or is it the first time Lex has heard a door bell?
Yes. That so…sad. Bullwhip? MINDY: Old men are soooo boring and predictable. LEX: Good thing I’m not Nigel, then. quote: And who led him to believe that? His previous experience with female members of the medical profession?
Ari, Gretchen, Dr. Wilde. See? Well, it's good then that she didn't accept Lex's invitation, then, isn't it? LOIS: DR. M: By which time I'll have already replaced him. Now that’s just…mean. /They all turn and look at Mrs. Cox with fear./ LOIS: I think THAT's our exception to the rule. Afraid for their hair? So, Lex didn't realize that this new community of his would soon be filled with screaming babies or that he wouldn't always get to do the fun stuff to create babies? You really think he thought that all the way through? quote: For the continuation and health of our species, it’s a must.” ER: [shows picture of what they'll end up looking like if they don't do it properly]
LEX: Okay, where do I sign?  and quote: In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire for a safe and secure society.
Oh, is that what you meant? [Embarrassed] My bad. Yep. I do usually go for the direct quote when dialogue’s similar.
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Don't most men prefer not to perform in front of cardinals? And the church really needed to find some hobbies more in keeping with their faith. Sure, sure, the cardinals "said" they hadn't wanted to watch, but I'm not really believing them. Well… and to be fair, back in the day they had still been allowed, well, not officially banned, well, even the Pope, anyhow, there’s been a lot of female companionship involved back in the day and the boy-love was still considered to be kind of a blemish. quote: And it worked quite well for 2000 years of Egyptian rule.
Really? I thought it was only during and after the Ptolemaic period (after Alexander took over). No, I don’t think that’s just a Macedonian thing. Tut-Ench-Amun married his half-sister for instance. Perhaps not in the manner Lex expects. He’s a guy. What does he know? RALPH: Hey! I know a *lot* about women. /hauls out porn collection/ LEX: But after the first time why would I want to go again two more times? WOMEN everywhere: And why does she think that he’s ever had a woman ask for seconds in the first place? LEX: See? I satisfied them completely on the first try. /What Brandi will dress like/ /couldn't find rubber glove snapping doctor smilie/  Michael
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I wish it were available on Netflix instant list. I've been wanting to watch it. Lois gets marginalized some in it. They have lots more super-powered bad guys. I am not sure if they ever have a Lois-free episode, but it is not Lois and Clark.
John Pack Lambert
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Originally posted by John Lambert: I wish it were available on Netflix instant list. I've been wanting to watch it. Lois gets marginalized some in it. They have lots more super-powered bad guys. I am not sure if they ever have a Lois-free episode, but it is not [b]Lois and Clark. [/b] Right now, I'm on S7 of Smallville, and one week it's Lana, and the next week it's Lois, almost as if it was taboo to have the two loves of Clark's life in the same episode.  Ugh. I know that the writers loved Lana by this point and didn't want to get rid of her, but Clark needs CLOSURE already to move on to the true love of his life. Lana is as annoying as Clois from the Argh Arc is. Clark's in denial and can't see how un-right she is for him. It's getting to the point where if Clark doesn't stop chasing Lana soon, he'll be in rebound mode when he hooks up with Lois and it won't seem genuine (or fair to Lois). I'd like another show to watch where Clark is ONLY interested in Lois, even if Lois plays him off other men every once and a while. Hence, why I want the Animated Superman Show available easily.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: You skipped from 119 to 121 when working through FDK-FDK-FDK-FDK.  oh, this is what you meant about wool and eyes! Maybe Lex needs to restructure the curriculum to cover the important parts first. LEX: You can lead yourself to woman... Baron Tempos: No wonder he gets shot by a twerp. Nigel isn't shot by a twerp. He's poisoned by a twerp. TEMPUS: /pulls out gun, kisses barrel/ Easily fixed. /aims at Nigel, pulls trigger/ Oh dear. /refrains from referencing the three-date rule often portrayed in scripted media/ Isn't it funny how the 3-date rule only seems to apply in LA and NYC? LEX: I don't understand. It works topside all the time. ER: Rumor has it that women talk. Nah. Don't worry about it, Lex. If they start to fight, you can save money on vitamin regimes. ER: Huh, what’s about that? Or is it the first time Lex has heard a door bell? EW: Yes. ER: That so…sad. No, actually the mechanics of a manual typewriter just won’t go that fast. The first computer was actually created by a frustrated 10 y.o. Kryptonian boy in Kansas. She likes her heater solar powered? EW: But this Clark doesn't know about UW. ER: /shows Clark picture/ CLARK: Oh, she's pretty hot. I'd like to say 'smoking' but Lois might overhear. /hands picture back/ I'll stick with Lois, thanks. CLARK: [Embarrassed] No, I type those up extremely fast and accurately. Actually, I publish them as romance novels under the pen name of Kendra Clark. Why? ER: Just like Jameson Rook! Who? LOIS: What do you mean that's illegal too?! Geez! How am I supposed to get my job done without that? LINDA: Like the rest of us do? SAMANTHA: [uh-huh] LOIS: I’m *not* going to be working on my back. LOIS: As a serious reporter, I investigate other things than size... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c050.gif) Oh, hi, Superman. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/c085.gif) Would you like to come over later? And finally get that interview done? I had a few more questions.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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quote:Originally posted by Darth Michael: You skipped from 119 to 121 when working through FDK-FDK-FDK-FDK.
[Shock] Where did it go? /hangs head in shame <terribly distraught about overfloweth inbox> / Sorry. Yes, but by the time all three "Sections" of this Book 2 are on the Archives, it might teeter a bit towards my link...  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: LEX: You get bonus points and an extra lesson about lawyers. ER: So, carrot and stick at the same time? EW: Isn't that always the best way to teach? ER: Give Lois a carrot so she can see more clearly and then have her use the stick to show Lex about what she has learned about him? I thought it was to teach Lex about astronomy... you know explain where the sun doesn't shine? He’s smarter than his progenitor looks. ASABI: I've got to get me a better job. Baron Tempos: No wonder he gets shot by a twerp.
EW: Nigel isn't shot by a twerp. He's poisoned by a twerp. ER: I was thinking Lex being the one getting shot when Nigel showed up in Phoenix. But Nigel never actually pulled the trigger on him, did he? I thought Gretchen got shot into the powerbox, but I don't think Lex got hurt. /Sounds like a question for Sue, Phoenix expert/ Although, isn’t 1 date in fictional work about LA? Outside of fanfiction, I don't read much anymore. CLARK: Oh, she's pretty hot. I'd like to say 'smoking' but Lois might overhear. /hands picture back/ I'll stick with Lois, thanks. CANON LOIS: I’m not sure if I should be insulted or satisfied. CANON CLARK: /squints/ And why do you care what *another* Clark is thinking?  I just thought it would be fun to have Clark be the blind one for once. Oh dear. You don’t watch Castle, either? /loses all respect for EW/ I'm waiting for it to pop back up on Netflix's Instant list. I'm currently catching up on three, four...er... five other shows at the moment. I'm up to about S1,E7 on Arrow.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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ER: Give Lois a carrot so she can see more clearly and then have her use the stick to show Lex about what she has learned about him?
I thought it was to teach Lex about astronomy... you know explain where the sun doesn't shine?  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: Although, isn’t 1 date in fictional work about LA?
EW: Outside of fanfiction, I don't read much anymore. ER: I was thinking TV. If it’s shown there, it must be true, right? *Live* television? Nah, I don't have that either. Everything I watch is at least a season out of date.  Now, I'm waiting for the current season of Arrow, Beauty and the Beast, and Bones to pop up. /made it to S5 of BBT, S7 of Smallville, and 5 episodes into Chuck./ Still working on S1 Once upon a Time, S2 Glee (to remind myself to stop procrastinating on my writing), and S8 of How I Met Your Mother. Back to topic though, yes, I don't think abstinence before marriage is allowed on television, except in very rare occurrences where the characters are VERY religious or really weird (or both). Usually by date 3, they've passed that threshold. So, in that way, L&C:NAoS was a very different show, indeed. EW: I just thought it would be fun to have Clark be the blind one for once. ER: [gets evil ideas] /quickly throws blanket over bunny cage/ Don't want those ideas to flourish, huh?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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So, in that way, L&C:NAoS was a very different show, indeed. LOIS:  Michael
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: ER: [gets evil ideas] /quickly throws blanket over bunny cage/
EW: Don't want those ideas to flourish, huh? ER: Just don’t want them to get out and see the world until they're all grown up. PLOT BUNNIES:  We feel like Superman in Lex's cage of honor.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.