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#96017 06/21/13 08:04 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Thank you all for your patience and continued readership. I know this story is taking forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever... and ever... but I'm trying the best I can to tie all the loose threads, follow the plot I've laid out, which will eventually lead to an ending. I apologize again for its 3x Epic length. This arc while darker than most will shortly be over and we'll be moving hopefully at a faster clip. <<EW says grovel to her muses>> If I were an organized writer I would have mapped this out better, but I usually let my characters and muse tell me where to go as long as they follow the yellow brick road (outline).

Once again, any and all comments are eaten... er... appreciated like chocolate. laugh

LOIS: Did someone say chocolate? [img]http://tinyurl.com/cmlq5zn[/img]

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/13/14 10:41 AM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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but there would still be repercussions of having had the Idea of Metropolis virus nibbling away at the country’s computer infrastructure for the past couple of days.
I think you wanted to say ides there.

and were once again returning to the Daily Planet, or the radio, for the latest news.
How can the radio stations broadcast if they have no power?

Consequently, when neither Clark nor Superman had returned to M.U.T. by nine fifteen,
grumble at Clark being missing.

and my microwave doesn’t work,
How is Lois surviving without a microwave?

it might make y…
Did he almost say "your boyfriend?

Clark feel better than if you returned there alone.”
What does Clark's view on the situation have to do with it? It seems an odd way to describe the situation.

If her partner was so worried about her safety, he could come and guard her body personally.
This sounds like a good plan.

Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea. It was such a good idea, in fact, that she hoped that Clark thought of it too.
Why do I think he won't be able to do this with all the demands on Supreman right now?

As long as the power was out, she could use his body heat without interfering with her undercover assignment.
Would Luthor's spying devices be connected with the power grid? It seems like they would be battery powered, and still work somewhat.

and how he had been out, busy being Superman.
At least she knows where he was.

She had considered using her lock picks and breaking in to wait for him to return,
It would have been so much more fun if she had done this.

Mentally, she wasn’t in the mood to lie in wait for Clark and finally share that important conversation they needed to have.
They do need to have it. I am giving up hope of it ever happening.

Physically, she had merely wanted him to hold her, kiss her, and tell her everything would be all right, as she knew it would be.
She should have stayed, if only for that.

Those hours of waiting for Superman or Clark to return to M.U.T.
frown that he did not come back.

Patience was a virtue she didn’t possess.
She has shown patience in not telling Clark what she knows.

and since she was currently out on bail, she needed to walk the straight and narrow,
jawdrop she is actually trying to abide by the law.

The last thing she needed would be getting caught breaking-and-entering into Clark’s apartment.
He would probably go along with a claim that she lives there and had just misplaced her key. As long as she would make it so. Well, at least if she could convince him the curse does not apply.

As she closed in on her neighborhood, she saw sporadic buildings with lit windows, including Lex Tower.
Thus, he probably has his tacker of her watch working. Although that would not tell him if Clark is with her. I am surprised he did not install bugs in the watch so he could listen to her.

Somehow, she needed to step up her investigation, but she could tell every little thing having to do with her and Lex upset Clark.
I wish she would give up the investigation.

despite having given her heart to that sweet man who was supposedly a farm boy from Kansas.
frown that she does not know that Clark is a farm boy from Kansas. He even told her Kansas is the same in any dimension.

She couldn’t live through hearing the whispers, hushed gossip, and giggles again, not after Claude had spread those horrible rumors about her, and not after working so hard to build up her reputation as a hard-nosed reporter.
I think that should be "like after Claude".

Lois grinned, and an evil chuckle passed her lips as she recalled the three different shades of pale he had turned when she had asked why they had never done a joint interview with Superman.
She could have so much fun with teasing him about that. Hmm, maybe she should tease him about it until he admits the truth.

John Pack Lambert
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I'm glad Lois wants to confront Clark about his alter-ego.

Lex is cracking me up - "couldn't get out of bed". We know what really happened wink


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It was time to come clean with Clark.
smile1 she wants to tell Clark. Although considering how many parts ago Clark decided to tell Lois, yet he still has not, I should not get my hopes too high.

She had wanted to wait until he confessed the truth to her about Superman, actually she still did.
So is she going to wait, or is she going to do the right thing and bite the bullet? I hope they do not both keep waiting for the other to show forth more trust.

He needed to prove to her, beyond a doubt, that he trusted her.
This is a game of chicken neither can win.

She scoffed to herself. So that she could then crush that trust by admitting that she had been investigating Lex on her own,
Won't that at least put to ease his fears she wants a relationship with Lex?

It wasn’t going to be an easy conversation, Lois knew, which was one of the reasons she hadn’t stuck around at Clark’s apartment the previous night.
frown that she left.

Clark would never keep her out of the loop regarding such an investigation,
Ironic, since he has not told her he is investigating Luthor. Not that he has really made much progress on that investigation, but still.

any investigation in fact, so not telling him had been like a woodpecker perforating her soul.
Actually, I think it will be mainly positive in its effects.

Well, technically, Clark hadn’t told her about collaborating with Cat to investigate the disappearance of Dr. Brenda Muldoon, but comparing the two investigations was pointless as they weren’t even on the same page, scale-wise.
Still, withholding information is withholding information.

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They couldn’t have the conversation at her apartment once the power was back on, in case the Voyeur had set up his surveillance once more.
I am not convinced the surveillance equipment would be put on the power grid.

Lois shuddered involuntarily at the thought of Lex watching her shower, change her clothes, and sleep.
I am surprised she is willing to go through such.

Of course, they couldn’t have the conversation until the power was back on, anyway, because Superman would be too busy to spend the time, the uninterrupted time, to discuss their relationship.
frown at the conversation being postponed.

They certainly couldn’t have the conversation at the Daily Planet.
What if they locked themselves into the supply closet?

with her luck, her tongue would get a mind of its own and she’d end up stranded because Clark had flown off in a huff.
I really doubt that would happen.

That left Clark’s apartment, which had the added bonus of having food and a bed.
Clark:Oh no, she wants to share a bed. That would activate the curse.

If only they could get locked in a safe room with no internal surveillance and plenty of amenities.
That would be a fun story.

Now, all she needed to do was find the correct time.
At the rate they are going that will be never.

All she and Clark needed was at least six hours of uninterrupted time, with no phone calls,
That sounds unlikely.

no Jimmy knocking on his front door,
That will be really hard with two of them.

and no calls for ‘help’.
Sounds impossible.

The power had finally come back on in the city the night before,
So is this the next day?

and Lois hoped to nail down a time that she and Clark, or Superman, could talk.
Like the planned dinner from back in February that never occurred?

Just as she was about to broach the subject with her partner a messenger walked into the Daily Planet’s bullpen, requesting her presence at a lunch meeting with Lex and Mr. Schwartz to discuss her legal case.
smile1 they are touching. Although I do have to wonder if this is wise with Rita there considering Lois' theories about Rita.

that he had still done more than enough rescuing during the weekend and would never be able to save everyone.
Can she really convey this with a touch if he does not know she knows that he is SM?

“Really, Cat?” Jimmy sputtered despite his jaw hitting the floor. “Does Superman…?”
Lois:No, Superman only wants one woman, and it isn't her.

Lois’s fingers moved from Clark’s back to his arm in a possessive way as she shot the woman a scowl.
grumble there is not enough Lois and Clark interacting in this story.

Lois thought again about her pillow and about the dream of kissing Clark outside, in public, for everyone to see.
At least she has some good memories.

It had been a nice kiss, despite Clark running off in the middle of it due to an exploding car down the street,
Did she see who was in the car?

“‘Need me to do’?” Lois repeated. “That’s rich, after sabotaging me.”
That is a good point.

“That was a misunderstanding,” Cat explained.
Such usually result from the message being poorly worded.

“I meant he shouldn’t hover. We’re big girls who can take care of ourselves, not defenseless women.”
And Luthor treats women as so important and having meaningful things to contribute to society. I don't think it computes at all.

“I’ll clear it up later,” Cat said in an off-hand manner as if it didn’t matter.
She really does not get it.

“You could do anything short of murder, and he’d still follow you to the ends of the Earth.”
He would still grumble at her, and trust her less far before that.

“Mind if I don’t test your theory?” Lois said bitterly.
Lois is wise. If she were really dating Lex I think that would really cut Clark up.

“Hardly. I meant the next time you go to his place.
Lois:What is with people changing their request after you met it.

Have him pick you up and let me know,” Cat said.
Lois:I much prefer having my own car, and being able to leave if I so chose.

Was Cat worried that Lex had plans to kidnap her? No, Cat couldn’t possibly mean it that way, because why would she be encouraging Lois to use Lex’s limousine?
That is assuming she is not intentionally trying to get Lois kidnapped.

“That’s it,” Cat replied. “You could also tell me what positions he likes, but that would be strictly off the record, background information.”

Good thing she already knew Lex wasn’t the hero of her story, or she might have bought this act.
I guess she still has to hold somewhat to canon.

His movements seemed stilted, guarded, almost stiff.
Is this the clone? That was my first idea. However on further thought, I wondered if Lex would ever let the clone near Lois. However, since he did so in the Clark-less timeline, I had to wonder.

She disregarded it as discomfort at being outside; like a monster forced outside during daylight hours, Lex fit better into the inside, the shadows, and the dark of night.
This is why Lex Jr. worked so well. He was Lex, only more so. Disturbingly more so.

“Thank you for inviting me to lunch, Lex,” Lois said, swallowing down the annoyance that he had once again interrupted a conversation between her and Clark.
Not that she would actually be having lunch with Clark.

She cut directly to the chase. “And for bailing me out of jail, but as I stated before it would be better for all involved if the Daily Planet’s attorneys handled my case from now on.”
It is not clear that they will do so though.

Schwartz glanced at Lex, who nodded for the man to speak. “Ms. Lane, I have been in contact with Mayson Drake the assistant District Attorney assigned this case,
Interesting development, although I am not too surprised.

and I believe that I can persuade her to drop all charges.”
I half wonder if his methods of "persuasion" would be fully legal and ethnical.

“Isn’t that wonderful, darling?” Lex asked with a debonair smile, setting his hand on top of hers.
He really does not listen. Why does she thing he could ever fool her?

Lois pulled her hand away.
Good for her.

“It isn’t more than I expected, Mr. Schwartz. I did prove that Eugene Laderman was innocent, therefore making my ‘harboring’ charges moot.
I am not sure that would fully work, however considering that the conviction was partly brought by incompetent identification of the body, the DA would probably be smart to not make a scene about it.

Also, due to my intervention, Eugene was released from jail soon enough to concoct an antidote, which kept the infrastructure of this country from going further down the tubes.
Her being key to Reed arresting the Harrisons as soon as she did would probably also be in her favor.

Schwartz glanced over at Lex, who shrugged in a familiar manner that clearly scoffed “women!”.
More reason Lois should never deal with a chauvinist like Lex.

Lois noticed though, after Lex made the movement a momentary flash of pain streaked across his face.
This initially confirmed my clone theory, but on further reflection, I decided something else was going on.

Yes, something was definitely ailing Mr. Luthor.

I must admit there was a time or two this weekend I was tempted to visit you just to get a hot shower.”
grumble more unwanted touching.

“The truth of the matter is,” he said softly, squeezing her hand. “I spent the weekend…” He cleared his throat. “Unable to get out of bed.”
Was he that worn out?

“Oh, Lex. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you’d been ill,” Lois gasped, actually feeling bad for de-masking him so publicly.
Lois you need to remember this is the guy who ordered your partner murdered.

Lex coughed slightly. “Now, don’t you worry about me, Lois. I’ve been under a doctor’s strict care. It was my doctor, in fact, who insisted that I remain in bed.”
Ah, this is a reference to Muldoon. Oh, this makes Lois feeling at all sympathetic for him even more ironic. He was in bed with a woman.

“Now, I’m much better.” He said this wryly, leading Lois to believe he was angry at his illness, or the words describing his illness, but knowing Lex it was most likely that he was angry with himself for having become sick at all.
He actually never used the word sick though. Lois is assuming the wrong things about him being in bed.

We really did not get any interactions between Lois and Clark this part. grumble

It took two readings of Luthor's lines to realize he is not saying what Lois thinks he is saying, although he is being deliberately misleading.

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Joan: Thank you for still reading and commenting. wave
I'm glad Lois wants to confront Clark about his alter-ego.
Lois wants to talk to Clark. Clark wants to talk to Lois. The fates are having fun keeping them apart. evil

Lex is cracking me up - "couldn't get out of bed". We know what really happened
I was trying to be subtle enough to keep it PG-13 (Gfic). [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: Thanks for sticking with me and the super-long FDK. [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTm42TmFCCcvcaACd3B4SiMo20htBsWyDynIArI-VHEfxy9oor8kg[/img] Okay. That wasn't supposed to be THAT big. blush

I think you wanted to say ides there.
I did, and I thought I caught all of those. Sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own when I type (that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it). Thanks. Fixed.

How can the radio stations broadcast if they have no power?
Same way Luthor has lights on: generators.

How is Lois surviving without a microwave?
clap Well, after finishing up all the half-melted ice cream in her freezer, she was pretty much full.

it might make y…
JOHN: Did he almost say "your boyfriend?
No, "you".

What does Clark's view on the situation have to do with it? It seems an odd way to describe the situation.
Maybe she'd take Jimbo up on his idea out of sympathy of what a nervous wreck her partner would be thinking of her all alone? No? Okay, it was a quick last minute substitution without any thought attached to it, when he realized Lois would never admit to being afraid... and would be more likely take him up on the offer, if she were using Clark as an excuse.

This sounds like a good plan.
She thought so.

Why do I think he won't be able to do this with all the demands on Supreman right now?
Because I'm writing this story? evil

Would Luthor's spying devices be connected with the power grid? It seems like they would be battery powered, and still work somewhat.
But to receive the signal they sent one would need power. Okay, it's mostly a delusion on her part. Perhaps one needed there to be power for Lois to have her lights on to see what she was up to? wink

At least she knows where he was.
One of the perks of knowing CK=SM.

It would have been so much more fun if she had done this.
I considered it, but I figured my characters didn't want to read another part of Lois sleeping on Clark's couch while he spent all night being Superman.

They do need to have it. I am giving up hope of it ever happening.
With each part the conversation grows closer.

She should have stayed, if only for that.
Yeah, but he has to show up for her to get that.

She has shown patience in not telling Clark what she knows.
A different kind of patience.

jawdrop she is actually trying to abide by the law.
[Linked Image] Too much? Temporary insanity?

He would probably go along with a claim that she lives there and had just misplaced her key. As long as she would make it so. Well, at least if she could convince him the curse does not apply.
But that's only if he's around to defend her and not press charges. If a neighbor caught her...

Thus, he probably has his tracker of her watch working. Although that would not tell him if Clark is with her. I am surprised he did not install bugs in the watch so he could listen to her.
Which is why she keeps taking it off (like that time in the supply room), or covering it up, whenever she has "private" conversations with Clark. She's not absolutely sure it doesn't have listening bugs on it, even though STAR Labs didn't mention seeing one.

sad that she does not know that Clark is a farm boy from Kansas. He even told her Kansas is the same in any dimension.
She thought he was joking.

I think that should be "like after Claude".
That's a different way of saying the same thing. Anyway, I like the repeated "not after..." phrasing.

She could have so much fun with teasing him about that. Hmm, maybe she should tease him about it until he admits the truth.
She's already ready to tell him she knows, but the fates have been having too much fun keeping them apart.

It was time to come clean with Clark.
JOHN: she wants to tell Clark. Although considering how many parts ago Clark decided to tell Lois, yet he still has not, I should not get my hopes too high.
See! She's trying to find a way to get them alone together with enough time to talk it through without compromising her Lex investigation.

She had wanted to wait until he confessed the truth to her about Superman, actually she still did.
JOHN: So is she going to wait, or is she going to do the right thing and bite the bullet? I hope they do not both keep waiting for the other to show forth more trust.
She's at the point of realizing, she might have to give up this point.

This is a game of chicken neither can win.
So true.

Won't that at least put to ease his fears she wants a relationship with Lex?
He doesn't believe she does but then she does things that make him doubt her, and he gets confused. He wants to believe the best, but he's been burned so often in life, it's hard for him to believe 100% that she would choose him over (a non-evil version of) Lex Luthor.

Ironic, since he has not told her he is investigating Luthor. Not that he has really made much progress on that investigation, but still.
Isn't it ironic? laugh <<Also, she's made such headway in HER investigation>>

any investigation in fact, so not telling him had been like a woodpecker perforating her soul.
JOHN: Actually, I think it will be mainly positive in its effects.
Admitting that she knows and is investigating Luthor? Or the woodpecker analogy?

Still, withholding information is withholding information.
LOIS: Have you noticed, my partner is very good at that?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
I am not convinced the surveillance equipment would be put on the power grid.
Oh, give Lois a little stress relief in letting her think that it is. wink

Lois shuddered involuntarily at the thought of Lex watching her shower, change her clothes, and sleep.
JOHN: I am surprised she is willing to go through such.
LOIS: I willing to do *anything* to keep Clark safe.

What if they locked themselves into the supply closet?
She doesn't know if Lex has spies at the DP.

Clark:Oh no, she wants to share a bed. That would activate the curse.
LOIS: He really worries too much. Wait. Curse?

If only they could get locked in a safe room with no internal surveillance and plenty of amenities.
JOHN: That would be a fun story.
I think so. I'm going to have to put my back-burner little grey cells working such a plot. <<for a short story>>

and no calls for ‘help’.
JOHN: Sounds impossible.
See, Clark's optimism has rubbed off on her.

So is this the next day?
Let's see, Perry's birthday was Thursday, Lois and Reed caught the Harrisons on Friday, they got Eugene out of Jail on Saturday morning, so this would be Monday.

Like the planned dinner from back in February that never occurred?
LOIS: Hey! That wasn't MY fault!

Why does she not just pretend to not get this message?
The messenger is from the same service Vatman used and he waited around for a response.

That would make sense. I am not sure it would move all prosecutors to drop the charges.
They never pressed charges in canon... after the fact.

If you are stuck in an elevator, eating might not be wise considering the other problems it might create.
So true.

It is good she sees this, and even better she trusts him enough that she does not doubt his motives.
She hasn't doubted his motives since learning he was SM. Her jealousy over Linda is irrational.
LOIS: I'm not irrational!
CLARK: :rolleyes:

Lois rubbed his back softly to reassure him
JOHN: smile they are touching. Although I do have to wonder if this is wise with Rita there considering Lois' theories about Rita.
Oh, so you've noticed that she's being a little more open about her relationship with Clark since coming to the conclusion that she needs to tell him the truth that she knows. <<plus, it isn't intimate touching, just friendly touching>>

Can she really convey this with a touch if he does not know she knows that he is SM?
LOIS: I can *try!*

Lois: No, Superman only wants one woman, and it isn't her.
CLARK: Um... Lois, don't you mean that Superman doesn't date?
LOIS: Yeah. It sure feels that way.

Although if Rita is Lex's agent, this might put back Lois's investigation.
Lois is holding lightly onto Clark's elbow, not his hand.

This makes the story much more belivable.
I thought so.

This never was a logical reaction to me. If I understood on the show, it was not clear they were related, just that they had relatives in common. Very few places frown on relations between people less closely related than second cousins, and normally even second cousins are ok.
Second cousins are *not* okay. Those would be the children of your first cousins (or the children of your parent's first cousins). And Cat grabbed this excuse as a way to keep Jimmy at arm's length. They are so distantly related, if she wanted to do it, it wouldn't be a factor.

He should sense she wants to talk with him.
She also just accepted a lunch date with Lex, so he's not feeling charitable.

Why would he lie about that?
To shock a confession out of her? Police detectives do NOT have to be honest with suspects in an investigation. <<why you should really bring a lawyer with you.>>

Clark needs to be more proactive in saving a place for Lois.
CLARK: Hey! This whole Ruse thing was Lois's idea.

Is this Luthor at work already?
LEX: I plead the fifth... I mean, no comment.

That has been an issue hanging over us for a long time now.
It's only mid-March (3 weeks in). Impact Day was on the last day of February. So, not that long, since she bumped into Linda the day her watch got stolen (during her investigation of Lex.)

That really does seem to cast Lois as cheating with Lex.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

If he doubts Lois at all the smile won't help.
If he's borderline doubtful, it does.

If he asked her point blank would she tell him the truth?
It depends how and where he asks her.

Is that Clark thinks it again, or that Lois is cheating again?
Clark again thinks this.

Well, it will be better to tell him all now then, right.
Here? In the middle of the meeting?
PERRY: Well, that's all well and good, Lane, but are you sure this was the best time to tell Clark that you knew he was Superman? You've given Jimmy a heart attack. Ralph peed his pants. And Clark's flown out the window. Really, you chose now?

Well, since she is clearly not cheating with Lex, I think she can clear that mess up easily.
There's always the possibility that he might not believe her at first.

there is not enough Lois and Clark interacting in this story.
No, just in this story arc... section.

Did she see who was in the car?

Such usually result from the message being poorly worded.
CAT: So, it's my fault that Clark can't understand my subtext?

And Luthor treats women as so important and having meaningful things to contribute to society. I don't think it computes at all.
Lex does? clap She finally sees Luthor for who he is!

I sort of think you don't need both "another" and "again", and could drop either and have the sentence still work.
Thanks. Fixed.

Did he get an STD? Was Brenda too much for him?
He didn't get much sleep. Over exerted himself perhaps.

Like he is ever going to admit he was worn out by a women who was insatiable. Even if admitting that to Lois would be the stupidest thing possible. Although he is clueless enough to not realize it. Intriguing though, if Lex admits to Lois he is cheating on her, what will she do? Since her relationship with him is a ruse, it would make sense to move forward, she is already lying, but could she do it? It is not like the admission would lead to criminal charges, at least as long as Lex just mentions having sex, if he mentioned Muldoon, maybe.
Why would Lex ever admit other women to Lois? evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[b]John: Thanks for sticking with me and the super-long FDK. [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTm42TmFCCcvcaACd3B4SiMo20htBsWyDynIArI-VHEfxy9oor8kg[/img] Okay. That wasn't supposed to be THAT big. blush [/b]
It works though.

How can the radio stations broadcast if they have no power?
Same way Luthor has lights on: generators.
I guess this makes sense. I figured people get the radios because they can still run their cars (although gas stations and gas deliveries might be disrupted, so that might be iffy).

How is Lois surviving without a microwave?
clap Well, after finishing up all the half-melted ice cream in her freezer, she was pretty much full.
Lois:I really need to get Clark to come over to help me, since he is a built in microwave.

and would be more likely take him up on the offer, if she were using Clark as an excuse.
That makes sense. She is more likely to do it that way, although still not likely.

Why do I think he won't be able to do this with all the demands on Supreman right now?
Because I'm writing this story? evil
Good point, Clark seems to get very little time with Lois, especially in this arc. We have seen almost no kissing.

canon Lois:It is still more than I got to kiss Clark during that time frame.

Reader:OK, I guess we have to admit that. Although, we did not see all that happened at the "Magic of the Night Ball" in canon. I am guess Lois and Clark at least danced.

Perhaps one needed there to be power for Lois to have her lights on to see what she was up to? wink
Luthor could still hear her though. And I doubt she would be going around in the dark. Oh wait, if Clark was there, maybe.

At least she knows where he was.
One of the perks of knowing CK=SM.
Lois:I get to see my significant other on TV even more often than Mrs. Garner does.

I considered it, but I figured my characters didn't want to read another part of Lois sleeping on Clark's couch while he spent all night being Superman.
But he would have come home eventually.

John Pack Lambert
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They do need to have it. I am giving up hope of it ever happening.
With each part the conversation grows closer.
Some parts it feels like it moves further away.

She should have stayed, if only for that.
Yeah, but he has to show up for her to get that.
Well, he probably would come home eventually.

She has shown patience in not telling Clark what she knows.
A different kind of patience.[/Quote} It still is patience.

[QUOTE]He would probably go along with a claim that she lives there and had just misplaced her key. As long as she would make it so. Well, at least if she could convince him the curse does not apply.
But that's only if he's around to defend her and not press charges. If a neighbor caught her...
He could still get them to drop charges, although she might have to spend the night in jail.

Which is why she keeps taking it off (like that time in the supply room), or covering it up, whenever she has "private" conversations with Clark. She's not absolutely sure it doesn't have listening bugs on it, even though STAR Labs didn't mention seeing one.
I figure it doesn't because she got out the jail without Lex being there, but I guess she does not know he had been watching her. I thought she took it off around Clark because he hates the watch, with a passion.

She could have so much fun with teasing him about that. Hmm, maybe she should tease him about it until he admits the truth.
She's already ready to tell him she knows, but the fates have been having too much fun keeping them apart.
For fates we should read the EW.

See! She's trying to find a way to get them alone together with enough time to talk it through without compromising her Lex investigation.
I wish she would just give up the stupid Lex investigation.

He doesn't believe she does but then she does things that make him doubt her, and he gets confused. He wants to believe the best, but he's been burned so often in life, it's hard for him to believe 100% that she would choose him over (a non-evil version of) Lex Luthor.
I guess that is the one good thing about how things happen in canon, Lois choses Clark over Lex without knowing Lex is a crook. Although it is unclear that Clark ever learns this fact.

Isn't it ironic? laugh <<Also, she's made such headway in HER investigation>>
I was thinking thought that Lois does things towards her investigation of Luthor. It is unclear Clark actually does anything as part of his investigation of Luthor.

Admitting that she knows and is investigating Luthor?
Maily just him learning that she is investigating Luthor, not really thinking of dating him.

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I figure I better clarify a few things, John. Firstly, I responded to your FDK at 2am, and didn't do my usual re-read-through of it before posting. My apologies. blush

Originally posted by John Lambert:
Some parts it feels like it moves further away.
[Linked Image]

Well, he probably would come home eventually.
At some point, we do learn what happened during those nights from Clark's POV.

I figure it doesn't because she got out the jail without Lex being there, but I guess she does not know he had been watching her. I thought she took it off around Clark because he hates the watch, with a passion.
Correct. 2 points. It doesn't, but she's not sure, which is why she keeps taking it off.

For fates we should read the EW.
[Linked Image]

I wish she would just give up the stupid Lex investigation.
And let Lex attack Superman with Kryptonite again?

I guess that is the one good thing about how things happen in canon, Lois choses Clark over Lex without knowing Lex is a crook. Although it is unclear that Clark ever learns this fact.
I didn't know that, because when I first watched it was on Netflix's instant list, and the 10 minutes prior to Henderson / Perry barging into the wedding had been cut. grumble When I finally bought the DVD, I was like. [Linked Image] Now THIS makes more sense.

I was thinking thought that Lois does things towards her investigation of Luthor. It is unclear Clark actually does anything as part of his investigation of Luthor.
So, running in quicksand doesn't count? Do we ever see Clark actively investigating Luthor in canon either? [Linked Image]

So we skipped over Sunday. It is good I ask, otherwise I would be lost. Perry's birthday was the 17th, so this is the 21st of March, 1992, right?
Yikes! Have they time-warped again? 1994! wink

Lois:I am not Luthor's woman.

Reader:The undercover, bought with a watch outward cover you are using for your investigation is.
LOIS: Okay, you've got to stop calling me that. I was told that the watch only cost, at most, $500; otherwise I would have returned it like it as I did with that one from Christmas. I'm also using his technology against him. Knowing that he is watching me and my every move, I've got to walk that very narrow tightrope. Sometimes, I slip. But if anyone thinks I would EVER sell myself to *any* man -- let alone a criminal like Lex -- for that paltry a sum, they don't know me at all.

EW: Clark is still under the delusion that LoLex = Rolex in this dimension, which it doesn't.

No, the children of your cousins are first counsins once removed. In some states you can marry your first counsin even. However I was indexing for family search some marriage records (I think from Iowa), and they specifically said "is the person more closely related than a second counsin", which would suggest they would not let you marry you 1st consin's child, but they would let you marry the child of your parents 1st cousin.
And in many states it's legal for a 14 y.o. to marry (with permission from their parents). Why this would ever be allowed and the parents wouldn't be held accountable for child-selling, child endangerment, or child neglect and/or abuse for allowing this, is beyond my comprehension. Just because it is LEGAL doesn't mean it is right.

sad, although I had not realized he knew she accepted the date.
Mr. Super Ears didn't hear her accept Lex's lunch offer?

That does not mean he should go along with it anymore than absolutely necessary.
He's just giving it back with as much as she is.

Clark:Why am I supposed to trust her again?
LOIS: Because I'm trying to save your life, lunkhead!

Maybe she could just tell Clark "I know what you did all last night".
Okay, that's even vague enough for Clark to be [Linked Image]

I still hold there is not enough in the story.
Watch out what you wish for. evil

Why again is Lois willing to meet with Lex when she barely escaped the Arc?
Because she doesn't know everything you do about Luthor.

But if Lois was permanently removed from the picture, Cat might have a chance with Clark.
Cat doesn't believe that... well, not anymore.

EW: Well, Cat knows that she and Lois know that Lois is having sex only with Clark, so she figured Lois knew she was referring to Clark.

JOHN: This might actually work if Lois was 'having sex" with Clark, but since she's not, the change is too abrupt. Whatever happened at the hospital doe not make it common enough for Lois to respond properly to Cat's inquiry.
Yes, but looking at the whole thing from Cat's POV, she thinks they've been at it for months.

Hmm, did I misunderstand Lois's statement, or is this another case of lead and switch. Although, I guess it makes a lot more sense for Lois to be saying she is not the type of friend who feels up to sharing that with Cat.
Lois was being obtuse on purpose in case anyone overheard.

Since we are in the midst of the Linda King scenes, I just rewatched "The Rival" and have decided that much of fan fiction ignores the apparent level that Lois had been friends with Linda King. Of course, it might not help that she never brings up Linda at all in any other episode. Not even to the point of telling Charlie "I hope you aren't related to Linda".
I've always wondered that as well, but it is a common enough surname, much more so than Bender or Carlin. :rolleyes:

Okay, here's my second (that follows my "first" from above:
JOHN: But he does seem to fit the libertine lifestyle of a rake, using and abandoning women.

EW: He doesn't?
LEX: I don't? Hmmm. I need to step up my efforts in that quarter.

JOHN: I said "he does seem to fit". Maybe starting with the but was confusing, but I said he did fit that model.
I misread this as "he DOESN'T seem to fit" blush

Although without Clark, does Lex have as much motive to want Lois?
LOIS: [Linked Image] EXcuse me?

I guess Lex Jr. wanting the lady who almost was his stepmother was disturbing. Although maybe the truly disturbing thing was Lois dating someone old enough to be her father.
'cause *that's* not common in this society at all.

EW: Better Mayson than that crooked DA who wants Lois to go to prison.

JOHN: Actually since Mayson is the ADA, I always assumed she worked for Clemmons.
She does, but Clemmons isn't taking a personal vested interest in Lois's case this time as he did in S4.

JOHN: I half wonder if his methods of "persuasion" would be fully legal and ethnical.

EW: Now, why, John, would you ever consider such a thing about an attorney who works at Bender and Associates?

JOHN: Oh, I don't know.

In a disturbing, overly power exerting way.
Again, he's Lex.

If she can't avoid telling such important details, maybe she needs to give up being a position where she might accidentally do so.
Oh, come on. Even Clark slips up every once and a while and says stuff like "lead lined" and "her pulse rate was over XYZ". He can mess up, but Lois can't? That's not fair.

See, I knew she should have stayed at his place.
Still, Clark wasn't there.

Because he is too overconfident in his ability to overawe her.
Possibly, but he also knows her history, and isn't likely to drop that bomb on her until it's too late.

Those would be hard charges to get to stick, especially with Bender and Associates on his side. He did not force them into the arc, and he has not actually physically prevented them from leaving.
Are you sure?

Some people do not deserve compassion.
LOIS: Oh, so, Clark... er.... Superman is allowed to be compassion to everyone, but I have to pick and choose. Gee, that's a double standard.

She assumes too quickly that Lex is not like Cat.
She had no evidence to the contrary in "Another Lois" until she dug around for it.

And this would be my "thirdly" to my second and Firstly above. blush
JOHN: We really did not get any interactions between Lois and Clark this part.

EW: I'm really trying to avoid those.

JOHN: sad
I *meant* I'm trying to avoid parts where they never interact at all, but sometimes the plot dictates it. My apologies for any confusion.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I didn't know that, because when I first watched it was on Netflix's instant list, and the 10 minutes prior to Henderson / Perry barging into the wedding had been cut. grumble When I finally bought the DVD, I was like. [Linked Image] Now THIS makes more sense.
That has to be the worst part of the show to cut. It is the climax of season 1.

So, running in quicksand doesn't count? Do we ever see Clark actively investigating Luthor in canon either? [Linked Image]
Well, we were comparing Lois and Clark on hidden investigations, not Clark and canon Clark.

So we skipped over Sunday. It is good I ask, otherwise I would be lost. Perry's birthday was the 17th, so this is the 21st of March, 1992, right?
Yikes! Have they time-warped again? 1994! wink
Sorry for getting the year wrong. It was not late at night, so I have no excuse.

LOIS: Okay, you've got to stop calling me that. I was told that the watch only cost, at most, $500;
I will not stop griping about the watch until it is gone.

I'm also using his technology against him.
Anyway I was saying her cover is bought with the watch, not her in reality.

Knowing that he is watching me and my every move, I've got to walk that very narrow tightrope. Sometimes, I slip. But if anyone thinks I would EVER sell myself to *any* man -- let alone a criminal like Lex -- for that paltry a sum, they don't know me at all.
So what would she sell herself for?

EW: Clark is still under the delusion that LoLex = Rolex in this dimension, which it doesn't.
Well, with no one recognizing Rolex, it makes sense.

And in many states it's legal for a 14 y.o. to marry (with permission from their parents). Why this would ever be allowed and the parents wouldn't be held accountable for child-selling, child endangerment, or child neglect and/or abuse for allowing this, is beyond my comprehension. Just because it is LEGAL doesn't mean it is right.
Actually, the vast majority of states do not allow marriages under the age of 16 without judicial permission, although several of those states have only changed the law in the last 20 years.

sad, although I had not realized he knew she accepted the date.
Mr. Super Ears didn't hear her accept Lex's lunch offer?
I was thinking he had been out of the office at the time. Or maybe just hoping such.

That does not mean he should go along with it anymore than absolutely necessary.
He's just giving it back with as much as she is.
frown that Clark is not trusting her more.

Clark:Why am I supposed to trust her again?
LOIS: Because I'm trying to save your life, lunkhead!
But she has not explained that. She has made it sound like them breaking up is to protect her.

Why again is Lois willing to meet with Lex when she barely escaped the Arc?
Because she doesn't know everything you do about Luthor.
So if she knew how bad Luthor was, she would run from him with proper fear?

But if Lois was permanently removed from the picture, Cat might have a chance with Clark.
Cat doesn't believe that... well, not anymore.
This is good for her mental health. Because if Clark was confronted again with a Lois-less world he would go crazy.

Yes, but looking at the whole thing from Cat's POV, she thinks they've been at it for months.
Wait, does Cat think they became making love after getting sprayed with Revenge? Or just while in the honeymoon suite?

Hmm, did I misunderstand Lois's statement, or is this another case of lead and switch. Although, I guess it makes a lot more sense for Lois to be saying she is not the type of friend who feels up to sharing that with Cat.
Lois was being obtuse on purpose in case anyone overheard.
I guess that makes sense, she is still denying any relationship with Clark at most levels.

I've always wondered that as well, but it is a common enough surname, much more so than Bender or Carlin. :rolleyes:
I guess you do have a point. Even if it is a repeat I always noticed, it never seemed suspect.

Although without Clark, does Lex have as much motive to want Lois?
LOIS: [Linked Image] EXcuse me?
I thought she would be made at that line.

I guess Lex Jr. wanting the lady who almost was his stepmother was disturbing. Although maybe the truly disturbing thing was Lois dating someone old enough to be her father.
'cause *that's* not common in this society at all.
Many things that are common are disturbing.

EW: Better Mayson than that crooked DA who wants Lois to go to prison.

JOHN: Actually since Mayson is the ADA, I always assumed she worked for Clemmons.
She does, but Clemmons isn't taking a personal vested interest in Lois's case this time as he did in S4.
It is hard to make political hay out of prosecuting people accused of harboring the innocent. Too much chance to expose your office's incompetence.

Oh, come on. Even Clark slips up every once and a while and says stuff like "lead lined" and "her pulse rate was over XYZ". He can mess up, but Lois can't? That's not fair.
But Clark isn't giving himself away to hardened criminals.

Those would be hard charges to get to stick, especially with Bender and Associates on his side. He did not force them into the arc, and he has not actually physically prevented them from leaving.
Are you sure?
Actually, I am not sure if he has prevented them from leaving would be material. I see no evidence any have tried to leave, so even if the place is locked, it would be hard to prove kidnapping. The burden of evidence will the on the prosecutors to prove kidnapping.

Some people do not deserve compassion.
LOIS: Oh, so, Clark... er.... Superman is allowed to be compassion to everyone, but I have to pick and choose. Gee, that's a double standard.
When has Clark ever been compassionate towards Luthor?

I *meant* I'm trying to avoid parts where they never interact at all, but sometimes the plot dictates it. My apologies for any confusion.
Oh that is a lot better.

Positive reader: well, we had Lois giving Clark a back rub and touching his elbow. They did interact, a little.

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Eugene’s antidote would get rid of the virus, but there would still be repercussions of having had the Ides of Metropolis virus nibbling away at the country’s computer infrastructure for the past couple of days.
On the plus side, that nice fellow in Jimmy’s CS class from Bangalore will have put the backdoor code into all the cured computers so that his uncle’s boss can access them at a future time.

What long-term repercussions exactly, they would have to wait to find out.
/points at above thought/

Therefore, the day before when the mayor issued a curfew for all non-essential personnel needing to be off the streets by ten o’clock during the blackout,
So, the Daily Planet got to tell people that martial law has been enacted, while LNN will be able to tell them that Lex Luthor has been able to help the civilian authorities restore peace and order to the streets. Yeah, people will love to buy the Planet in the future.

The darkness in the city made it seem later in the night than it really was by the time Lois and Jimbo finally got into her Jeep to return downtown.
The perfect time for some gang-related violence?

“Doesn’t the city seem creepier without the lights, Lois?” Jimbo said, gazing through the window and into the darkness.
[Linked Image]

“Other than the fact I can’t blow dry my hair,
Oh, *that’s* with the new hairdo this morning.

“Do you want me to… uh… stay at your place?” Jimbo asked hesitantly.
In case Ralph’s afraid of the things that go bump in the night?

“I know that since Lucy moved to L.A., you’re in that big apartment all by yourself with no security, and I thought if I slept in the guest room, it might make y… Clark feel better than if you returned there alone.”
Hmm…I think it’s actually him that’s scared.

he could come and guard her body personally.
That sounds naughty.

As long as the power was out, she could use his body heat without interfering with her undercover assignment.
Very naughty. And what if Lex sends someone by her place to make sure she’s safe?

“Yes, me. I’m a black belt and have been since college,” Lois reminded him.
Won’t help against Paul drugging her.

The curfew would start in a few minutes, and since she was currently out on bail, she needed to walk the straight and narrow, or it could be revoked, and her butt thrown back in jail until they could review her case.

Of course, Lex would have a generator.
He’s a prepper. He’d never face an apocalypse without having a harem in place. And a tank.

but knew that she and Clark would be living in fear of his safety if she didn’t make Lex pay for his crimes, and that wasn’t an acceptable alternative.
You know, if Clark would drop an anvil on Lex, that would solve their problems with him. At least, with his clone.

She didn’t want anyone to think she had gone soft just because she turned into a big pile of mush whenever Clark looked at her with those big soulful brown eyes.
Awwww, isn’t she the cutest thing? [Linked Image]

She hated that double standard that a romance wouldn’t scratch the surface of a man’s career, but it could be deadly to a woman’s, especially an office romance.
That’s because it’s not called a ‘romance’ with a guy. Or Cat.

She circled her block twice before she found a questionable parking space within walking distance of her apartment building.
Will her jeep still be there in one piece come morning?

It would have been much easier to use her underground parking garage, but with the power out, the gates and keycard didn’t work, so street parking it was.
Yeah, and if they had left the door open, a dark garage might not be the safest place to be for a damsel in Gotham City.

One way or another, Lois also knew that as soon as she told Clark about the tracer in her LoLex watch, Lex would suddenly see “Lois” as space junk,

Apparently, she needed draw Lex a diagram in this matter, but since she did that better in person than through messenger, she had reluctantly accepted.
She could hire an assassin?

Cat was regaling them with how she had been stuck alone in her building’s elevator for the weekend, and how lucky she was that she had just been returning from the grocery store, so she had food.
Oh boy.

The second day, was the worst because the emergency lights, which had come on with the power outage, started to fade leaving poor Cat alone in the dark in a confined space with no hope for rescue.
And she doesn’t even own a cat so no chance of her having bought kitty litter that day.

“I’m telling you, Clark, it was thoroughly invigorating, saving myself.
LOIS: Duh!

Luckily, Kevin caught me.”
Awwww… sounds like the start of a badly plotted piece of LFI entertainment.

“Fortunately, my neighbor old Mrs. Thomelson was home, and I was able to climb from her balcony over to mine and get in that way.
Wouldn’t it have been awkward had she fallen off the balcony after all that earlier acrobatics?

I leave the sliding door unlocked, just in case some flying hero ever needs to pop in for…” She sighed dramatically. “You know.”
An oil change?

Lois’s fingers moved from Clark’s back to his arm in a possessive way as she shot the woman a scowl.

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Cat frowned. “Unfortunately not. My bad streak perseveres on. Sorry, Jimmy.”

“You know, I could…”

Cat held up her hands and winced. “Ewwww, Jimmy. Cousins!”

Lex coughed slightly. “Now, don’t you worry about me, Lois. I’ve been under a doctor’s strict care. It was my doctor, in fact, who insisted that I remain in bed.”
wave Michael

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Originally posted by John Lambert:
EW: I didn't know that, because when I first watched it was on Netflix's instant list, and the 10 minutes prior to Henderson / Perry barging into the wedding had been cut. When I finally bought the DVD, I was like. [face-palm] Now THIS makes more sense.
JOHN: That has to be the worst part of the show to cut. It is the climax of season 1.
It was horrible. I didn't see Lois change her mind at the mirror or at the alter, only Lex taunting Clark caught in the cage and then Henderson, et al, barge in interrupting the wedding.

Well, we were comparing Lois and Clark on hidden investigations, not Clark and canon Clark.
Well, most of this middle section of Book 2 was supposed to be only from Lois's POV, but you know me... I can't help explore other what everyone else is feeling and doing.

LOIS: Knowing that he is watching me and my every move, I've got to walk that very narrow tightrope. Sometimes, I slip. But if anyone thinks I would EVER sell myself to *any* man -- let alone a criminal like Lex -- for that paltry a sum, they don't know me at all.
JOHN: So what would she sell herself for?
LOIS: wave
Jace Mazik: wave
Diana (Top Copy): wave
Spencer Spencer: wave
LEX LUTHOR & LL, Jr: wave

Actually, I am not sure if he has prevented them from leaving would be material. I see no evidence any have tried to leave, so even if the place is locked, it would be hard to prove kidnapping. The burden of evidence will the on the prosecutors to prove kidnapping.
LEX: I always knew that in his heart John was on my side.

When has Clark ever been compassionate towards Luthor?
When he didn't kill Lex for dating Lois? peep

Positive reader: well, we had Lois giving Clark a back rub and touching his elbow. They did interact, a little.
They'll interact again.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Darth Michael: Let's see, I just posted Part 138, so... only 17 left to do. thumbsup Nigel! Where did you park my tank?
NIGEL: Over at the ladies hair salon, waiting for Ms. Lane to show, Sir.
EW: laugh

So does an infrasonic weapon.
LEX: [Has great idea] I can have one of those built in no time at all.
But why would Lex want to do that to Lois?

So, he still remembers the last time he made her notice his existence.
/Ralph readjusts his catheter collection bag/
RALPH: [Linked Image]

Huh. Cat doesn’t strike me as the B&E type.
CAT: No, I don’t do B&Bs. It’s usually dinner and a show and that’s it.
CAT: [Linked Image] It's called 'research'.

ER: [shocked that even Cat would go there]
CAT: What? It's for my sex positions book.

Plus, he either own the place or the manager’s daughter.
LEX: Get me a table Nigel or kill his oldest child.

MAYSON: Ooooh… Oooooh… Oooh yesssss, Schwartzy. Yesssss. Yesss. *YEEEEESSSSS!*
MAYSON: /fans self/ I have no idea to what you could be referring.

I’m not so sure. On the principle letter of the law, Lois could go to jail for a very long time. And with her track record, it won’t a country club correctional facility, either. Hope she likes being some female bank robber’s wife.
LOIS: Well, that's not fair. I'm innocent!
LEX: She'll be even more compliant once I bust her out of jail. /show up to break Lois out of jail/ What do you mean she's not here? Who else could have broken her out?
SUPERMAN: /pointing/ How about this desert island?

ER: /scratches head/ Mini-Lex? And he got disciplined via remote control?
Not quite.

LEX: The *appearance* [Lexy likey this idea]
LOIS: Like I give the appearance that Superman and I are merely friends when we're actually lovers.
LEX: What?
CLARK: What?
LOIS: Did I stutter?

I think he’s given up on life.
Well, he did just fail to satisfy the boss's moll.

Too polite to a minion?
They're out in public.

Indeed. Mini-Lex should have immediately slapped the minion left and right before having Nigel take him away.
Are you sure about that?

He’s getting off, easy, too. Unless they later find him with a stash of Angel Dust and a pair of third-rate hookers.
SCHWARTZ: Those aren't mine, officer! I don't know how I ended up naked here on the police commissioner's desk. Honest!

Awwww…she’s falling for Mini-Lex.
MINI-LEX: [ninner ninner ninner]
LEX: [shows his true parenting skills]
This isn't mini-Lex.

Never sleep with a crook.
Never again sleep with Linda.
LOIS: Those sound good. It's how she stole my story back in college.

confused She didn’t boink Clark. Unless… [faints at the realization that Lois may have lied to Clark] She *is* preggers! Clark’s sooo dead.
cool And yes, Clark is soooo dead, but that's besides the point.

Missing being an adult movie star already, are we?
Lying through her teeth.

Clark could have heated the water while she was showering?
LOIS: If Clark had shown up, I wouldn't have needed a cold shower.

What about the manually operated one?
LEX: I swear I cannot tell a lie.

His two weeks are almost up? No, wait. It *is* the real Lex. Or, at least, the Lex who got sent down to Brandi now that Lex got tuckered out. And she’s keeping him up all night. And handcuffed to the bedpost. Naughty girl.
Ding! Ding! Ding! We've got a winner!

ER: /heads over to dark side/
[wonders if he'd be the only person out there interested in reading an S&M Lex and Dr. M Nfic Story]
I think so.

Glad now that Lois is frigid?
He's not so horny at the moment.

You’re evil.
[Linked Image]

Oh so very evil. /nominates author for Song of Ice and Fire award in subtle writing - Junior League/
You really won't quit unless I read those books, will you? laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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This is on Clark giving himself away:

TRASK: [Wave] - OK, you have a point here.
SMART KIDS: [Wave] - I would not call them hardened criminals. Also, he seemed to have convinced them they were wrong.
Jace Mazik: [Wave] - That was not Clark's fault at all. It is another thing we can blame fully on Wells.
Diana (Top Copy): [Wave] - I still think his letting her kiss him made no sense. I really like the plot untwist where he just decides that Lois baring her heart is more important than a fire and to like the MFD do its job for once.
Spencer Spencer: [Wave] - That was an odd episode. Why doesn't he brake them out when the agents of Spencer first come.
LEX LUTHOR & LL, Jr: [Wave] - that was not his fault at all. Well, other than not discovering the clone sooner.
SAMANTHA (SLV): [Wave] - Why did he stay in the suit after going into the hotel room? That did not make sense.
FATHEAD: [Wave] - actually that seemed to be more a result of Lois trusting her father.

John Pack Lambert
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Let's see, I just posted Part 138, so... only 17 left to do.
[Linked Image]

No idea what you could possibly be talking about.
JIMBO: And I hear his sister's cute too.
Where did the sister show up? Or was that just a random mention of Asabi’s niece?

That might be true, but since nobody has power to watch LNN on their TV sets, most people in Metropolis missed those broadcasts.
Oh dear. Poor people No power to watch TV. Or read LnC fanfic.
LEX: I very much enjoy reading CnS deathfic.

LOIS: I'm so glad I live in Metropolis.
Where the crooks may be weird but at least not psychopathic?

LOIS: angel-devil That depends on whether or not he actually shows.
If he doesn’t show she has time to spend on naughty thoughts?

LOIS: /points to MoS security blanket/
Is that the MoS kind of hovering/resting/’sleeping’ on top of her in her bedroom?

ER: Won’t help against Paul drugging her.

You mean, 'didn't'? Why do you think she started in on the Karate? Taekwondoe. Whatever.
Right. You haven’t read that one yet.

LEX: [Thumbsup] Nigel! Where did you park my tank?
NIGEL: Over at the ladies hair salon, waiting for Ms. Lane to show, Sir.
EW: <thinks the reference to Tank is hilarious>
EW: [Linked Image]

But how would Clark know he hit the right one?
Fine. Use two anvils?

CLARK: Yes, yes she is.
LEX: Stop touching my woman!
LOIS: *your* woman?
LEX: /holds up receipt/ For tax purposes.
LOIS: [Mad] You wrote me off on your taxes?
CLARK: Not really the point, Lois.
LOIS: Still! Insulting.

quote: That’s because it’s not called a ‘romance’ with a guy. Or Cat.

CAT: /looking up from newest intern/ Huh?
One or two years ago:
CAT: Perry, you have got to stop hiring those female interns. Male studs erm students make much better interns.

LOIS: /adds faux window decal to front window to make it look cracked, and similar stickers to side of car to make appear dented/ It'll be there.
HOODLUM: cool Perfect car for a street race. First one to crush an Asian mini-car wins!

LOIS: Good thing I live in Metropolis, then. /pulls bear-sized mace out of briefcase/

LOIS: Really? Bringing down the leader of Metropolis's biggest criminal organization, and finding a missing person? Please!
That’s why some reporters make better table decorations at awards dinners than others.

quote:Maybe if she used handcuffs?

How would handcuffs help with bears?
She could undress the bear down to his red speedos and cuff herself to him?

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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LOIS: Well, I know he rarely uses it, but it's still there for show, right?
So she can put on a show for him? [Linked Image]

quote: Still not the best place to talk about such matters. Crooks tend to wire those places.

Hostage hidy-holes? Or Metropolis streets outside of Lois's apartment?

LEX: I believe he meant to kill me.
LOIS: Would there be any who would take the job?
DIANA (Top Copy): Hi, Lois Lane. I'm here to interview you!
[Linked Image]

MFI: Male Fortress Int'l. Only Kevin changes Cat to Calvin...
ER: I choose the Kerth-winning reporter in the mini-skirt to the left.

quote:Oh so very evil. /nominates author for Song of Ice and Fire award in subtle writing - Junior League/

You really won't quit unless I read those books, will you?
[Linked Image] That stuff just lends itself to wonderfully to go with this story.

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.
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