Darth Michael: I'mmmmm Back!
I think they *don’t* know them, after all.
LOIS: Officially, I'm not his girlfriend!
CLARK: You guys know, I'll just turn around if you just start shooting, right?
LEX: Officially? What do you mean 'officially', Lois?
“You do know that this means, if we sit down, I’ll have to sit in Clark’s lap,” Lois complained.
CLARK: [knowing his low threshold for such touching] That’s torture!
LOIS: Such torture. [giggles innocently and then scratches an itch on her left butt cheek without using her hands] /makes note to wiggle a bit when sitting down/
LOIS: Who needs to sit down?
CLARK: Ice break. I need an ice break.
CLARK: Sorry, restroom break! I need a restroom break.
FUENTES: Isn't that what got you guys into this mess?
CLARK: She got to go, not the rest of us. Believe you me, I *need* to use the restroom. Now! Like, yesterday, now!
Would she get her Pulitzer?
She knew she should feel more compassion towards Lex as she had when she discovered he had been sick in bed all last weekend.
ER: [tells Lois what exactly Lex had been up to last weekend]
LOIS: And he's able to still walk after his privates were cut off? He's such a trooper.
/judges clarify ER's statement/
LOIS: But when she had him tied up, why would she want to...? Ew! Ew! Ew!
Was he trying to murder everything she loved?
ER: Hobby? Maybe he could manage to get her mother into a sanatorium after she drinks herself into such a stupor that she becomes vegetative. He turn her sister first into a stripper and LFI-start and then into a hard drug addict who’s turning tricks. And her father, he could get both his legs broken in multiple places when he runs out of money and can’t pay back some depts?
LOIS: And? I'm not seeing a different path than their current life choices have put them on.
Something must be up. She wished he would share what it was that he saw, but knew he must be keeping quiet for a reason.
ER: Well. If you consider the first sentence and that he’s watching Cat, maybe he is sharing with Lois?
Well, the bomb does contain radioactive materials and plutonium is hard to come by…
CLARK: That would be inconvenient.
Not unless she’s tickling his funny bone.
LOIS: *Why* are you laughing, Chuck?
BOBBY: I don't eat hair. I actually *stop* eating if I find hair in my food. That's disgusting. Oh, wait. Did you mean 'hare' as if rabbit? Oh, yeah. I'd totally eat that.
He said, ‘red cape’. Maybe if Superman showed up naked and showed Remy a really good time?

Um... someone might recognize me.
JIMMY: Hey! That's Clark!
LOIS: How? What? Uh... Don't tell me. I don't want to know.
“You have a cat, Lois?” Luthor asked.
ER:/explains/ Yes, but she isn’t into sleeping with Lois in her bed. She’s more the out-all-night-sleep-all-day kind of feline.
CAT: That sounds accurate.
It was pointed out by a beta that Jimbo wouldn't leap there first, which is why I went with...
“Yeah, I fed her, Clark. What about it?”
ER: Shouldn’t that be ‘him’, then?
CAT: Yeah, nobody would ever confuse me with a him.
LOIS: I got her as a kitten before I knew its sex.
They’ve got a pretty mean reputation, but they’re really quite loveable.”
LEX: Sounds like me.
ARI: /raises hand to disagree/
Clark smiled, rising to the bait. “Well, I had a pit-bull all lined up for my protection and then I learned it was a pretty unreliable one.” ER: Ooooh! Burn!
LOIS: What? What?

LOIS:/tries to stand up, but due to current situation ends up falling back into Clark's lap/ Very funny!

Ow. Ow. Owwww.
“Not enough clearance,” Clark agreed.
LEX: How would he know?
CLARK: When I had amnesia, Cat took me to the roof to talk to me and I got a good look at it. There isn't room to land a helicopter up there.
Maybe if they locked the place down and shot grenades in before using their machine guns to clear the place out instead of negotiating, it would cut down on crime?
BATMAN: We tried. We only ended up weeding out the wimps and ended up with tons of really crazy ones instead.
Also, wouldn't all the hostages die?
LOIS: I knew he had the Melty Man problem.
CLAK: No, it’s just that she’s had a bit too much chocolate ice cream those past couple of months and compared to Lana sitting on my lap, it’s like I’m taking another round with Nightfall.
LOIS: Excuse me? Are you saying that I'm as big as an earth destroying asteroid?
CLARK: Uh... no?
No, that’s Linda. She’s the most adorable Golden Retriever.
That's a pretty apt description.
“Anyway, Bill isn’t a chew ‘em up and spit ‘em out sort of dog, like others I know,” Clark said.
ER: /guessing/Hurricane Lane, huh?
ALT-LOIS: [Blushes and saunters back to Missing Lois]
Um... no, I meant "Mad Dog Lane".
How about Iraq, Iran, Lybia?
Nah. They already have suitcase nukes there.
Thanks. Fixed.
No, that’s ‘kissing’
CLARK: I will *not* kiss Lex.
LOIS: Not even to save my life?
CLARK: Nope. There are other dimensions with a single Lois in them.
Hell, he might even be telepathic.”
CLARK: [innocently] /hands Lois new romance novel/ [closes eyes to watch show inside head]
PERRY: he's gone into a vegetative state? How are we going to escape now?
PERRY: I was trying to be polite, but yes.
You mean, like kissing them or possibly even making out with them? Which would work great to make his girls forget about their torrid affairs with him.
CLARK: There has never been a confirmed report of Superman having a torrid affair.
ER: Then no women would ever want to kiss him anymore.
LOIS: [doesn't care if he makes her forget as long as she gets to experience it]
I'm thinking that there are more women out there like Lois.
It wouldn’t be so bad. It would only be for a minute or two of French kissing and some light fondling.
CLARK: Fondling? Nobody said anything about fondling?!
“Superman or Sexoffender”?
“Count me in,” Clark said. “I’d rather die too.”
ER: /guessing/ Rather die than kiss Lois?
CLARK: Besides the fact that heavy kissing could lead to Lois dying; I'd rather die than kiss Perry, the Jimmys or Lex.
Well, what do you think a middleaged woman would want to do with two college kids?
REMY: Middle aged?
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/e030.gif)
I'm in my 20s.