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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereMy apologies for the delay. Between sharing my laptop with my husband and iffy WiFi, I really miss my desktop computer. Comments appreciated. 
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/06/14 11:10 AM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I guess I am  about this part, but I was actually hoping we would learn more in this part than we did. I was really, really hoping Lois and Clark would get to actually really talk. silly me, thinking that could happen. As they reached the stairwell, Perry stopped to face Clark. “Kent, I want you to stay up here and keep an eye on the bomb squad. See what you can find out from them about our heist crew in there.” I guess this makes sense since SM may be needed to help in the investigation. “Yes, sir,” Clark replied, giving Lois an apologetic glance. He thought that maybe, finally, they would have time to get together somewhere alone and talk. He should have known better.  at them not talking. “But, Chief,” Lois started. Shouldn't Lois trying to help Clark keep his cover. Lois:Not till he actually tells me CK=SM. I’ll send the Olsen twins over to give you their perspective. Jimmy:It is not funny to call us that. I actually bothered to look up to make sure that "the Olsen Twins" were known in 1994, and lo and behold they were. I’m going to have Jimmy find out all he can on Pino Dragonetti, William Robertson, and the history of the Daily Planet building for a sidebar.”  he is letting Jimmy write an article. This reminds me that the only consistent way to understand all L&C episodes is that there are two Jimmies. Two Jimmies works with what Jimmy tells Penny about how long he was at the DP, but even more it works with him getting his first article in "Brutal Youth" but we clearly saw him write articles in Season 1, and also it works with Jimmy's first photo spread having been with Clark's senior citizen's story and Perry's "Even Secretariate didn't win the purse his first time out" line. Lois started to nod, before her assignment sunk in. “Wait a minute. All that touchy feely crap is more Kent’s forte, So she knows that Clark is good at touching and feeling. Lois:No comment. than mine. He should be writing it up, not me. Isn’t that why you hired him?” She flung her hand towards her partner. Perry:We need Superman to be here to prevent any more bombs. Clark just don't speak. “No, Lois, I hired your partner because nobody is better at pushing your buttons than he is,” Perry replied. Clark:Why didn't I just do my taxes at home. Lois:Because then you wouldn't have gotten me sitting in your lap. Clark:OK, I guess I am glad I was close to you. “I should be staying here with the bomb squad,” she said, tossing the Chief’s comment aside. “And investigating who these guys were, if they have any connections to organized crime, Clark:Obviously they are not in Mr. Luthor's employ, so maybe we should go see if they have connections to Cost Mart. and where they could have possibly gotten a nuclear bomb. Intergang. Eduardo:I do the astronomy section. Thus, I am the star reporter.
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“You’re too close to it. You need a few minutes to decompress, darlin’. Lois:Minutes to decompress is what causes stories to go cold. On the other hand, shouldn't she make sure that the story she was going to run from her weak source does not run? Plus, that’s the great thing about partners. When he’s working on something, it’s like you are, too.” Lois:So it was like I was on the date with Linda as well. “If the MPD hasn’t broken the window of my office, I’m sure it says that Perry White is still Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet, and not Lois Lane, but if I’m mistaken about that, please don’t continue to keep me in the dark,” Perry said, informing Lois that indeed her boss’s patience had reached his limit. I think that should be "reached its limit", since it is "her boss's patience" that reached a limit. “Yes, sir,” Clark said, erring on the side of caution. Lois:Goody two-shoes. “Then check area hospitals and find out about Luthor’s condition. He should be out of surgery, pre-op, or whatever by then. Clark:I am so glad this is a secondary assignment. The longer Lois stays away from that creep the better. appeared ready to strangle the nearest person, which – as luck would have it – was Clark. Good think he can't be strangled. “After that,” Perry went on. “I want you two delving deep into these guys’ background, if they have any connections to organized crime,  touching. “Mind if I don’t hold my breath?” she mumbled.  that he didn't tell her. He could have told her, Perry was not that close. He could have snuck out with her and had a long conversation. The bomb was gone and the bad guys were all caught. “Hey, don’t blame me if…” Why shouldn't she blame him. Perry was not that close. He could have told her. “Don’t blame you?” Lois scoffed. “Right. Of course, it’s my fault and only my fault that we haven’t had a chance to speak over the last two weeks.” Well, she was the one who actually went through with breaking up. And the one who accepted The Watch (TM) that has been such a block to their moving forward. “That’s not was I was going to say,” he said.  at least he did not try to blame her. Lois crossed her arms and waited. Tell her now Clark. Oh wait, is Perry still there, or did he leave? Clark didn’t want to argue. His earlier defense of his assignment died on his lips. “We’re equally to blame, Lois,” he said quietly. How can Lois be to blame when she does not know? OK, she does know, so probably Clark is mainly right, she could fix things, but still, he is the one who wimped out of telling her so many times in the past. “That’s your prerogative, Minha,  touching, on the other hand  she didn't kiss him on the lips. He could have sworn that when she glanced back at him as she rounded the corner that she bounced her eyebrows.  more flirting.
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Lois really was hoping to talk with the Chief while Clark was busy, so she knew he wouldn’t be listening in.  that she still insists on keeping this secret from Clark. Hmm, what will happen if Perry refuses to not tell Clark? Actually, that wasn’t true. Clark was a good guy, and she doubted that he purposely eavesdropped on her conversations. But what about accidentally eavesdropping? One of the questions, which she wanted to ask him, was exactly how his super-hearing worked. Next date. Clark:I hope you like this spaghetti I made for you Lois. Lois:How does your superhearing work? Clark: Lois:Come on, you didn't expect the glasses to actually work as a disguise, when I have seen you without a shirt, now did you? He had given a brief overview during the November heat wave while he was on trial, Lois:So we know he does not proactively try to super-hear. In fact, it is more likely that not Super-hearing would cause temperature changes. Although come to think of it, that was probably all an evil plot by Lex Luthor. but temperatures weren’t the only things heated that afternoon. Lois:Especially when he took me in his arms. Oh wait, no that was the end of February in his hospital bed. Wrong memory. She looked forward to someday being able to have a nice calm conversation with Clark But there are so much more fun things than conversing to do with Clark. about everything under the sun, and a few things past it. Like the remains of Nightfall?
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A paramedic shut the back doors of an ambulance and climbed into the front of van. I think that should be "front of the van", although it does still seem odd to use van and ambulance interchangeably. A part of Lois told her she should really run after it and insist she ride with Lex to the hospital. Gag at the thought of her spending more time with the creep. Except she really didn’t want to.  she does not want to spend time with Lex. Lois wasn’t only tired of pretending Clark was two people, It prevents her from kissing him every time she sees him. she had spent more than enough time in Lex’s presence for one night. Lois:although I am glad that for most of it I was much more in Clark's presence. I hope Clark really liked my dress. She knew this would be her one night off the grid. She should have insisted that she needed a little first aid for her hurt wrists, and gotten Clark to take her to his apartment. Lex wouldn’t expect her to be home in bed, Hopefully Ariana has him too distracted to think about that. and even if he did, he would be too busy to check up on her. Ariana:Well, I am trying to assure that. She could easily spend the night elsewhere and tell Lex, Lois:Clark, you have such a nice bed. should he ever be crass enough bring up the subject, I think that should be "enough to bring". that she was busy working all night Lois:Well, if I was Linda it would have been working. on the investigation of the terrorists without a cause Sort of like James "Rebel without a cause" Dean, only they do even worse things. (besides robbery, and was robbery enough of a ‘cause’ to consider them terrorists still?). I always thought the key to being a terrorist was creating terror, not having a reason behind it. She only hoped that she and Clark could finish their multiple assignments quickly enough to spend some time together by dawn She really does want to sleep with him. and that they weren’t too exhausted to do more than share a lingering kiss.  they are going to really talk. Lois:Talk, who said anything about talk. I am going to do.
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Lois’s eyes drifted shut as she imaged what such a kiss would be like.  touching. no. Clark would set down his hot mug, Lois:I don't even have one. Because I want my hands to touch something much better. Plus, I didn't want them to get burned. Is Clark hoping to tell me his secret through hints.  I am going to make him speak it vocally.
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and then wrap both his arms around her at once.  they are getting closer. Lois would melt against him, running her fingers through his hair.  more touching. See, I said she no longer had mundane fantasies. Oh, yes, much better. Her fingers would explore the ridges and valleys of Clark’s muscular chest. Mmmmmm. Wait, how does she know his chest is muscular. Lois:I saw him without a shirt, remember. Their kiss would grow deeper, tongues dancing with tongues,  even closer. and his hands chastely holding her against him. Chastely? So much for her not having mundane fantasies. Well, that wasn’t any fun, but it was a reasonable guess knowing her unofficial secret boyfriend. That was not what he did in the hospital. Ugh, she hated that word. She wasn’t a ‘girl’, and Clark certainly wasn’t any ‘boy’. The unmarried are not fully adults.  That is my best theory on the terminology though. She would have to come up with a better word to describe their relationship to one another. Lovers? The millions of adults in relationships around the world would thank her. Well, I have known people who seemed to use "fiance" to describe relationships where the man did not seem at all committed to actually marry.
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On the last subject, I have also known some people who would just describe the other person in the relationship as "friend" until they married. "Significant Other" might work, except at times it is used as a synonym for spouse. She could always try to revive "lady friend" or "gentleman caller", but those have baggage of actual use, while "manfriend" and "womanfriend" just have the problem that as not-sued terms, is it clear they mean what we intent. We could always use "romantic male friend", because "Male friend" without the romatic almost seems like an attempt to say "he is not my boyfriend", but that is so long. Plus "Romatic woman friend" is even longer.
There might be multiple issues with Clark almost calling Lois "Ultragirl", and I am very glad he got "Ultrawomen" said instead. However, I think something like "Radwoman" would have been better (OK, maybe not rad, but my point is about syllables). The problem with "Superwomen" vs. "Superman", is "Superwoman" is longer by a whole syllable. "Superlady" does not help any. So you get "Supergirl", "Superlass", "Superchick" or "Superdame". Hmm, maybe she should have been "Ultradame". However, I think the term "dame" has too much baggage to work. "Ultragal" does not seem to be as bad as "Ultragirl", but still not as respect commanding as "Ultrawoman".
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Clark would start to kiss down her throat, his hands on her back slipping down to her waist.  more touching. His fingers would gently pull up the fabric of her… Oh, wait, she was wearing a cocktail dress, that wouldn’t work. He's Superman, of course it would work. He can pull up the fabric anywhere she wants him to. His hands would glide down past her waist to her thighs. Sort of like what happened at the Metro Club? Her lips finally free, Lois would ask him, “Truth time, Clark. What are you really?” Clark:Your soul mate. Clark would stop kissing her and lean back to stare at her in horror, and suddenly realize that he needed to switch his laundry out of the washing machine, or some other highly plausible, yet ridiculous, excuse and run out the door. I doubt he would run if she asked that. Wouldn't he want to stay and figure out what she knows? Hmmmm. Maybe he wasn’t the only lunkhead in this relationship. She forgot to handcuff him first. Asking him to tell her his secret while they’re making out. Makeout first, ask later when he is satiated and out of energy. Then he can't run so easily. No, that was definitely more a question to ask him over a meal. On if it is spaghetti and she is rubbing him like she did the last time they shared pasta. Lois grinned. Breakfast would be a good time to talk or, better yet, brunch. So do him first, then expose that she knows? Not that she would allow them to become intimate without him telling her the truth,[Quote]
But she did at the hospital.
Lois:I didn't know he was keeping a secret from me then.
Reader:Because he had fully explained about his Italian origins by then?
Lois:OK, I knew he was keeping something from me, but he had nearly died, the world was about to end, and anyway, I love thrills. Jones could have walked in on us at any moment.
[Quote]but she could still fall asleep in his arms on his sofa. Only if she tells him the truth about the hospital first. Lois:I said, I could fall asleep, not him. He could pick her up, carry her into his bedroom, and snuggle with her.  more closeness. Although this will only happen if she tells him the truth about the hospital first. His warm breath sending shivers of anticipation through her hair and down her neck to her spine. Why do I have this strong suspicion she would not manage to put off being intimate until after brunch in this case, even if he has not told her The Secret TM. Anyway, Lois needed to handcuff Clark to her wrist again before she pressed him on the matter. Would that really stop him from running away? Lois:It is a win/win situation. If he does not want to show me he is superman, he stays in the handcuffs. If he does break them, well he has shown me he is Superman. He has to tell me. Hmm, this does remind me, it is Lois's fault she does not know. Clark was totally going to tell her at least 2 times but she cut him off and prevented him from telling her.  at her stupid exposing Luthor plan.
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She recalled being handcuffed to Clark earlier,  they were so close. being pressed intimately against his chest Lois:  . I guess I was going for the most recent way that I know his chest is muscular. Plus, I never got to fully explore him then, what with him running off. Lois:  especially certain parts of his body. Clark:Wait, Lois you were not just moving to have a better look at the bad guys. Lois: and his fingers touching her waist with soft caresses.  more touching. Lois:I should have had handcuffs with me when we took the left over food to his apartment after we went to the new Italian restaurant by his place. Then he would not have gotten away when there was the knock on the door. She let her mind slip to the wild side. An hour later She could’ve driven Clark crazy, Clark:All that wiggling did it anyway. if only they had been in that position but without the hostage situation or witnesses.  more touching. An evil grin spread over her lips. Lois:For one think I would not still have this dress on.
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The ambulance drove off, sirens whining,  Lex always interrupting the good parts. and pulled Lois out of her reverie. What was she doing? Superman. Mad Dog Lane just missed an excellent scoop because she was daydreaming about Nah, she missed it because she has had her fill of dealing with creepy rich guys for the week. Between Luthor and Carpenter she can't take it anymore. Lois:Carpenter treated me like I was similar to Linda. making out with her… her… partner. Well, that is a term that does not use "boy" or "girl". She really needed to create another word for what Clark was to her. Husband. Personal lunkhead would work for now. Only until she tells him what happened at the hospital. And that she has not had her period since.  OK, I maybe don't think she is pregnant. She couldn’t believe him. First, he tells her as Superman it would be a good idea if she married some insurance salesman and settled down instead of being a reporter, OK, that was lunkheaded, but I thought he was just joking. because it would make his job easier! OK, that was his stupidest line all evening.
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Then, just as he was finally, finally, going to tell her the truth about something, Clark:Lois, the truth is, that I can make love, I just fear if we do, you will die. hopefully about being two people, Nah, the EW would never have let it be that simple. he stopped and said he would tell her later. That is not his fault. We blame it all on the EW. The quota of Clark wimp outs ways exceeded. Okay, sure, Perry walked in less than a minute later She he should have flown her away right then. and then the MPD bomb squad showed up. Why couldn’t she catch a break? More blame on the EW. 
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Lois hated that her obsession with Clark was making her lose her edge. Nah, it is her revulsion at Luthor. That might not even have been Lex in that ambulance. Yeah, maybe it was Schumack. She went down the ramp and saw the coroner’s van parked next to a “Night Cleaning” van. Why was the medical examiner here? Had someone died? Coroner:Nah, but we were told Lois Lane was edgy, so to be prepared beforehand to do an autopsy if she didn't get her way. Nobody ever told her anything. Clark:I told you everything I knew about the bomb. “Superman killed a man, slitting his throat,” the man replied. Lois:If Superman wanted to kill someone, he would burn him to a grisp and spirit away the ashes, to make it much harder to even detect the crime was done. Wow. She had met some stupid members of the MPD during the course of her career, but this guy took the cake and decorated it. Lois:Besides everything else, he was too attached to me to make any progress on doing that. “Really?” Lois said, crossing her arms. “When was this?” Officer Marlow:About 2 hours ago. Lois (in mind):Just as he was caressing me so tenderly. Yep, this guy has no idea what he is talking about. “Um…” The man licked his lips. “Only the victim, ma’am.” Lois:Not likely if he was slit in the back of his neck. He never saw what was coming. So much for small words. It’s your job to enforce the laws, especially that one. Henderson:It works much better if the police operate on an everyone is guilty assumption. Reader:At this point the press would generally refer to people as accused and suspects. It would not be until 1996 and the Atlanta Olympics bombing that overly quick accusations would lead to the rise of "persons of interest". Now, I’m going to tell you right now that Superman didn’t kill that man, and do you know how I know this?” Marlow:You have been making love with him for that last 3 hours. Lois:What? Marlow:I read the National Whisper. I know all about your relationship with Superman, Miss Lane. “Besides the fact that Superman doesn’t kill people, Marlow:I distinctly remember LNN telling us Superman had killed. I just don't remember the details. Superman doesn’t carry a knife and would never slit a man’s throat. Marlow:Maybe he slit it with his head vision. Where was the victim when it happened?” Marlow:Within attacking range of Superman. Officer Marlow glanced back at the van. “No.” More evidence that the victim was not a witness. “First of all, this is no ‘lady’,” Henderson corrected. Lois:Don't say that too loud, or Superman might make an example of you, Henderson, for insulting his romantic interest. “Hey!” Lois griped. She was certainly too a lady. Cat:Of the night, after Toni Taylor was through with her. “She’s Lois Lane, sharpest reporter in Metropolis.” Lois:At least someone knows the truth. “Right.” Henderson didn’t sound as if he believed her. “Anything Officer Marlow told you was off the record. Lois:Then how am I going to get him fired for incompetence? “The MPD doesn’t ‘think’, Ms. Lane,” Henderson started.
“Clearly,” she retorted. “I meant grammatically; it can’t any more than LNN or the FBI can,” Henderson corrected. Lois:Stop trying to take Clark's job. He gets to edit my copy, not you. Henderson:Is that what they are calling it these days. Lois grinned. “Again, you won’t get any argument from me on that score.” Henderosn:If you dielike LNN, why are you in a relationship with it's leader. He scowled. “How does Kent put up with you?” Lois:He enjoys my other talents. She batted her eyelashes. “He doesn’t. Henderson:Which is why you two were so close this evening.
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So, why do you think that Superman killed that man?” Amazing, she is giving Henderson credit for thinking. Lois:I knew it. “I never did. Superman would have captured him as those others were upstairs.” Lois:By knocking them unconscious? I don't think so. Her brow furrowed as Clark’s words returned to the forefront of her mind.  he is thinking of him as Clark. “Superman said he didn’t capture those men. Wait, did she talk to Superman yet? Oh right, he warmed her chest. Do you have any leads on who might have?” Henderson:The Batman, but I don't really believe he exists. Henderson took her elbow and led her to the side of the garage, away from the crime scene. And away from the cops in the pay of The Boss TM. He must have noticed her inching closer to it as they had spoken. Oh, he does not want missing evidence. “You’ve talked to Superman?” Lois:How do you think I get all my SM exclusives. Henderson:I mean, recently. “Yes, when he removed the bomb from my chest,” Lois replied. Samantha (in background on phone): Mr. Goode, I just heard Lois confirm that Superman touched her chest. We need to run that story. “He said he didn’t capture any of the terrorists and that he was talking to you and Detective Tuzzolino when he heard… something.” Henderson:The plea of his lover for rescue no doubt. Her calling for help, but Henderson didn’t need that detail. Because he already knows it. Lois:Maybe not by the MPD. But I don't trust Ms. Drake to miss that chance to attack. And I trust LNN not to play this accusation to its full potential even less. but I don’t want the real vigilante to know that we’re on to him.” Lois:Murdering a man whose sole crime is sitting in a car seems a bit beyond most vigilantes. These "terrorists" and "vigilantes" hardly fit the bill. “So, it’s possible it was a woman, Henderson:Not likely with the upper body strength he needed to take down those 3 criminals in advertising. Henderson stared at her a moment before the edges of his lips curled into a smile. “Oh. So, there might be a super powered woman with a bad attitude from Krypton hiding out in Metropolis, too?” Lois:Yeah, Clark's horrible ex-fianee, La-, or something like that. I once caught him almost saying her name. His words slapped across her face like a frozen fish. “There better not be,” she grumbled. Lois:Although it might be good to finally tell her what I thought of how she treated poor Clark. “And Superman isn’t ‘hiding out in Metropolis’. Nobody is more visible than that guy.” Henderson:Which is why we did not see him for an hour after you, Clark and the others were captured. “What does it matter to you, Ms. Lane? You’re dating Lex Luthor, are you not?” he asked innocently. That is a low blow. “I’m not dating anybody,” she sniped. Lois:Just making out with the man of steel whenever I catch him alone. Henderson’s smile burst into a full-blown grin. “All right you aren’t, which is why you and Lex Luthor arrived together this evening?” Lois:How do you know that? The only person you saw me together with was Clark. Anyway, if I was dating Luthor, do you think I would still be here when he was on the way to the hospital? “We’re friends,” she hissed. Henderson:So are me and Elizabeth (I had to come up with some name for his wife). “We were going to attend the opera together as friends.” Henderson:And I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Friends don't wear that type of dress when they go out. “My life isn’t under investigation here, Henderson!” Henderson:Of course it is. Your presence drew out terrorists, we need to know why. Lois couldn’t tell if he was teasing her or if he really believed that she had an intimate relationship with that creepy billionaire. Why else was he supposed to think from the picture with Cat's article. She shivered in disgust at that very thought. /Quote]
Good thing she did not go in the ambulance. Especially since without The Watch, Superman might have a tough time finding her.
[Quote]Of course, Henderson didn’t know what she knew about Lex being the Voyeur. How could he? A little voice inside her head said. She hadn’t told him. So now it is her fault Luthor is not in jail. She hadn’t told anyone… well, except Cat. Speaking of which… “Where’s Cat Grant?” Henderson:Elizabeth would have my hide if I had any idea. “A little bird told me,” Lois said. Henderson:One that has red and blue markings, right. “Oh, Kent. You’re lucky that your partner can read lips and was able to communicate with us through the window of the stairwell door; Lois:Oh know, another person is on to his "reading lips". otherwise, we wouldn’t have known about the bomb and sent in the S.W.A.T. team to rescue you. I half want to say it should be "and would have sent". The phrasing there suggests that they did send the SWAT team to rescue, since otherwise without talking to Kent they wouldn't have done so. We could’ve had a completely different ending to this stand-off.” Lois:Yes, one where Clark had to admit to me that he is SM, hmm, maybe I could be in Hawaii now with him enjoying his other talents even now. “Yes, I’m very lucky,” she said wryly. The jerk could’ve told her. Well, he did try to. He didn't want to give Luthor any ideas about his abilities. OK, actually, I don't see why he didn't explain what he was doing to Lois. They were strapped together after all. I still don't get how he did that without her noticing if they were facing the same way. He could’ve whispered it in her ear. Clark:But it was so much more fun to whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Lois doubted that was the true reason he was there. It would be a pleasant day in hell if she ever got a straight answer out of both Henderson and Clark within twenty-four hours. To be fair, Clark was going to give her a straight answer, before Perry interrupted.
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She went back outside to see if Perry had gotten off the phone with Alice. She needed to let him know what she had found in Lex’s filing cabinet. She really should just tell Clark and start working with him on the project. Especially since that is what Perry is most likely to tell her to do. Perry closed the phone and turned in her direction as walked up. I think you wanted to say "as she walked up". “And you could’ve died up in the conference room,” Perry reminded her, his voice a tad softer. Lois:No, Clark would never have let me die. “I was just visiting, and what do you mean I’m a gofer?” Jimbo asked, turning on Lois. “I’m a student. I don’t work here!” Lois:So he is below gofer level. Anyway, she didn’t want add an extra scoop of bricks to Perry’s current stress level. “Yeah, I guess so.” I think that should be "want to add". He had been able to pry it enough open to peer inside, and that had been enough to tell him that it wasn’t a bomb or have a timing device on it. I think you want to say "bomb and didn't". The last part really does not work as "wasn't". Detective Henderson had discovered his driver’s license in his wallet, So this is black Henderson, not white Henderson. Apparently, he was used to working with Lois and had automatically brought the paperwork with him when he was needed at the Daily Planet. We really need to see more of Detective Bob Henderson. Then, he allowed Clark to observe as long as he didn’t interrupt, speak, or touch anything. Who knew that Inspector Henderson was the more easy-going one of the two Hendersons? Bob Henderson:Bill's investigations do not usually involve things blowing up. It would be another long sleepless night for Superman ahead.  it is looking like Lois won't get her wish.
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Top Banana
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Fantastic chapter again. Loved the quick talk between Lois and Clark. Loved Lois' daydream. *laughs* You did really well showing how people subtly change their daydream as it moves along. Plus Lois managed to grope .. uh.. feel that chest in her dreams. Good going Lois. I wonder what she wanted to speak to Perry about. Guess we won't find out for about ... 7 more updates  . I'm so desperate for a full chapter of lovely WAFFY Lois and Clark and there was a chance it was getting close ... until you hit us with that ending. There is no way we'll see them together for ages now that Clark needs to look for the real bomb. ARGH!
KatherineKent/Victoria Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you." Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?" Lois: "I think so."
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Originally posted by KatherineKent: Fantastic chapter again. Loved the quick talk between Lois and Clark. Loved Lois' daydream. *laughs* You did really well showing how people subtly change their daydream as it moves along. Plus Lois managed to grope .. uh.. feel that chest in her dreams. Good going Lois.
I wonder what she wanted to speak to Perry about. Guess we won't find out for about ... 7 more updates .
I'm so desperate for a full chapter of lovely WAFFY Lois and Clark and there was a chance it was getting close ... until you hit us with that ending. There is no way we'll see them together for ages now that Clark needs to look for the real bomb.
ARGH! I thought it was implied Lois wanted to talk to Perry about how she had learned that Luthor was plotting against the "Daily Planet".
John Pack Lambert
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Joined: Mar 2013
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"You have the edge, being that you know what he’s going through, since he shot you in the arm last summer." Is Lois going to realize that Luthor has healed from his gunshot wound too quickly? How long is the real Luthor going to be willing to fake an injury? And how will he explain that to Arianna?
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk: "You have the edge, being that you know what he’s going through, since he shot you in the arm last summer." Is Lois going to realize that Luthor has healed from his gunshot wound too quickly? How long is the real Luthor going to be willing to fake an injury? And how will he explain that to Arianna? Well, Ariana does know about the clone, so most thinks will be explainable to her. I hope Lois does notice something is up with Luthor recovering too fast. Still, if she does, what will she think? In a world with no clones, that is the last thing people will think. Even Clark who had been cloned and had just been involved in exposing the president as a clone took a while to think "maybe this Lois is a clone" when she was acting off.
John Pack Lambert
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Lois leaned towards him and murmured, “When you see Cat tell her I understand why she uses handcuffs. It might be the only way to keep both of us together long enough to finish a conversation. We should definitely consider using a pair should we ever get a real date night.” She kissed his cheek and started jogging down the stairs.
He could have sworn that when she glanced back at him as she rounded the corner that she bounced her eyebrows. Oh my, oh my. Wonder what Clark's thinking about that statement. I'm sure there's equal parts  and Their kiss would grow deeper, tongues dancing with tongues, and his hands chastely holding her against him. Chastely? Well, that wasn’t any fun, but it was a reasonable guess knowing her unofficial secret boyfriend. So even subconsciously she knows things won't heat up from his end intentionally. Her lips finally free, Lois would ask him, “Truth time, Clark. What are you really?” WHAT? What?? Seriously Lois? Who? Sure. What? Not so much. Anyway, Lois needed to handcuff Clark to her wrist again before she pressed him on the matter. She recalled being handcuffed to Clark earlier, being pressed intimately against his chest and body, and his fingers touching her waist with soft caresses. She let her mind slip to the wild side. She could’ve driven Clark crazy, if only they had been in that position but without the hostage situation or witnesses. An evil grin spread over her lips. heeheehee. Too bad there isn't another good time to try that. Of course it would need to be done BEFORE she tells him that she knows (or Clark tells her his life as Superman.) While it might be fun for Lois to be at Clark's mercy, Clark would need to practice self-restraint rather than be tied down physically. Henderson stared at her a moment before the edges of his lips curled into a smile. “Oh. So, there might be a super powered woman with a bad attitude from Krypton hiding out in Metropolis, too?” Or a Red-Kryptonite lasered Lois... pardon me, UltraWoman. “Oh, Kent. You’re lucky that your partner can read lips and was able to communicate with us through the window of the stairwell door; otherwise, we wouldn’t have known about the bomb and sent in the S.W.A.T. team to rescue you. We could’ve had a completely different ending to this stand-off.”
She pointed at him. “That’s what he was doing?” Of course. “Yes, I’m very lucky,” she said wryly. The jerk could’ve told her. They were strapped together after all. He could’ve whispered it in her ear. Yes, he should have. It would have helped her to be comforted that Superman wouldn't have to reveal himself to do what needed to be done. While she always seemed to believe it was a possibility (this version only) it would have eased her mind a little to have Henderson on the case. Now Cat? That'd be a different matter. Perry closed the phone and turned in her direction as walked up. “Woman, didn’t I tell you to go home and work on your POV piece?” he grouched. I bet Perry would be the ONLY person (including Clark) that would be able to get away with calling her "Woman." “Can it wait until after we put this sucker to bed?” the Chief asked.
“Hey!” Jimbo interjected. Not you Jimbo, the paper. Sheesh. Clark flew up above the Earth, past the orbit of the moon, and plucked the small blinking box out of the void. It hadn’t drifted much from where he had left it after removing it from Lois’s chest. He had been able to pry it enough open to peer inside, and that had been enough to tell him that it wasn’t a bomb or have a timing device on it. So was it a trigger? Or just a bluff? When he had come to, Raul Fuentes refused to talk about the bomb. Actually, Fuentes refused to talk about anything, except to ask to speak to counsel. He knows his rights, I guess. When he had come to, Raul Fuentes refused to talk about the bomb. Actually, Fuentes refused to talk about anything, except to ask to speak to counsel. Busy, busy I guess. Lois won't be seeing him in the morning.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)