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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found HereUm...  I hope you like the changes per your suggestions. For all of you who are wondering, we brought my cat back home from the Animal Hospital this evening. Now, comes the long road to recovery.
Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/06/14 11:05 AM. Reason: Added Link
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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OK. Ummm. Poor Kirk. I was hoping he'd somehow manage to dive into the elevator that had just opened behind him, escape up to the surface and tell everyone what's going on.
Yay for Lois and Clark both being in the next update. But, are they in together, or separate scenes??
KatherineKent/Victoria Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you." Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?" Lois: "I think so."
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While Lex-C was squared away with Dr. Leek, Asabi retrieved several thousand dollars of hush-cash from his available vault, used until that night more for acquiring and/or disposing of Mr. Luthor’s private dates than anything else. I don't want to know anything more about that. Before returning to the garage to pay off the Speedy Ambulance service, I guess Asabi figures everything done with this cash is called a pay-off. the clone would need a qualified medical doctor for an examination and possibly surgery to its shoulder. Ah, and Dr. Leek is not qualified in these matters. Mr. St. John informed Asabi that he shouldn't bring Dr. Leek down to the ark with the Lex-Clone, as they would have the in-house ark medical team taking care of it. I like how this is flowing. Actually, Mr. St. John referred to the clone as “him”. Does this show that Asabi has less respect for the clone than St. John, or more respect for humans in general, so his use of him would be more significant. The clone was a creation of science and, in Asabi’s opinion, was therefore a soulless vessel. I can hear Asabi say such a thing. and he had used it this evening when Mr. Luthor had driven himself to his secret meeting, the location of which even Asabi hadn’t been apprised. I guess on one level Lex driving himself makes sense. It still seems a bit extreme on his part. This could be a medical break-through of epic proportions, enough to change the course of the future, this generation’s penicillin!” Well, Leek has no lack of belief in his being the greatest scientist ever. No wonder in a previous life he thought he had a chance to take Lois on a date. Hmm, what was with creepy scientists hitting on Lois. Mamba even was not as bad as Leek. With a pout, Lex-C dragged its feet inside the elevator. “Anyway, I should be around for when Lois comes to check on me to see how I’m doing.” Lois:If you think I am actually voluntarily going to go and see Lex again today, you have no sense of reality. If I can't spend time with Clark, at least I can avoid Lex. Asabi responded with nothing more than a raised eyebrow as he followed it into the lift. The Lex-Clone would be lucky to see another sunrise, let alone Ms. Lane again. Lex-C:What's a sunrise? I am not sure I have ever seen such a thing, living down here under the ground. As soon as the elevator doors shut, Asabi removed the clone’s tie clip and the mini CD recorder from within the inside pocket of the suit jacket. Not liking being out of the loop on anything, Mr. Luthor had wanted a recording of everything said and done by Lex-C and Ms. Lane on their date.  this will make it harder for Lois to expose the clone. Lex-C’s pout turned wistful. “I really like Lois. She was so nice to me, Lois:Darn, I should have tried being meaner. and she was so much prettier than her pictures.” Lois:Well, I normally am not that dressed up. It sighed, sounding even more like the besotted fool of its DNA host. “And she smelled nice too,” it said before scowling. “I don’t like her partner Clark Kent. I mean I should like him because he saved my life and all…” Clark:Only because Lois pleaded with me to do it. “I know, but Mr. Luthor said that he and Ms. Lane were on first name basis and since she called me ‘Lex’,  that she does so. I think he’s still upset that…” Nah, I think this is new upsetness that Luthor continues to try and date Lois. Although if Clark knew what Luthor's plans had originally been for the Opera he would be even more upset. “Yes, but it was an accident,” Asabi answered. A lie, since the shooting was intentional. Lex:I didn't mean to hit Lois. Reader:It still was no accidental shooting. Lex-C nodded slowly as it thought about that. “That’s what Lois said. Only because she wants to keep Lex in the dark about what she really suspects. I can understand why Mr. Kent doesn’t like me much, since he thought it was me who hurt Lois. Clark:If that was the only issue, I would not be nearly as mad at Luthor.
John Pack Lambert
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“The way he was always touching her, and I didn’t like that. Well the clone being jealous did prevent Clark from suspecting anything was off. I don’t think Lois liked it either. Lois:  Clark touching me. Sure, I didn't like the fact that I was on Clark's lap, since he was still fully clothes. Now, if we could have been locked in private,  . She kept arguing with him the whole time we were hostages and always telling him how stupid he is and stuff,” Lois:But he is such an adorable lunkhead. “With me, she’s much more respectful.” Lois:This way I get him to not suspect at all. Superman returned to Metropolis via a brief fly by Lois’s apartment to check that she had made it home safely.  we get an actual Lois scene, and Clark really carring about Lois. She was sitting on her living room settee and pounding away her assignment frustration on the keyboard of her laptop. As everything seemed to be as expected with her, he continued back to the Daily Planet where he landed next to Detective Henderson who was gathering with his team outside.  I was so hoping Clark would go in and settle things. OK, maybe not really expecting it, but I still hoped. Clark had regretted it from the moment he had flown off the man’s penthouse balcony. Maybe if he had been smarter then this story would be shorter. Lois:At least I would have gotten to have my way with Clark multiple times by now. Cortez and Henderson exchanged a doubtful look. “It might be possible with your speed,” Henderson finally said. “But I wouldn’t want to risk it.” Well, since Superman moves at the speed of plot ...  more mention of Lois. Although I think that should be "took one last long glance". but this had to be done or Lois could get caught in the blast. I still think my way of saving Lois from the blast would be more fun for Superman.
John Pack Lambert
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“I meant it still exists as it did before.  one person has discovered the truth. 184 to go. Oh, my God! The L.U.C. is a trap. “You’re holding two hundred people against our will,” Kirk insisted, backing further away from this crazy man. “You can’t do that!” Sadly he can. Bender might be able to apply his name (bend the law) enough to make it so criminal charges would not stick. “Under false circumstances!” Kirk argued, circling away from him and hoping to get to the door. Actually, they came under true circumstances. The false circumstances are about why they stayed. “Elevators?” Kirk gasped. “There’s more than one?” Of course, there’s more than one, birdbrain, he admonished himself. Do you really think that these guys climb a ladder to Topside every day? Asabi:Well, actually I don't go to Topside that often. “But! But!” Kirk stammered, throwing a hand out towards the man on the floor. Mr. Luthor wasn’t the bad guy here. It was Mr. St. John! He was the one pulling Mr. Luthor’s strings. If Luthor is going to Topside but telling those in the L.U.C. there is no Topside, he clearly is a badguy. He was the one keeping them imprisoned in this underground hellhole. Actually Asabi, St. John and Luthor are all prison keepers. “Killed…?” Kirk gasped, his eyes widening as Mr. St. John raised his gun and shot. A burning heat spread quickly through Kirk’s chest, which suddenly turned cold as the blood stained his shirt red. He tried to take a breath and failed. The light in the room brightened, then dimmed, and then swirled around his head turning to darkness.  you killed off the one truly likable person in the Arc.
John Pack Lambert
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He also didn’t endorse her converting that empty apartment down the hall from her apartment into a ‘sex room’. I wonder if Lois will push for charges against Muldoon when she realizes what she did to her copycat apartment. Each doctor had a single ark-room with a private bath off the medical wing, down the hall from the ‘sex room’. On reading this again, the inequality in the arc seems even more glaring than I noticed the first time. Not only does Kirk have four roommates but they have to share a bathroom with multiple others. Brenda guessed this was because of her status above mere nurse. Oh, I though it was because as a message therapist this functioned along the lines of what has been done to what was supposed to be Lois's room. One of the four minor nurses was always on duty in the round-the-clock infirmary, No wonder Muldoon feels an attraction to Luthor, she is the epitome of classing and gradating people. “Dead,” Dr. Sherridon replied.  I was hoping there was a chance he still lived. “Yes, Lex. It’s me,” she replied, taking hold of the hand of his uninjured arm. “We’ll take good care of you. Don’t you worry. I’ll see personally to your recovery.” This will be interesting.
John Pack Lambert
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Mr. St. John informed him as a villain was want to do when he thought he had the upper hand. That should be "as a villain was wont to do". How fortunate for Lex and Nigel that Lex-C was shot. I was wondering how you would manage to dispose of Devlin without everyone else wondering what happened to him. At the end, Lex-C says he "found" Dr. Muldoon. Did he know that she was missing topside? I was thinking that Lois might have mentioned it to him at some point that evening, but that was Cat and Clark's investigation, wasn't it? I wonder what he might inadvertently let slip to the good doctor. Does Nigel know how "well" Brenda knows Lex? I guess it would be hard for him to kick her out without arousing suspicion, but it seems like a bad idea for her to be treating Lex-C. (Or a good idea if you're looking at it in terms of their nefarious schemes being found out.) I'm glad that we've got some progress on the ark storyline. I guess a lot has happened to our heroes in the past month, but I was wondering when we'd find out more about what's going on down there. I like the audio-recorder-in-the-jacket thing. I was wondering how Lex would keep track of what had happened on his date with Lois. There is a good likelihood that she would later refer to something that happened on their date, even if it had gone off without a hitch.
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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Interesting observations. I don't think Lois and Clark mentioned Dr. Muldoon by name, even though Lois did tell Clark within Lex's theoretical hearing that she knew about the investigation by Clark and Cat.
It would be fun if Lex-C exposed that it was St. John who shot him.
John Pack Lambert
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Oooooh! An update!  /chooses to interpret this as the staff hiding the for-hire nature of Lex’s dates from their employer/ No matter what Dr. Leek concluded, the clone would need a qualified medical doctor for an examination and possibly surgery to its shoulder. Wouldn’t it be easier to just dispose of the clone and get a new one? Also, will they conclude that frogs are really great healers? The clone was a creation of science and, in Asabi’s opinion, was therefore a soulless vessel. To be fair, that’s more an issue of the template than the clone. Publicly, Mr. Luthor and Mr. St. John acted as the crème de la crème of society expected them to. Asabi was the same publicly as well as privately; he just had skills he didn’t advertise. So, Lex and Nigel are sociopaths while Asabi is a psychopath? Additionally, the Lex-Clone ate live frogs for snacks and that was just repulsive, especially from the point of view of reincarnation, being that it was part frog itself. Clois: When Asabi and Lex-C were alone, the clone reverted to its childlike ways. /tries to imagine John Shea acting like an immature child/ Often, it reminded Asabi of a spoiled child in need of a good whipping for disobedience. TskTskTsk. Alas, intentionally physically hurting a clone of Mr. Luthor was strictly forbidden. Then who’s disposing of the other clones? And what is to become of Chacotay for hurting the clone. And Clark, for that matter? This could be a medical break-through of epic proportions, enough to change the course of the future, this generation’s penicillin!” One year later: DR. LEEK: I don’t understand it. He should not have bled out from that shot to the shoulder It wasn’t Asabi’s place to remark on such legal matters, but he would pass on the information to Mr. St. John, who delighted in sucking the joy of accomplishment out of anyone. /is unsure who’s the sicker perp there/ The clone looked anything but thrilled by the prospect of ever seeing Dr. Leek again, as a child would of a doctor or nurse who had just administered shots, and barely waved good-bye That’s why they normally include scantily dressed nurses with big female sexual attributes when handling spoiled male patients. “The speed of this elevator upsets my stomach, and it really hurt coming all the way up here, like you had slugged me in the shoulder.” ASABI: Asabi responded with nothing more than a raised eyebrow as he followed it into the lift. The Lex-Clone would be lucky to see another sunrise, let alone Ms. Lane again.  If his demise is imminent, why bother with Dr. Leek? Asabi removed the clone’s tie clip  It took two readings to realize he wasn’t referring to a clip-on tie. and the mini CD recorder from within the inside pocket of the suit jacket. Are you referring to the MiniDisk system? It sighed, sounding even more like the besotted fool of its DNA host.  I’m thinking Asabi thinks the entire Lois-Lane situation to be rather undignified. I could never hurt her, either, so I won’t hold it against him if he doesn’t like me because of it.” I wonder if Lex-C considers non-consenting intercourse as hurting Lois. And what he will do to his progenitor if he catches him trying such a thing with Lois in the next couple of weeks. Oh, won’t Mr. Luthor be thrilled that Lex-C admires Ms. Lane as much as he does and considers Mr. Kent his savior, now? It was a good thing that he hadn’t gotten any more attached to this empty vessel than he had to the previous two Lex-Clones. Sounds like he’s already planning on caching in this clone’s life insurance. “Kent really likes Lois, I could tell,” Lex-C rambled on. “The way he was always touching her, and I didn’t like that. Oh boy. I don’t think Lois liked it either. She kept arguing with him the whole time we were hostages and always telling him how stupid he is and stuff,” it explained. “With me, she’s much more respectful.” Whew. Asabi tilted his head and gazed at it. “And if she didn’t?” I’m sure the clone could find a way. The clone’s face became the mirror image of its namesake. “I would make her like me.” Yep. There it is. Did this have to do with Mr. Luthor’s nature on a cell level or his non-nurturing parental style for his clones? Maybe they should do a double-blind study? The doors opened upon Mr. Luthor’s ark-study, and they found Mr. St. John pointing a pistol at the tall, lanky physicist from the science division. That’s an unexpected twist. Superman returned to Metropolis via a brief fly by Lois’s apartment to check that she had made it home safely. Wouldn’t it be awkward if she had gotten kidnapped again already? CLARK: *awkward*? LOIS: *again already*?
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She was sitting on her living room settee and pounding away her assignment frustration on the keyboard of her laptop. “Getting Shot” by Lois Lane. It hurts like hell. It’s bitching hell when you get shot. Did I already mention the hurting part? And you can’t move your arm. It’s like you’re an invalid. And the bitching pain. I wonder how men deal with it, given they are not equipped to handling childbirth and all. You know, the pain? PERRY: As everything seemed to be as expected with her, he continued back to the Daily Planet where he landed next to Detective Henderson who was gathering with his team outside. What if someone had planted a bomb inside her laptop and if she stops typing, it will go off and Lois is typing out screams for help on it? “Superman,” Detective Henderson said with a slightly awe-struck tone to his voice. Got them mixed up. Det. H. is bomb-squad one, right? Hmm…, I’m thinking no comma. Clark had regretted it from the moment he had flown off the man’s penthouse balcony. Maybe, someday Superman should gush over Lex, especially when in private with him. That way, Lex wouldn’t suspect a thing. “Superman, why don’t you tell Cortez here what’s in the box?” SUPERMAN: Gummy Bears. Superman flipped over the paperwork and drew a picture of what he had seen when he had glanced in the box. “Is there a way to use the signal from the remote to trace it back to find the bomb’s location without detonating it?” Superman asked. Considering EM-waves travel at the speed of light within an atmosphere, I’d say that’s highly improbable. “So, there could be a live bomb somewhere in the downtown Metropolis area, and there isn’t any way to follow any signal back to it, or to know when it will detonate?” Superman confirmed. Couldn’t they detonate the bomb to pinpoint the location and then use a time machine to go back and disarm it? He decided to begin searching and keep an extra sharp eye out for any blind spots in his x-ray vision. What if they stashed it inside a women’s locker room or a women’s bathroom? Kirk had one brandy and, then /whispers/ Extra comma. If he had been drinking Mr. Luthor’s good brandy the whole time, he would have been plastered by the time their benefactor arrived. Plus, the Emperor would have been imperially ticked off. “He will be. A slight accident. Nothing for you to worry about, Professor Devlin,” Mr. St. John reassured him and waved for him to sit back down. That’s what they call a political assassination attempt on their Benevolent Leader? What other medical staff was there? The ones who graduated from Morlock Med U. Right. Five hundred meters in a dark enclosed space. Fun. He thought, ‘not’. “I can do it. I believe it would reassure many people if they knew for certain that someone had double-checked the damage to things Topside,” Kirk said, inching towards the study door. Couldn’t they use a flamethrower to roast him before he gets all the way up and then have his charred remains tumble back down? Should make for an eventful evening. “What? Why?” Kirk said, his throat drying up. “Why would anyone want to kill Superman?” Sport? Male dominance behavior. Securing the best female breedstock for the Benevolent Leader? “World domination, of course,” Mr. St. John said. “Mr. Luthor will never have absolute power over Metropolis, then America, and then the world, if Superman keeps muddying up the waters and interrupting his plans, now will he?” Lex is planning on topside world domination? Isn’t that a tad…delusional? ARI: He does make for a fascinating specimen. I’m sure to get several prizes for my study on him. Well, considering they *are* doing it, I’m assuming he *can*. Somewhere in Luthor’s apartment was a door, which led to a ladder that would take him Topside. He does realize that he can’t vertically outrun a bullet, does he? “There are three elevators, Professor Devlin,” Mr. St. John informed him as a villain was wont to do when he thought he had the upper hand. Maybe Nigel should read the lecture materials on how to become a Super Villian and what kind of things to avoid. LEX: The help isn’t allowed to read. /tries to snatch female love interest of the hero only to end up severely maimed in…personal places/ ARI: And the Super Villian is apparently not able to. We really should work on improving our school system. “By you,” Mr. St. John said, turning the pistol away from Kirk long enough to shoot Mr. Luthor in the shoulder. Ooooh! And  You found a new beta! For all of you who are wondering, we brought my cat back home from the Animal Hospital this evening. Now, comes the long road to recovery.  Michael
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Hmmmm... I never got the idea that Asabi saw the clones as lesser beings, to me. That's an interesting take.
CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx. JONATHAN: A jinx? CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me. -"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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KatherineKent: Thank you for reading and commenting. OK. Ummm. Poor Kirk. I was hoping he'd somehow manage to dive into the elevator that had just opened behind him, escape up to the surface and tell everyone what's going on. Nah. That would be too simple. Yay for Lois and Clark both being in the next update. But, are they in together, or separate scenes?? I forget. Maybe. Michael: I'm catching up! I'm catching up! <<If I repeat it often enough, do you think I'll actually start to believe it myself?>> Christina: Thank you for stopping by to comment. Hmmmm... I never got the idea that Asabi saw the clones as lesser beings, to me. That's an interesting take. Well, I don't think we saw Asabi interact with any clones except during the ARGH arc in S3. The blonde Clones in Luthor's subway bunker seemed to be a different model than the ones used for Clois (Cloned Lois) and for the President, et al, in S4's John Doe, since they apparently didn't have the flaw which killed off the other kind of clone. I'm guessing they were made without frog DNA, and didn't require froggy snacks (I cannot see Luthor switching into a body with such a repulsive design problem). Once those blonde clones had a soul, it's possible Asabi would think differently about them, or it's also possible it was just another way Asabi considered him above Luthor.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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John: It's amazing what adding a little Lois and Clark to a part does to the size of my FDK.  thanks. Does this show that Asabi has less respect for the clone than St. John, or more respect for humans in general, so his use of him would be more significant. I would lean towards the latter. I can hear Asabi say such a thing. I guess on one level Lex driving himself makes sense. It still seems a bit extreme on his part. Keeping his date with Ari a secret by driving himself? Well, Leek has no lack of belief in his being the greatest scientist ever. No wonder in a previous life he thought he had a chance to take Lois on a date. Hmm, what was with creepy scientists hitting on Lois. Mamba even was not as bad as Leek. That running joke got old in LnC. LOIS: Excuse me! What joke? I'm a beautiful woman, creepy men hit on me. It comes with the territory. CAT: Preaching to the choir there. RALPH: It's DNA, Baby. Evolution says that men have to hit on all women, in hopes of getting one to do him. Survival of the species, man! LOIS: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/k085.gif) Some DNA strands shouldn't re-populate. Lois:If you think I am actually voluntarily going to go and see Lex again today, you have no sense of reality. If I can't spend time with Clark, at least I can avoid Lex. Lois is going to spend time with Clark? LOIS: YAWN. Yeah, the opera might have worked for that, but there still wouldn't have been any sex. “Yes, but it was an accident,” Asabi answered. JOHN: A lie, since the shooting was intentional.
Lex:I didn't mean to hit Lois.
Reader:It still was no accidental shooting. So, an accidental hitting of Lois with a bullet? Only because she wants to keep Lex in the dark about what she really suspects. LOIS: *Only.* Clark:If that was the only issue, I would not be nearly as mad at Luthor. LOIS: You mean you forgave him for shooting me? CLARK: Why not? You have. LOIS: No, I haven't... I mean, maybe I did at first, but I've changed my mind. CLARK: You could've fooled me. LOIS: Well, of course, I *had* to fool you! If I hadn't have fooled you, how would I have fooled Lex? CLARK:  smilies to everyone. Okay, they do, but that's beside the point. I wonder if Lois will push for charges against Muldoon when she realizes what she did to her copycat apartment. No. Lois doesn't associate that room to her, only to Lex's evilness. On reading this again, the inequality in the arc seems even more glaring than I noticed the first time. Not only does Kirk have four roommates but they have to share a bathroom with multiple others. LEX: Limited space. KIRK: But you have three bathrooms in your suite, Mr. Luthor. LEX: Yes, one for me, one for Mr. St. John, one for Asabi, and one for guests. KIRK: That's four. LEX: Right, four. Isn't that what we said? Oh, I though it was because as a message therapist this functioned along the lines of what has been done to what was supposed to be Lois's room.  Poor massage therapists of the world, always considered undocumented sex workers. NURSE MILES: I don't massage SOME body parts, thank you very much! No wonder Muldoon feels an attraction to Luthor, she is the epitome of classing and gradating people. And she feels above everyone else? A bit. This will be interesting. Most of the relationship developed between Dr. M and Lex-C will happen off page and in the Reader's minds. And now back to our regularly scheduled story... Ooops. End of the part. Well, next time, then. Interesting observations. I don't think Lois and Clark mentioned Dr. Muldoon by name, even though Lois did tell Clark within Lex's theoretical hearing that she knew about the investigation by Clark and Cat. Yes. Dr. Muldoon's name was mentioned. It would be fun if Lex-C exposed that it was St. John who shot him. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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mrsMxyzptlk: Thank you for reading! That should be "as a villain was wont to do". Ooops. I always mess up my idioms. Thanks. Fixed. How fortunate for Lex and Nigel that Lex-C was shot. I was wondering how you would manage to dispose of Devlin without everyone else wondering what happened to him. Vitamin regimen. And yes, there was something in Kirk's drink which made his start to feel bad. It wasn't all nerves. At the end, Lex-C says he "found" Dr. Muldoon. Did he know that she was missing topside? I was thinking that Lois might have mentioned it to him at some point that evening, but that was Cat and Clark's investigation, wasn't it? Yes, while Lois and Clark argued about whether Cat would call the authorities, the Dr. Muldoon investigation was brought up. I wonder what he might inadvertently let slip to the good doctor. He might. He might not. Does Nigel know how "well" Brenda knows Lex? NIGEL: If the woman is somewhat attractive, I naturally assume my randy employer has tasted the merchandise, yes. There is a reason I have never introduced him to my daughters either. I guess it would be hard for him to kick her out without arousing suspicion, but it seems like a bad idea for her to be treating Lex-C. (Or a good idea if you're looking at it in terms of their nefarious schemes being found out.) Well, it's not like they would be able to resume their activities with him recovering from being shot, now could they? LEX-C: What activities? DR. Muldoon: I don't see why not. EW: Perhaps she thinks he's in shock or mild amnesia from being shot. DR. M: Do I really care as long as Lex is mine, I'm the one in charge. LEX-C:  Fine by me. Take care of me, doctor! I'm glad that we've got some progress on the ark storyline. I guess a lot has happened to our heroes in the past month, but I was wondering when we'd find out more about what's going on down there. Um... more about the Ark later on in the story. Now that "Lex" has been shot, he's going to be a bit distracted to concentrate on his science experiment(s). I like the audio-recorder-in-the-jacket thing. I was wondering how Lex would keep track of what had happened on his date with Lois. There is a good likelihood that she would later refer to something that happened on their date, even if it had gone off without a hitch. A great plot-device supplied by one of my excellent betas, from whom I often steal ideas. Thank you for your comments!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Originally posted by VirginiaR: [b]Michael: I'm catching up! I'm catching up! <<If I repeat it often enough, do you think I'll actually start to believe it myself?>>  [/b] Hmm... checks progress marks... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/a015.gif) Carry the Kryptonite... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/verschiedene/a035.gif) ... take the chocolate... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/b075.gif) Yep, if we keep that rate going, catchup will be accomplished right around Christmas.  Michael
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Originally posted by Darth Michael: Originally posted by VirginiaR: [b] [b]Michael: I'm catching up! I'm catching up! <<If I repeat it often enough, do you think I'll actually start to believe it myself?>>  [/b] Hmm... checks progress marks... Carry the Kryptonite... ... take the chocolate... Yep, if we keep that rate going, catchup will be accomplished right around Christmas.
Michael [/b]Do you have a weird calender like Canada, where their Thanksgiving comes a month early? <<Or as Mrs. Luthor would say, America's Thanksgiving comes a month late.>> Because I just finished catching up to Part 138, so I'm just two behind the pack (well, three, if anyone responds to Part 141 this week when I post it), then I can concentrate every day on laughing at you bash my story... I mean, comment... yes, *comment* on my story.  Hey, look, something shiny and chocolate.... ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/s020.gif) Mmmmmm. Kryptonite filled chocolates!  Who would do that?
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Where's the fun in that? LOIS: Um... shall I draw you a diagram? CLARK: Sure, while you're doing that, I'll sketch out what Metropolis will look like after a nuclear bomb explodes. Lois:But you can save me from the bomb. NIGEL: If the woman is somewhat attractive, I naturally assume my randy employer has tasted the merchandise, yes. There is a reason I have never introduced him to my daughters either. And here I was thinking Mrs. Cox was Nigel's daughter. It would work, if she had the right mother.
John Pack Lambert
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Do you have a weird calender like Canada, where their Thanksgiving comes a month early? <<Or as Mrs. Luthor would say, America's Thanksgiving comes a month late.>> Because I just finished catching up to Part 138, so I'm just two behind the pack (well, three, if anyone responds to Part 141 this week when I post it), then I can concentrate every day on laughing at you bash my story... I mean, comment... yes, *comment* on my story.  Michael
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Joined: Apr 2010
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Uh, Will this be completed by December ... of next year? Just curious.... 
A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Darth Michael: Better a little late ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e020.gif) than never, right? Oooooh! An update! /passes out/ My cat is doing much better, especially now that her diet has been changed to canned food. She's decided since we've move three new kittens into the house (yes, I know ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e040.gif) ) that she'll live almost entirely on my desk. I'm still getting used to her being there. Though, it's not fun when one of the kittens joins her and all my papers she was paper-weighting are suddenly on the floor. /sigh/ Plus, she keeps my iPhone warm, while it's charging, because she uses it as a pillow. Wouldn’t it be more effective to snap their necks and then have the ambulance have an accident on the bridge? ASABI: Alas, no time. I must return upstairs and square away Lex-C with his new doctors. /chooses to interpret this as the staff hiding the for-hire nature of Lex’s dates from their employer/ ASABI / NIGEL: Wouldn’t it be easier to just dispose of the clone and get a new one? Also, will they conclude that frogs are really great healers? I doubt it. LEX-C: I'm going to side with the EW. Please don't kill me!  Ooooh. I like your ideas. You fill my head with such evil thoughts. LEX: I'm having sex with Ms. Lane tonight. Be sure Lex-C is properly deposed of before then. Sounds like he’s already planning on caching in this clone’s life insurance. I think it's illegal for an employee to buy life insurance on one's boss without their consent. I'm not saying that Lex-C is Asabi's boss, but I'm guessing that Lex-Proper would fake his death than admit to making illegal clones of himself. I’m sure the clone could find a way...Yep. There it is. Are you sure you aren't getting deja vu from when you read it off my hard drive? Maybe they should do a double-blind study? ASABI: Okay, I've blinded both the Lex-C and Mr. Luthor, what is the next step. NIGEL: ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/konfus/a050.gif) That's not what a 'double-blind' study is. Maybe they should do a double-blind study? Well, in one dimension where Lois was blind to both Clark and Lex ways, she fell for Lex (well, enough to get engaged to him). And in this dimension, where her eyes have been un-blinded to Clark's and Lex's secrets, she only fell for Clark. CLARK: She knows my secret? LEX: Who cares about you? Lois knows MY secrets? The doors opened upon Mr. Luthor’s ark-study, and they found Mr. St. John pointing a pistol at the tall, lanky physicist from the science division. ER: That’s an unexpected twist. Is it? You didn't realize part of Lex-C becoming Nigel's pistol-whipped billionaire monkey was having to learn to do his bidding by shooting innocent scientists? Wouldn’t it be awkward if she had gotten kidnapped again already? CLARK: *awkward*? LOIS: *again already*? HENDERSON: /looks at watch/ Hey, look, it's another day already. Right on time.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.