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Any Mayson defenders out there?  The story can be found here.
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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Hi Sue,
Very nice inbetweener. Nicely done.
Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks" My stories can be found herekj
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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*sighs* That was nice. Made me feel better. Thanks, Sue!
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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Originally posted by Sue S.: Any Mayson defenders out there? I actually don't think you did anything harmful to Mayson's reputation. It wasn't as if Mayson herself did anything in your story to earn the snarky barbs that Lois tossed her way. It was just a jealous woman defending her turf by bashing the competition. If anything, I felt bad for Mayson -- once again -- for the poor treatment she received from Clark, who claimed to like her. In 'The Eyes Have It' Mayson may have been pushy, but she didn't deserve being stood up by Clark, no matter the outcome we wanted for Lois and Clark, especially after all she did for Superman despite not liking him. /Hey, you asked for Mayson defenders to step up.../ From his behavior in his relationships with Mayson and Lana, Clark has shown himself to be a huge pushover when it comes to strong women and rather than tell them how he really feels, he avoids conflict and runs away. I wouldn't be surprised if Lana and Clark never formerly broke up when they went away to college, but he just stopped contacting her or responding to her, so that they just 'drifted apart'. It's a wimpy move on Clark's part and personally Mayson deserved better. Frankly, it's the one aspect of his personality I dislike. It's his flaw*. I don't understand how Clark can stand up to Lois (Sewage Rec. Fac) when he can't stand up to these other strong women in his life, especially when he loves Lois and doesn't love them. Sadly, Clark doesn't come off nearly so well. ![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/a045.gif) Sure, we still love him, because he's Clark and, despite how he treats Mayson, we know it's only because he loves Lois so much. Second to Lois, I envy the way you show how much Clark loves everything about her and falls into this pit of despair of his own making. He deserves to be put through hell for deceiving Lois in this manner. Concise, fluid, artfully written you drew me in AGAIN and caught me by surprise. This is why I keep coming back. ---- * Every romantic male lead needs a flaw. I once wrote a male lead I loved so much, I never wanted to stop writing the story, so I gave him a major flaw (smoking) so I could end the story... er... novel... and move on with my life.
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Absolutely wonderful. I loved this conversation.
I had a tiny, small, infinitesimal moment when I wanted it to veer off cannon so that they could get together 'right now' but it was lovely to know that this leads into the real relationship.
Thank you.
KatherineKent/Victoria Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you." Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?" Lois: "I think so."
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Lovely. Very well written, as usual,  and I really enjoyed the conversation from Clark's perspective, reexamining some of his own actions in comparison to how Lois saw them. Also-- nope. No Mayson support coming from my corner. :p I think it was a very apt description of their relationship (Lois and Mayson's I mean. I don't think her estimation of Mayson being a slut was accurate... entirely.) Good job!
Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness. --Mark Twain
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OK, I will probably be hit with laserbeams, but here I go. 
A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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A missing scene/rewrite from 'The Eyes Have It'. I was wondering one day why Clark suddenly found the courage to ask Lois out in 'The Phoenix'. Wow--you had my interest immediately by only reading the summary! What a good idea to explore--never had had the thought of exactly why Clark finally asked her out when he did...(but honestly, just knowing it was one of your stories was enough of a reason to have me sitting down to read it--BIG fan!  ) Like was mentioned earlier, I really enjoyed the story from Clark's perspective--and hearing what he thinks and how he internally reacts to Lois...I just love how he loves her so much--reading his thoughts was a pleasure. "Sorry!" Lois pulls her hand away and I instantly miss her touch. I wish she'd do it again; give me that little piece of familiarity in the unrelenting darkness that has swallowed me whole. If it wasn't for the soothing and steady beat of her heart, I think I'd be in full panic mode right now. This is exactly what I am talking about (as I sigh again thinking about this blurb  ). Lois takes a seat next to me on the couch. I can feel her staring at me, taking advantage of the situation to study me when she thinks I won't know. I guess I owe her as much for all the times I've gawked at her without permission. Watching Lois in the break area is the highlight of my mornings. I love the fall of hair across her face when she turns her head and the graceful motion of her hands as she prepares her coffee. I especially love it when she has to get something down off the top shelf. She'll go on tiptoe, elongating the already sleek lines of her calves, while all I can do is sit at my desk and watch in awestruck wonder. And again...your insight into Clark's inner-workings is amazing! One of my favorite things to watch in the show is the looks Clark gives Lois--especially before they are together officially...you can tell that he is blown away by his feelings for her. I like that you included that element into your story b/c it is very "Clark"  --''according to my mom, I talk about Lois all the time"--LOVE! Such a simple sentence, but for some reason, it really did a lot for me...This insight added into the great conversation that was progressing between them. Because that never happens, I think. It's a revelation to hear Lois Lane sounding so jealous. Over me. Not Superman, but Clark. You'd think every woman I meet flirts with me, if you believed her version of events I love a jealous Clark, and a jealous Lois is pretty great, too I'm expecting a denial, but instead she whispers, "I hate it when he smiles at her."
I'm shocked into silence.
She clears her throat softly and continues, "He used to smile at me like that. I guess it's true what they say – you don't know what you've lost until it's gone." Lois really opening up...love to see that! And see the levels of emotion going on with her regarding Clark and Mayson and her true feelings... "He's my best friend," she says softly. "And, most days, that's enough. But sometimes…" Her voice trails off and the apartment becomes so quiet that all I can hear is both our heartbeats.
The silence -- and my curiosity -- stretch on and on until they become exquisite enough to make me prompt, "Sometimes?"
"Sometimes…" She lets out a nervous laugh. "I don't know. Maybe you could hint to him, you know, that someone besides Mayson would like to go out with him." The "but sometimes..." Oh--all the possibilities in that open line Laura
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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It's all treats for me this Halloween, no tricks! Ken - Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Kismatt - I know last night was a rough one for you, so it means that much more to hear it made you feel a little better. Virginia - I was being more tongue in cheek with that question about people defending Mayson.  In truth Mayson Drake is one of my favorite recurring characters. Maybe it's because I can relate to her attraction to Clark (and the fact that she's never going to get him). I don't share her antipathy for Superman, but I thought they made a good case for her feelings. In many ways, 'The Eyes Have It' illustrates one of my biggest gripes about the series. Specifically, that characterization was often sacrificed simply to make a joke or force the plot along (especially in those last two seasons). Up to that point, Mayson and Clark had gone out to lunch together once (and danced together at Church's ball). Their one "date" ended with Mayson telling him that if he wanted an interview, he should schedule it with her office. So for her to suddenly show up and proposition him to go away to the mountains on a romantic retreat stretches my credulity. As does the comedy of errors that prevents Clark from giving her a straight "no" answer. First he's paying more attention to Lois' phone call than Mayson's invitation. Then, when he's about to turn her down, Perry interrupts. Then Mayson's beeper goes off. And, finally, he gets blinded. I suppose he could have called Mayson the next morning when he called his parents, but he had bigger problems on his mind. He never actually accepts the invitation ergo he never stood Mayson up. She made that assumption. And that's what irks me most, because Mayson is a stickler for rules. There's no way she'd assume a "yes" answer without an *actual* yes answer. I don't mind them making Lois jealous. It's good for her to recognize that Clark (whether superpowered or not) is a keeper. Plus, Mayson and Lois made great foils for each other. What I mind is that they turned Mayson into a repugnant and desperate female. They were trying to be cute and clever, and it came at the expense of both Clark and Mayson's characterizations. Clark is too well mannered to stand someone up, and too much in love with Lois to even consider spending a weekend with Mayson. I think Mayson does intrigue him, but not in the way that Lois does. Mayson should have been allowed a lot more dignity. So, IMHO, Clark's flaw isn't that he has a hard time standing up to strong females (because there are many more examples of him NOT having that problem: Lois, Toni Taylor, Diana Stride…). In this instance, it's the writer's fault, not Clark's. His flaw(s), as I see it, is/are that Clark has a hard time admitting when he's wrong or being petulant ("Unless it's lined with lead, it's a waste of time" and his reaction when she turned down his proposal) or discounting Lois' theories if they don't fit with his. Usually that's because he actually had special knowledge of the situation as Superman (just about every time Lex is involved or his insistence on investigating Martin Snell over Mayson), but he acts so superior about his POV that I can't fault Lois for getting frustrated with him. Sometimes he's simply a jerk horning in on a story because he thinks Lois can't function without him(I've Got A Crush On You). And sometimes it comes down to the fact that he thinks he's always right (breaking up with Lois for her own good). And that should about do it for my tangent. I love how you write Lois. Katherine - Originally I had this written in the third person and it did veer off canon. And then I realized, that while that was fun, it wasn't what I meant to write. Thanks! Mouserocks - I don’t think Mayson was a slut, either. But it does take a certain kind of gal to invite a guy you're barely dating to come spend an isolated weekend with you.  I'm glad you enjoyed the story - thanks! Morgana - I think you're absolutely right about Mayson's two biggest sins (especially in the eyes of most female fans). It seems to me that Scardino gets more of a pass than Mayson. They were both pretty aggressive, but only one of them was smarmy. I was annoyed with Lois, but at the same time understood her fears. Yay! I'm glad that came across. Laura - I'm 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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That was a good story. I think I could finally understand why Clark wants to tell Lois as Clark that he is Clark.
John Pack Lambert
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Ah, Sue! Sigh! So wonderful a snippit. It definitely moves the romance along. More of this anytime you get the urge. Artemis
History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
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Loved it Sue! Wonderful little story. Wish there was more of course. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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It was fun/interesting to speculate that Lois would be the only familiar thing he has left when he's stuck in the dark. I had recently rewatched 'Ordinary People' and his whole "being with you is stronger than me alone" speech was still in my head, so I went with the idea that, once he realized that he wasn't alone in searching for answers, he'd also realize that having Lois to help and believe in him is a driving factor in his life. When I was reading your story, what really pulled at my heart, were the lines about how Lois was the one keeping Clark 'sane' (for lack of a better word) during the blinding crisis...That intimacy--that he knew he wasn't alone and could somehow get through this because he had Lois right there with him--was the emotional 'hook' that really got me. When you quoted the 'being with you is stronger than me alone' speech, I had a bit of a 'aha!' moment She really is. Mostly because she seems to focus in on the personality traits of her "rival" that mirror her own. And she is very animated when jealous, too (thinking of Lois jumping on Clark's bed in The Rival). Getting Lois all worked up, in full-babble mode, is priceless I don't understand how Clark can stand up to Lois (Sewage Rec. Fac) when he can't stand up to these other strong women in his life, especially when he loves Lois and doesn't love them. So, IMHO, Clark's flaw isn't that he has a hard time standing up to strong females (because there are many more examples of him NOT having that problem: Lois, Toni Taylor, Diana Stride…). I was thinking about this off and on after I read the feedback tonight...guess I'll put my 2 cents in  ), I never have thought much about anything that ever happened btw Clark and Toni Taylor/Diana Stride/etc...I really only saw them as 'episode story-lines'--didn't mean much of anything to Clark, so didn't think much about his interactions with them. Basically, I get the feeling from Clark that he is SUPER polite (maybe a bit to a fault sometimes), but not a pushover. He wanted Lois from the get-go and didn't stray from his heart. As Lois says about Clark, to her mother in INPY, "He made me notice him" (I think that's the quote anyway--late, sleepy, and a little out if it now  ). Point being, he was focused on Lois, and not too much on anyone else... Tangent, I'm sure, beaten to death with a large stick now--sorry  . Officially done.....I think. Laura
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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There are few things that can compare to the joy of checking the boards and finding lovely, lovely comments waiting for you. John - Thank you! I find it fun that we can all still find new things in the characters after all this time. Artemis - Thanks! Glad you liked it! Sadly, the "urge" that started this story occurred about four years ago. When I was going through all the snippets and unfinished ideas on my laptop a few months ago, I found it. It was short and it was almost done, so that made it easy to salvage. Laurach - Thank you! There's always more lurking in our imaginations, isn't there? Laura - Half the fun of a comments thread is reading everyone else's perspective on the characters. I know I've had my eyes opened or my mind changed on more than a few occasions due to the insight from another FoLC. what really pulled at my heart, were the lines about how Lois was the one keeping Clark 'sane' (for lack of a better word) during the blinding crisis...That intimacy--that he knew he wasn't alone and could somehow get through this because he had Lois right there with him--was the emotional 'hook' that really got me. When you quoted the 'being with you is stronger than me alone' speech, I had a bit of a 'aha!' moment ...I always understood what Clark meant when he told Lois that line, but I sort of took it for what was said--you totally illustrated what he said by his inner-working thoughts in this story! Very effective. That is so gratifying to hear! That's exactly the tone I was trying to achieve. And she is very animated when jealous, too (thinking of Lois jumping on Clark's bed in The Rival). Getting Lois all worked up, in full-babble mode, is priceless I question how they made Lois so over-the-top jealous in 'The Rival', but I do enjoy when Clark (deliberately) pushes her buttons and she tosses him out of her apartment. And, yeah, I did/still do laugh at her checking the bed in his apartment. My take on it is that the only reason that Clark DOES stand up to Lois--repeatedly--is for the fact that he loves her. He cares what is going on in her life, about her safety, well-being, etc., so he has no other choice in his mind than to tell her what he thinks and feels. Oooh! I like that! See, that's what I mean by finding new things in the characters. And that is exactly why he maybe seemed aloof with Mayson--or maybe 'indirect' is the better word. IMO he seemed to put enough effort into his 'friendship'--we'll call it that--with Mayson to be polite, but I don't think he took a stance with her, in much of any way, because he didn't have the need, or feelings for her, to make the effort. Yes! He was very nice to Mayson, but he never pursued her. He never asked her out. To our knowledge, he only ever called her when he was looking for information. (The cabin in the woods thing has always been a mute point to me--Clark never officially gave an answer, so didn't stand her up--Mayson, she just sorta threw it out there, in my mind WAY too early and out of the blue--and b/c of Clark's indirect answer, should have not assumed one way or the other an outcome). Yes, exactly! It was much too early in their "relationship" to be asking that sort of thing. And he never answered, so it's insane to believe that he was agreeing to the idea. I'll skip over discussing Lana, just because she's in his past and, whatever he might have felt, it was never anything more than puppy love. I only mentioned Diana and Toni because they were the first examples that came to mind. Like you said, he's unfailingly polite (as both Clark and Superman) to them, but he doesn't take much crap from them, either. He wanted Lois from the get-go and didn't stray from his heart. As Lois says about Clark, to her mother in INPY, "He made me notice him" (I think that's the quote anyway--late, sleepy, and a little out if it now). Point being, he was focused on Lois, and not too much on anyone else... Very well put! I tend to err on the side of him feeling something different when he first met Lois. It was attraction, yes, but there had to be something else for him to stay interested after she was so awful to him. Like he tells her in 'Battleground Earth', the day he met her he finally felt like he belonged. Even though that probably wasn't the instruction they gave back when they were filming the Pilot, he certainly looks thunderstruck at their first meeting. Tangent, I'm sure, beaten to death with a large stick now--sorry . Officially done.....I think. Naaaah. There're still plenty of details to obsess over. <rubs hands in glee> My thanks to everyone for commenting. You absolutely make my day! 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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Real quick now (because it's late):
YAY another Sue S story
YAY for the great story
YAY because it answers a question I never knew I had, which was why did Clark finally get off his duff and ask Lois out? Because he hadn't done for two years up to this point, so why change now?
YAY for the great banter
YAY for the character insight
and general all-round YAYness here!
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Very fun story! It really helped justify why Clark (FINALLY) asked Lois out. I love (and at the same time want to shake him very hard for) the fact that he finally takes the initiative because of something Lois says to his *other* identity. It's such a very Clark thing to do.
Ultra Lucille
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"I don't know," she says after several seconds thought. "Laundry, maybe."
"On a Friday night?" I don't believe her for a second. "It's going to ruin my image of Lois Lane if you're serious." So there I was, late last Friday night--with the kiddos asleep and my husband napping on the couch--catching up on our laundry  ...some sort of 'familiarity' kept nagging at me while I was putting clothes away, and then your story popped into my head again LOL...Point being, my husband and I have GOT to go out on a date night sometime soon  ), I think--and this is all IMHO--it all comes back to Clark's origins. By the time Clark arrives at the Planet, he has been 'different' for many years. He has hidden who he is--from everyone he has ever known (barring his parents, of course). He has been on-guard constantly, and he has been putting distance between himself, and literally the rest of the world, by traveling place to place. Getting a job at the Planet was probably a dream of his--but would he really have stayed around long enough to make it his reality? Don't know. And see, I think the reality of what 'clicked' for him--what made him WANT to fight to have a normal life--was meeting Lois. I think he instantly was attracted to her when she steam-rolled into Perry's office (maybe a 'love at first sight'?), but I think it was him identifying with her that forged his deep, early connection to her. He had been alone, and outsider, up to this point, and I think he saw himself in Lois--which would have been a connection he had never experienced. Lois came across as different. Everyone sort of kept their distance from her, somewhat intimidated, or not knowing how to connect with her. She pushed people away--something Clark had been doing out of necessity. She put up a front--hiding her true self from everyone--and because of this, she was alone...exactly like Clark. She had issues, as an adult, that were from her childhood experiences, and as Clark learned about her early life, he could understand some of her insecurities b/c he felt some of that himself (due to questions about his past, and also, his current life). I think Clark saw right through Lois' 'game' when he met her b/c he was playing the same 'game' himself. And this was HUGE for Clark--giving him familiarity that he had never had before. Hence what he says in BE: "I kept waiting for some incredible feeling of connection--a feeling that I was exactly where I belonged. But that's only happened once in my life....the day I met you." I don't think it took him very long at all to really 'get' Lois--and when he did, he fell whole-heartedly in love with her. And to get Lois into the conversation (hey, why not?  )). Everyone else kept their distance, due to Lois' actions mostly, so Clark stood out immediately to her--and looks GREAT in a towel, but that's a whole other topic  ). Laura
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Iolan - It's enough to know that you read it and liked it. it answers a question I never knew I had, which was why did Clark finally get off his duff and ask Lois out? Because he hadn't done for two years up to this point, so why change now? I didn't fully realize I had that question either until recently. :p Lucille - Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. To be fair, Clark did ask her out in the Pilot ("Do you want to grab some dinner or something?") and she sort of accepts, then turns him down, then lectures him not to fall for her. A year later he tells her he's in love with her and gets the "I only like you as a friend" speech. So I can see why he's a little leery about going for a third rejection. Laura - LOL! You paint a very domestic scene -- Friday night, kids asleep, husband napping on the couch while you fold laundry... It's exactly the sort of thing Lois thinks she doesn't want (but secretly does). I've been trying to figure out why, from watching the show, I always got the impression that there wasn't anyone that came, even remotely close, to Lois--in terms of Clark's love. Because really, I never saw Clark leaning any other way, but towards her--but I never thought about the 'why' beyond the fact that he fell in love with her. <sigh> It's true! And it's what surprises me most about the Mayson hate. That poor girl never, ever had a chance. Clark was intrigued by her (and the fact that she liked him just for him), but he was never smitten. Lois, on the hand, actively dated Scardino. I think the reality of what 'clicked' for him--what made him WANT to fight to have a normal life--was meeting Lois. I think he instantly was attracted to her when she steam-rolled into Perry's office (maybe a 'love at first sight'?), but I think it was him identifying with her that forged his deep, early connection to her. He had been alone, and outsider, up to this point, and I think he saw himself in Lois--which would have been a connection he had never experienced. Yes! You're totally preaching to the choir here, because I know I've explored variations on that theme in at least a couple of stories (most recently in 'Second Honeymoon', over on the nfic side of the boards). Earlier in that story Clark tells her: "There's noise around me all day, Lois. For the most part I simply tune it out. I go home to Kansas a lot because I love my parents, but also because there's a peace on the farm that I've only ever found in one other place. Whenever you're near me, it's like the rest of the world goes quiet and I don't have to concentrate so hard to ignore it. It happened the moment you stepped into Perry's office when he was interviewing me. It's why I never gave up pursuing you, even when you were mean to me. You're like this island of quiet in a world of chaos to me. You're… home to me." Several parts later, he follows up on that statement with: "… I wanted to believe that there was someone out there I could tell about this field and the truth about me. I traveled the whole world, looking for the one person I could trust. So don't ever think there could be somebody else. It's you, Lois. I knew it the moment we met in Perry's office." Lois came across as different. Everyone sort of kept their distance from her, somewhat intimidated, or not knowing how to connect with her. She pushed people away--something Clark had been doing out of necessity. She put up a front--hiding her true self from everyone--and because of this, she was alone...exactly like Clark. She had issues, as an adult, that were from her childhood experiences, and as Clark learned about her early life, he could understand some of her insecurities b/c he felt some of that himself (due to questions about his past, and also, his current life).
I think Clark saw right through Lois' 'game' when he met her b/c he was playing the same 'game' himself. Yes! I'm pretty sure I've followed that thread of logic before, but I can't remember which story. Clark stood out immediately to her--and looks GREAT in a towel, but that's a whole other topic Let's go there next! I really don't think anyone, besides Lois, ever stood a chance when it came to Clark's love. There were so many levels where they 'fit' each other, there really wasn't another option for him. Very true! And, I think, the same goes for Lois, she was just slower to acknowledge it. One of my favorite things about Lois is that, for all her bravado, she's got this soft candy center and she wants (but hates to admit, even to herself) someone to love who will love and adore her in return. It was a great reveal in the Pilot, after we've watched her be tough and professional on the job, to see her go home and weep over a soap opera. At other points in the series we see her reading romance novels (and she's even writing one). One of the most endearing things about Clark is that he never gives up on her. He's willing to be whatever she needs -- a partner, a friend, a shoulder to cry on -- so long as it keeps him in her life. He's a very patient man, in more ways than one. Tangent--now stepped on, beaten down, and torn apart. I don't know why it's so much fun to dissect Lois and Clark's relationship (but it is! ). I guess it's maybe because there seems to be so many interesting aspects of these two characters, and how they react to/off each other. I just find them to be so easy to relate to (but I guess that's a whole other conversation ). If nothing else, this tangent has demonstrated that there's at least one other FoLC out there who shares my view on the characters.  Like Clark, it turns out I'm not alone, either. It's a wonderful feeling. Now, about that towel… 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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You summed up the Mayson storyline perfectly here: That poor girl never, ever had a chance. All of my rambling, and really, that said it all  ... Anyway, to sum it up, the only way IMO that Dan was a more viable opponent to Clark (than Mayson was to Lois), was because Lois, at this point, didn't have all of the information (re: Clark=Superman) at her disposal, and Lois was, due to her upbringing/etc., more gun-shy than Clark with truly acknowledging her own feelings. 'Second Honeymoon', over on the nfic side of the boards Funny you should mention that...about to start reading part 18!  Amazing! (First nfic I have ever read--and definitely will now be reading more). I read Honeymoon in Vegas last spring (till 4:00 am one night  ), and discovered your new story a few weeks ago. Thought about commenting as I went along, but kept wanting to get to the next part. I've been reading each chapter--along with each comment thread (they are great, too!)--but now that I'm getting closer to catching up, I've been slowing the reading down to 'enjoy' it longer  . LOVE this story! Will post when officially caught up One of the most endearing things about Clark is that he never gives up on her. He's willing to be whatever she needs -- a partner, a friend, a shoulder to cry on -- so long as it keeps him in her life. Exactly why I love his character. My favorite thing about Clark is how he loves Lois, so purely, and so completely. The feelings he has (and later, that they have for each other) elevated their relationship, IMO, over so many other shows or stories I've seen. If nothing else, this tangent has demonstrated that there's at least one other FoLC out there who shares my view on the characters. Like Clark, it turns out I'm not alone, either. It's a wonderful feeling. Definitely agree--and now I understand why your stories have always stood out so much to me!  . Very similar takes on these characters, and their story. Please--keep writing your wonderful stories, Sue! Next up: Any and all discussions about towels 
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
Joined: Aug 2012
Posts: 256
Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
Joined: Aug 2012
Posts: 256 |
There's a Tumblr gif I need to share about Lois' disguise, but I can't get to it at work *kicks firewall*. I'll post a link to it when I get home. *makes a note to self* Also, Laura, you neeeeed to read Sue's  nFic. *ducks flying tomato from Sue* I particularily loved Revisionist History....oh, and Evasive Action....oh, and the Steps duo....and then there's...well, you get the idea. 
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)