Awww, that was heart-wrenching. Poor Lois. I get the whole "don't beat other kids even if they are jerks" thing, but like...its also important ot at least hear your kids side of the story and weigh these things in. But its Sam and Ellen I'm sure they, like Clakr said, have gone on to some other topic lon gago, but Lois neither knows nor unddrstands this yet, that they just used her recent "adventure" as a catalyst to blame each other for...all sorts of things.
And poor CLakr as well. HE's so lonely and the fact the only person he seems to feel comfortable around is a five-year-old, is telling. Not that he feels entirely comfortable though. He very much realizes the more...ah...problematic aspects of the situation. ANd he also knows that the more he will return, the more Losi expects him to continue, and the bigger the temptation to do so is for him. But also when he doesn't, it will make Lois sad too and he also doesn't want that. So whatever he does, there's no way to win for either of them.
It's really a mess, all around.
You'd think foster care parents would be ckecked out more for their qualifications and such. But I assume, thats not always the case so long as they can get the kids somewhere and "out of the way" in some regions...
There's a reason why Canon Clakr is such a positive perosn overall and why this one is...really not. Just shows the impact J&M had on his life.
Enjoyed this again!
Now, have to go off to do my own writing...