Catching up on yesterday's post...

Clark had been the one to introduce this new tradition, filling each bag with thought and care. Opening it without him didn’t feel right.
That's what I thought yesterday when she opened the bag while Clark was in the other room.

With a sigh, she left the bag untouched and went to get ready for work.
That is definitely a tribute to Clark's influence on her. Could you imagine a pre-Clark Lois voluntarily waiting to satisfy her curiosity about anything?

“Oh, I’m positive,” Lois said, already gathering another snowball.
Ooh... I love a good snowball fight. (All right, technically, I love reading about a good snowball fight while I am safe and warm inside.) Of course, it seems to me like it would be far from an equal pairing, even if Clark weren't super -- he probably had a lot more experience with such fights (having grown up in rural Kansas) than Lois, not to mention that he probably would have better aim, given his history with sports.

<Happy sigh> Thank you for a wonderful, WAFFy ficlet. smile
