No. No no no no no no no no. I'm still recovering from the Clark/Rachel thing this morning in Carol and Missy's story and now I'm reading what Lois is doing to Clark. I can't handle this... eek

The 2x4 that Labby suggested using to whack Lois with is too small. I recommend that Clark remove a sturdy ceiling beam from a rafter somewhere and use that. I'll help him.

I know that Lois is mad about the whole CK=S thing, and it is certainly in character for her to express this anger. But can't she see what this is doing to him? Doesn't she see the sincerity oozing out of every single pore as the poor boy pours his heart out to her? She seems to, yet her anger - and fear - are making a real mess of things. And she's not warning him that Luthor knows about his true identity, even though she knows that Clark doesn't trust Lex. She and Lex deserve each other.

I'm curious to see what happens next.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5