826: Lois is threatening some thug with her Tae Kwon Do moves. Put the poor thug into jail ASAP, or he'll be a case for the coronor.

827: Lois is threatening someone's life at the Daily Planet.
827a: Ralph What's-His-Name (because he made the wrong lewd comment at her)
827b: Jimmy (because he might have mentioned some dreams involving Lois)
827c: Clark (not an emergency, unless kryptonite is involved - but don't tell Lois.)
827d: Cat (What can I say? They got into another catfight...)
827e: Perry. (He refused to give her a good story.)
827f: Ellen Lane. (No idea why she had to visit her daughter at work, but the situation is dire indeed.)
827g: Lucy Lane (for borrowing and wrecking one of Lois' favorite work suits).

828: Lois is driving - get the kids off the sidewalks and call an ambulance - just in case.

829: Lois is offending a cabbie and his driving skills at the top of her lungs. (Cabbies just don't measure up to the notorious Lane driving style.) Might get nasty, so send an ambulance - just in case.

830: Lois went into labor during the Kerth ceremony - again. It's a curse, really. wink

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)