More questions that answers, but here we go:

The way I remember it, Lois called out to Lex at the ball during the pilot episode, danced with him, and I thought I remembered they made a "date" for Lois to interview him. After the date, Lex walked Lois home and kissed her on the cheek. Clark was hovering outside her window. Is my memory correct here? This was before Superman appeared on the scene. Based on this, I'd say that at this point Lex might have been mildly attracted to Lois, but not obsessed.

In subequent episodes, I do not recall Lois going out with Lex at all. Lex did become obsessed with Superman, testing him, trying to get rid of him, etc, but I don't recall him taking any particular interest in Lois. If anyone has the scripts of these first episodes, maybe they could check that.

In PML, Lois and Lex had what I recall as their second date. Does anyone remember who set this up? Did Lois call Lex and remind him that she still had the second half of her interview pending, or did Lex call Lois to set up a date with her? Before the date takes place, Lex is sprayed by Miranda. During the date, he acts very weird, and afterwards confesses to Nigel (I think it was Nigel) that he is in love with Lois.

To my recollection, it is after this that Lex & Lois begin dating.

The way I remember it, Lex's obsession with Lois was caused by the spray, and the fact that he was at least physically attracted to her in the first place. I agree with Nan's assessment that he also saw her as a challange, and, in some ways, as an equal (or at least as close to an 'equal' as anyone, especially a woman, could be). In the later shows, where he brain-washes her and attempts to do the body-swap, he does seem convinced that Lois will eventually buy into his 'might makes right' philosophy.

Before proposing, I don't think he even considered Clark as a rival. (As evidenced by his using Clark as a dupe in order to lure Superman into his trap.) Although he used his upcoming wedding to Lois as a weapon to cause Superman pain, I never got the impression that this is why he had proposed.

(My 2 cents worth.)

- Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster