Of course, if you don't like that plotline you can always do a fanfic rewrite
Mentally, I do. Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to get it onto paper.

But I do like
reading fanfics with that premise.
You are correct in saying that, like it or not, on the show Lois
did accept Lex's proposal. Actually, on the show a lot of things happened which I felt were OOC, or angst for angst's sake, like the non-wedding arc.
So, where does that leave us? Well, I don't think Lois would have accepted the proposal. However, if you can get me over the accepting-the-proposal hump, I will say that the only reason Lois backed out of the wedding was Clark, and without a Clark in her world, there is no reason for her not to carry through and marry Lex.
- Vicki