...we are sick to death of your whining.
Whining? *Whining*?! You can't be serious. Sure, she may whined some, but are you really "sick to death" of it? How long has she been whining, exactly?

You did not bring this matter to the attention of the Merriweather Committee. The Committee was suspicious of the source of the story and had been checking to make sure it was posted somewhere and not someone else's work submitted just to test us. We spent three days trying to track down your story on archives, googling, Fanfic.net and other sources then we wouldn't have wasted so much time unnecessarily. If you had been upfront with us when you submitted the story, i.e., had told us that it was your story under a different name, then this error would have been corrected a lot sooner. You even submitted it under a new e-mail address. Several members of the M-Comm wasted three days because you refused to come forward and admit your charade.
Does this whole excuse sound ludicrous to anyone else? Let me see if I can get this straight, my apologies if I get it wrong.

You went ahead and announced winners of the contest when you were suspicious that one of the entrants (who was at the time a winner as well) was a plagiarist?! eek

Seems to me, this is either a little smoke to hide true intentions, or you all are a little more disorganized than it appears.

You say you wasted time trying to deduce the true intent of the submission in question... if such a thing was going on, I wonder why the winners were posted before you resolved the issue.

Why did you feel the need to have both scorecards before you posted? To test us? So see if we were legit?
Well, all things considered, can you blame her if that was her intent? I don't.

Furthermore, *you* all are anonymous. Why can't Hazel be if she wishes? I haven't read the rules, so I'm not sure if Hazel was breaking any, but that seems like a double standard. razz

I also had another question... I thought the judging was supposed to be done anonymously. So why were you trying to find out whose story it was?

Something doesn't add up, and I'm sure it's not just the number of "Katrina's" there are.


Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆

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