Furthermore, *you* all are anonymous. Why can't Hazel be if she wishes? I haven't read the rules, so I'm not sure if Hazel was breaking any, but that seems like a double standard.

Yeah, this is the bit that really gets to me. The judges are anonymous and we're supposed to trust them without question. You yourself, the Chairman, are anonymous. But submitting a story under a pseudonym is a "charade" that wastes Mcomm's time? You can't have it both ways-- either we're all anonymous, or we're not.
As for pursuing problems in private, it sounded like Hazel had attempted to contact you that way and never received a reply. You can't be upset with her for trying a different avenue of communication.
I appreciate that you're all volunteers. I know way too well how much work it is trying to go to school and deal with family issues. I know you're still feeling this out and you're going to make mistakes. But the holier-than-thou attitude doesn't lend itself well to sympathy. And it's hard to empathize with a person/people who hide behind a "mouthpiece."