Hi guys! Thought I'd take a moment to answer a few of your questions. Again, the comments are overwhelming me. I really appreciate each and every one.
Is he surviving in the cell with the kryptonite for all this time?
Jen, in part 4 there's a small snippet that tells the guards came in and dug up the small piece of kryptonite.
I think you didn't cover the sunlight issue enough, but it is an interesting question when Clark doesn't get enough to have his powers return but gets enough to stay alive.
Trenna, the effects of the sunlight on Clark's powers have been explained various ways in many different fics, just like in TPvCK. In this one, I chose to have it be just enough coming through to tease. It was my hopes that the reader would understand from this that while I understand the sun recharges Clark, I'm going on the theory that they don't keep him alive. So, lack of sun would only keep him from becoming super again, not kill him.
As for Jen's comment, she missed the part where the guards dug up the kryptonite.
I thought Luthor had arranged for Clark to be executed within a week? How come they let him live? Though I guess this pertains to the previous part, why did they take away the kryptonite? Did they just assume after a few weeks that Superman wasn't coming?
Most of these questions will be answered... just keep reading!
I just wanted to let you know, SQD, that you are
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">you are so evil
Merry, I think this is the first time you've told me that. I know it seems that way now, but hang in there!
Why didn't Clark try to soak up as much as he could every day?
Again the sunlight... While there was a small stream coming through the window, there wasn't enough to recharge him after the k-nite had drained his powers. Enough to tease, but not enough to help.
Actually, to express how I truly feel right now, I had to borrow this for a second:

Borrow on, Kathy! Though you feel a little whacked right now, I have to say I'm proud of myself as a writer for being able to stir this kind of emotion. It makes me feel like the effort I've put into this thing was worth it! Thank you all.