Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Mouserocks rocked this year's super short category (and the short category, for which I'm currently prepping the quiz). Go, Mouse!
So, other than the one I recommended above I'd like to add her: "Driving Lessons" and "Aftershocks" (most of the others on my list, I just realized, were eligible for last year's Kerths).

Thanks, Virginia. When I can't get the chance to actually work on a full length fic, I try to churn out a short about once a month or so. I doubt any of them "rocked" due to the lateness at which I write most of them, but thanks anyway

And yeah, most of the things I posted early in the year were leftovers from the year before. (I finally got my act together this year-- I am up to date on stories to Archive!

) I hope to keep that up through 2014.
I think everybody's recommended the ones I can think of, though I'm sure I'll think of more to add eventually. Now that I'm seeing some of the answers, I'm doing a fairly decent impression of this:
EDIT: So I was double checking a couple of my stories because Virginia mentioned that several of mine are layovers from last year's stories that didn't get Archived in time. I have no idea where else to post this, but here's the ones that may look like they're from this year but actually would
NOT qualify:
Timing is Everything
The Tooth of the Matter
Scientific Impossibility
Stealing Second
Kill Your Heroes
Go For Superman
Bad Guys Always Have a Plan
Blue SkiesYeah, that should be it, for all the archived ones that may say it was submitted around March of 2013 but in actuality were posted in 2012.

Just to help clear things up.