At long last, here are the scores for this quiz.
Virginia – 18 points and a star sticker for recognizing her own story!
Ultra Woman - 11
Darth Michael – 4 points
LMA – 2 points and a shiny star sticker for recognizing her own story!
LynnSM – 2 points and a shiny star sticker for recognizing her own story!
Lady Loisette – 2 points
Mouserocks – 1 point
And the recommendations:
(Be sure to check out Ultra Woman's post with links above!)
I Hate Cheese by Mouserocks
The Lingering Night by Lynn S. M.
A Lovely Smile by Morgana
One Small Detail by Female Hawk
Camembert by Ultra Lucille
Driving Lessons – Mouserocks
Aftershocks – Mouserocks
Encounter in the Park – Mary Potts aka Queen of the Capes
A Sharp Left Turn – Happy Girl
Thank you so much to everyone who participated!