mmmmm..... ok. try this on.
since this is a fictional world we're dealing with, mention at the start of the story where you think the city/cities are, if it matters in your story.
yeah, most seem to think it's east coast.....hang on a sec. I was thinking about this this morning in bed before I got up. I *think* I know why i've got metro, calif stuck in my head. in one of the christopher reeve superman movies, I believe lex was buying up all of the property along a certain line in calif, and then he was going to somehow trigger a massive earthquake and have the west sliver of calif pretty much sunk into the ocean, which would mean his relatively "cheap" middle-of-the-state purchases would now be rendered ocean-front property, and he could sell 'em at a tidy profit. am I remembering right? I saw that as a lil kid, naturally, so i think from this, metropolis was firmly plastered into my brain as california. eh?