Reasons why it can't be on the southern west coast:
There is snow in Metropolis. You rarely get snow in California.
See other weather patterns mentioned in the show.
No talk of beach babes
They refer to nearby big cities, like New York.
The look of Metropolis is based on older cities. California does have beautiful older areas, but the eastern cost is of course older.
Here and there, Clark's flight path to the Kent's farmhouse from Metropolis is referred to and it match more of the 'eastern' as opposed to 'western' side of the US.
I sence more of an eastern 'culture'.
Ohhh, Clark with a summer tan *YUM*....hmmm he wouldn't get one would he? Nevermind. Drat.
(oh I know you can get a tan on the east coast. It isn't all dreary
