I agree -- I love the show because I identify with Lois Lane so much. She's "Everywoman" to a whole generation of young, professional, socially isolated, yuppie women

I, too, have a demanding job, a dysfunctional family, a secret love of romance novels, ineptitude in the kitchen, and a tendency to watch soaps while eating ice-cream out of the tub. Every time I see Lois at home, scrubbing grout and wearing a schlumpy robe, I think, "Hey, that's me." And I fantasise, as every woman does, about a man who will never hurt me.
And when Clark comes along, Mr Nice Guy, farmboy in the big city, with his puppy-dog eyes, perfect parents and an inability to lie, I think, "I want
him!" And I root for Lois and Clark, because if it could happen to her, it could happen to me, too.
-- Jude