I've asked my boyfriend about half a million times if he can fly... *lol*
He's from a very small town (about 2000 people), but works in the city (big city! Montreal is over a million people). He's really sweat and caring, well behaved like you can't imagine (he won't even cross the street unless the light is green... ever!) and honest - I swear this guy never lies! Plus he speaks several languages and has an incredibly broad general culture. Oh and he's even got dark hair and blue eyes like the comics version of Superman.
...and for some reason he's spent the last 10 years putting up with me.
I, on the other hand, am impulsive as hell and a bit loud, opinionated, not to mention very hard headed. I've mellowed down quite a bit, but it used to be I'd bulldoze over anyone that would stand in my way of something I wanted. hehehe.

Oh, and did I mention, I cannot stand to lose... (I do have *some* qualities, too, I promise! I'm real loyal and I'd pretty much give you the shirt off my back if you needed it more than I do) No wonder I like Lois... No wonder I wanted to *be* Lois!
One thing bugs me, though - even though my boyfriend is different from all the other guys I've ever dated, I can still find several things similar between them and Superman/Clark... I wonder if that means that girls always end up finding superhero qualities to their boyfriends??