Let me put myself out of my misery and fill in the blanks for everyone.

"Did any part of meeting up with your roots feel good? I mean, did it satisfy some need, or did it disappoint you?"

"Maybe all of those. I kept waiting for some incredible feeling of connection...A feeling that I was exactly where I belonged. But that's only happened to me once in my life."


"The day I met you."

"For a spaceman, you are the most romantic person I've ever known. Earth guys don't have a chance against you."

All together now... aaaawwwwwww! Hope that's right. Taken from some NK episode. Battleground Earth?

help Someone else choose another quote please - first come, first served. I can't do it right now.

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.