Uh, I got the quote.. atleast I think I got the quote. It's just that I double checked it with the script (and that's got the sentence with "panty lines" differently), so I guessed some of it, Plus the -hit (with) in the last line ????
Mr Goode , great news! I think I saw something I wasn't supposed to see while Lois Lane was interviewing Superman!
What’s that? His cape flew up and you saw his panty lines?
Better seems like everybody's hero is doing some very unheroic things with a certain ace reporter
EDIT ---
Sorry I was too excited with getting it right and just posted without thinking. It seems like cheating, since I din't contribute anything and just reaped up the fruits of others' hard work.

... sorry.. I'll come up with the next quote in a bit or if someone else want to go?..