Hi, guys
Having recently been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, I'm looking for a little advice. I know that there are quite a few diabetics among the board members, so thought you'd be the ones who might be able to help
I find that I have absolutely no imagination when it comes to food and menus

and as a result I'm really struggling with what's a very (entirely self-imposed) restrictive diet. It's a reasonably healthy diet, but very boring and dependent on only a few main ingredients (chicken, fish mostly) When it comes time each week to make up a shopping list, I'm stumped for ideas on what to get to vary my meals.
I find that if I try to get some ideas from the net, most of the sites are American and I often have trouble translating various foods. Many of them aren't available over here in the UK either.
I also need to take account of other dietary requirements, such as my diet must be low in sodium and because the diabetic meds I'm on have side effects of weight gain, I need to make sure what I'm eating is weight loss friendly too, to counteract the negative impact there. So low-fat, low-calorie, etc. Juggling all of these requirements is proving to be a bit of a dampener on what little imagination I have in the first place. <G>
So, I'm looking for ideas - recipes (quick and simple please - my idea of cooking is throwing chicken into a microwave and waiting for the ding

), a general idea of what other diabetics eat regularly, and how you vary your meal plans...that kind of thing.