Keep an eye on your blood sugar readings, but don't be too worried if they're all over the place for the next months--it takes a long time to get them under control and consistent.

The good news is that it's not too hard to learn to live with diabetes. A diabetic diet is no different than the diet we all should be eating anyway. Once your blood sugar is well controlled, there is some wiggle room. It's not that you can never have a treat again, it's just that you'll need to think more about the balance of your diet.

Two of your greatest allies are fiber and exercise. Both will increase your glucose sensitivity and help you manage your blood sugar. Depending on your current habits, slowly increase both the fiber in your diet and the amount of exercise you get. There are lots of ways to get fiber--you should eat lots of whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. High-fiber breakfast cereals and oatmeal are also ways to get extra fiber. Along with fiber you get through your foods, consider supplementing. You can get powders that you can make into a beverage, fine powders you can stir into foods, and fiber wafers. A high-fiber diet will help you use what insulin you do have much more efficiently. Exercise will help you in the same way. Along with helping with weight control, moderate aerobic exercise (i.e. walking) will sensitize you to your own insulin. Weight training is very important because muscle uses glucose for fuel. As you build muscle, it consumes more glucose leaving less for your system to try to deal with.

I hear you on it being hard to find new things to eat. It's very easy to get into a rut. Others are right too that you have to be on the lookout for hidden sugars. Keep in mind that a lot of salad dressings and cooking sauces (barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, etc.) contain sugar. Carbs are OK to eat--you just need to choose high-quality carbs. Don't swear off potatoes, they're versatile, filling, and full of fiber and nutrients. Try to choose whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and whole grain breads and crackers, don't eat more than two servings at one sitting, and eat them with some kind of protein and fat so they stay with you for a while.

Best of luck to you--I hope things go smoothly for you.