Hi Everyone,

I wasn't sure if this was the right folder for this (should it be in Fanfic Related?) but here it is anyway!

I have really got into the West Wing recently, having borrowed the DVD's of a friend of mine it is quickly becoming an obsession second only to my L&C one!
I have never read any other fanfic apart from L&C so I wondered if any of you guys could recommend any good WW fanfic? I have found the archive and the National Library but wondered if anyone had any specific recommendations? (The only thing to be considered is that I have only seen Season 1&2, so I don't want too many spoilers!Will be wathcing the next 3 asap!)

Oh and because I haven't had a chance to say... Happy Birthday to everyone who celebrated this week!

Sarah-Jayne smile

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
Christopher Reeve - Still Me