My son isn't signed up to this forum, but he asked me to post this for him:
I honestly have not posted in any forum, and generally do not as a preference, but because of recent circumstances I feel that I should at least do this once in memory of my Aunt Linda.
The first thing I have to say, due to my Aunt Linda passing away, is that she truly was one of the most
inspiring people I have ever had the pleasure to know. I loved her for all that she was and I will miss her for as long as I will live. There is no one word that truly describes her, for she had many qualities that are unique. Kind, generous, I think that the thing that truly made her one of a kind is she cared for others before herself. I was not able to be there with her when she departed, and I will always regret not being able to see her one last time. I know that she found comfort in the fact that all of her family loved her and everyone wanted to be there for her. I will truly miss her.
Alan B Smith