I'm really sorry for your loss, Nan
I partly know about awe-inspiring courage. My brother's best friend passed away three years ago.He was 26. He fought his cancer disease for nearly a year, even if every specialist had given him almost no chances to live, and during that year he *touched* the lives of people near him in a very special way; obviously he was loved by his parents, his brothers, his sister-in-law, his friends, but his courage and his strength during that year has ispired so much respect and love and pride for this wonderful young man who, during the last few months, helped his parents and family and friends to cope with his impending death. For my brother it's still difficult speak about him, and I can only imagine how much difficult it is for his family and expecially his twin-brother. when someone says the name "Federico", the very first thought is for him, that he is not here anymore, but the second thought is how much he was wonderful.
You feel sad, and scared, and angry because he or she is not here anymore, but you feel honoured and grateful to have been a part of their life.
My thoughts are with all of you; I hope your memories of Linda can help you in this moment