You have my prayers and good wishes, Terry. Remember, it may be an unusual thing for you, but the doctors do it all the time. And I'm sure your daughter will exercise due care. Four of my 7 kids are driving at this point, and one is getting ready to take driver's training, and so far (knock on wood) they've survived. My Marine daughter (who is now in CID in North Carolina) managed to skid her SUV into the guard rail of a bridge a couple of years ago, but that was on an icy road, and she and the kids came out fine. That was when she was unused to driving in snow and ice.

I'm going in for some surgical repair next month, myself, and expect to be hors de combat for about 6 weeks following that. Hopefully everything will work out as well. My best wishes to you and your wife.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.