Wow. Clark is actually descending from the heights of lunkheadedness without Lois needing to hurt him first. I didn't think that I'd live to see this...
The first time I read this section, I thought it was all progressing a bit too fast. But then I reread it, and it works for me. Clark may not be the same man as he was when imprisoned 10 years ago, but there are innate elements of his nature which he can only deny and suppress for so long. And obviously they weren't buried as deeply beneath the surface as he thought. I liked watching his thinking processes as he started asking the questions that he needed to ask.
And obviously I like watching Lex start to unravel. It will be most satisfying when Conner takes him down.
I still wonder why Clark can't at least see the
possibility that he could be the father to young Master Lane (yes, very clever that we haven't been told his first name yet

), but I guess we can't have too many miracles at once.
And I think this was my favorite part...
<<It's not like you're waltzing back in and picking up where you left off.>>
That thought was almost ridiculous. There was no way he could ever go back. Too much had happened.
<<But wouldn't it be wonderful?>>
"Stop it, Clark…" He stopped when that name left his lips. In one short breath, he'd admitted that he could never deny who he'd once been. And suddenly he wasn't so sure he wanted to anymore.
Yes, Clark, the journey home has begun...
I'm looking forward to the foundation benefit.

And I've decided that Lois will know him instantly. She may not recognize him from across a crowded room, but when she meets him, she'll know him.