Hey guys! I still can't get over all this feedback. When I started this story, I never dreamed it would be such a hit. Thank you all so much!

Oh, but this part was fantastic, SDQ!...(on the edge of her seat now, here under her Rock)
Thank you, Melisma. Glad I can keep you interested.

Absolutely brilliant, SDQ!! Can't wait for more...
Bless you, KathR.

Did I mention that I'm seriously looking forward to the next part?
meclone2, the next part has been sent off for final beta as we speak.

this part was well written
Thank you, Meni.

GREAT stuff SQD!! Can't wait for Pt.10 and the Foundation dinner!!(selfish aren't I??)
No, Liz, just curiously hooked!

Will the name of the boy tell Clark the truth? Will Lois *know* him when she meets him?
How do I answer that, Gabriele?... Read part 10!

Anyway SQD that was defintly one of the best parts of this story, although I have the suspicious- or let`s say the hope- that the part where Lois and Clark will meet each other will be even better
Thanks, Sunshine! I sure hope she doesn't introduce Clark to her on again, off again boyfriend when they meet. Think his name is... Luthor? evil

And I've decided that Lois will know him instantly. She may not recognize him from across a crowded room, but when she meets him, she'll know him.
Do you think, Kathy? evil

I think it's supposed to say...Do you mean my son?
Thanks for that catch, Catherine. I've gone back and fixed that.

I personally would not be adverse to seeing you post daily.
If I didn't have to send along parts for final beta, I'd gladly post daily. Sorry. Please hang on. I'm working, and so is my beta-reader, as fast as we can.

That was the best part yet.
Thanks, Laura!

Hi SQD great story, looking forward for the next part
Thanks, Iapetus.

Thanks again to all reading and commenting on this. Hang with me. I'm working on it as fast as I can.