Well, I've just finished catching up with this and, you know, it wasn't quite as bad as I feared it might be.

First impressions - have to say I absolutely loathe, loathe, loathe the new logo, credits and theme. Set my teeth on edge. razz

The jury is still out on Matt Smith - I feel now that although he'll never be the same as my beloved Ten I might warm to him in time. Which is an improvement. I do have to say though that it wasn't until the final confrontation with the Atraxi that I felt that I finally saw a flash of the Doctor in there. Up until then, I had no sense at all of the Doctor being present.

Amy Pond - I think I could get to like her. The acting was a bit ropey from the actress playing her, but I'm sure she'll settle in just fine.

As for the rest, I read reviews of the previews of this in which the reviewers called it a nice blend of funny and creepy. I'm afraid I felt neither. I didn't find the funny bits especially amusing and I certainly didn't get any sense of Moffat's trademark creepiness which has so often thrilled me in episodes like Blink and the River Song episodes.

Not that I hated it. I can't say that. But it just seemed a very bland, pedestrian outing for the Doctor. Not wonderful, not terrible, just something middling in between. I really liked the Doctor threatening the Atraxi, as I've said, and there were a few bits here and there that were fine, but otherwise, there was nothing much to write home about. And few surprises.

What's coming soon did look exciting though and I'm definitely interested in seeing how Eleven and Amy deal with their adventures. I figure at this point that's as much as I can expect really. wink

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers