Matt Smith's portrayal is better than David Tennant's first adventure, which had him in a coma for at least the first 30 minutes (odd how people seem to have forgotten that one)
Oh, I haven't forgotten that one at all. He may have been in a coma for the first half, but I saw the Doctor present throughout and it's an episode I really enjoy. Which was something which was lacking for me in this one as I say, right up until the end.

But then, they did have the advantage in introducing Ten that they already had an embedded companion and an established relationship between the two, so admittedly the did have more to contend with in this one, in having to introduce two completely new characters at once.

Another thing which occurred to me overnight was that I didn't get much in the way of chemistry between the two - but that's something that can grow as we go, of course.

I'm certainly half expecting that both of them will grow on me. Certainly, Matt Smith grated on me far less than I'd expected him to. And, to be honest, I think what disappointed me most was the story, rather than Amy and Eleven. It just seemed rather pale and uninspiring coming from a writer who's penned some of my favourite episodes, such as the ones I've already mentioned. I guess I was expecting much more from him. Hopefully, he'll be back on form for the rest of the season. Certainly, the coming soon trailer showed a lot to look forward to.

Do you have any idea how many episodes they will have this year?
I understand we'll have a full 13 episode season this year. goofy And I did enjoy Annette Crosbie's little piece where she was suspiciously running over Amy's career choices and coming to some belated conclusions.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers