I'm proud of my country because it allows a form of same-gender "marriage" - with a few differences to "regular" marriage, but still.
I'm proud of my country because everyone is in health insurance, and nobody is stopped from getting a regular, often-used treatment because they cannot pay for it.
I'm proud of my country because, whenever there is a demonstration of facists or nazis, there are people demonstrating against them. (And the latter usually are more numberous.) And I'm still proud that these people are granted their right to hold demonstrations.
I'm proud of my country because people without an income or too low an income to support themselves are supported by the state. (Some people overuse it, though.

I'm proud of my country for trying to help in the world wherever needed, yet trying to avoid warmongering.
I'm proud of my country for having learned from its past.
I'm proud of my country for its tolerance for religions - even between local leaders of different religions, there is a lot of tolerance.
I'm proud of my country for having overcome being split in two and reunited decades later.
And I'm proud of my country because everbody can hold a political office, whether they're born in another country (Cem Özdemir, Philipp Rösler), have non-standard sexual preferences (Guido Westerwelle) or a woman from the former "Democratic" Republic (Angela Merkel).
As you can tell, I'm not American - but there are many more countries in the world you have every right to be proud of.