Poison (re-read)
The Borgia Betrayal - Sara Poole

It's always nice to read a really strong, interesting female heroine and Poole's Poisoner series, told from the perspective of her fictional official poisoner to the Borgias, Francesca, certainly revolves around one of the best. Can't wait to read book three.

Now You See Me - S. J. Bolton

From a strong female lead from history to another more modern. I'd throughly enjoyed Bolton's previous supernatural thrillers, but this was a bit of departure into a more conventional detective-based plot. I was intrigued by the details of the Jack the Ripper case, most of which I never knew (including the startling, but imo thoroughly convincing idea that he might have actually been a she) that peppered the story. And I fell in love quite rapidly with DI Lacey Flint and her colleagues.

The ending was complete, but left open and just as I was thinking I could have gone some more time with these guys, I spotted the first chapter in the sequel tacked to the end of the book. A series, apparently. dance I've ordered book two.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers